On the diversity of the genus Pisione (Polychaeta, Pisionidae) along the Portuguese continental shelf, with a key to European species

Martins, Roberto, Martín, Guillermo San, Rodrigues, Ana Maria, Quintino, Victor (2012): On the diversity of the genus Pisione (Polychaeta, Pisionidae) along the Portuguese continental shelf, with a key to European species. Zootaxa 3450: 12-22, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.208487 : {"references": [&...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Martins, Roberto, Martín, Guillermo San, Rodrigues, Ana Maria, Quintino, Victor
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Zenodo 2012
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.208487
Summary:Martins, Roberto, Martín, Guillermo San, Rodrigues, Ana Maria, Quintino, Victor (2012): On the diversity of the genus Pisione (Polychaeta, Pisionidae) along the Portuguese continental shelf, with a key to European species. Zootaxa 3450: 12-22, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.208487 : {"references": ["Alikunhi, K.H. (1951) On the reproductive organs of Pisione remota (Southern), together with a review of the Family Pisionidae (Polychaeta). Proceedings: Plant Sciences, 33(1), 14-31.", "Anderson, M.J., Gorley, R.N. & Clarke, K.R. (2008) PERMANOVA+ for PRIMER: guide to software and statistical methods. University of Auckland and PRIMER-E, Plymouth. 214 pp.", "Carvalho, S., Pereira, P., Pereira, F., Pablo, H., Vale, C. & Gaspar, M. (2011) Factors structuring temporal and spatial dynamics of macrobenthic communities in a eutrophic coastal lagoon (Obidos Lagoon, Portugal). Marine Environmental Research, 71(2), 97-110.", "Chainho, P., Chaves, M.L., Costa, J.L., Costa, M.J. & Dauer, D.M. 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