Revision of Benedeniella Johnston, 1929 (Monogenea: Capsalidae), its assignment to Entobdellinae Bychowsky, 1957 and comments on subfamilial composition

Whittington, Ian D. (2010): Revision of Benedeniella Johnston, 1929 (Monogenea: Capsalidae), its assignment to Entobdellinae Bychowsky, 1957 and comments on subfamilial composition. Zootaxa 2519: 1-30, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.196223 : {"references": ["Baird, W. (1853) A Catalogue of the S...

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Main Author: Whittington, Ian D.
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Zenodo 2010
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Summary:Whittington, Ian D. (2010): Revision of Benedeniella Johnston, 1929 (Monogenea: Capsalidae), its assignment to Entobdellinae Bychowsky, 1957 and comments on subfamilial composition. Zootaxa 2519: 1-30, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.196223 : {"references": ["Baird, W. (1853) A Catalogue of the Species of Entozoan or Intestinal Worms contained in the Collections of the British Museum. London: printed by order of the Trustees, 132 pp.", "Brinkmann, A. Jr. (1952) Reports of the Lund University Chile Expedition 1948 - 1949. 6. Some Chilean monogenetic trematodes. Lunds Universitets Arsskrift, 47, 1-26.", "Bullard, S.A., Payne, R.R. & Braswell, J.S. (2004) New genus with two new species of capsalid monogeneans from dasyatids in the Gulf of California. Journal of Parasitology, 90, 1412-1427.", "Bychowsky, B.E. (1957) Monogenetic Trematodes, their Classification and Phylogeny. Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, Leningrad. (In Russian). (English translation by Hargis W.J. & Oustinov, P.C. 1961. 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