Taxonomic review of cestodes of the genus Catenotaenia Janicki, 1904 in Eurasia and molecular phylogeny of the Catenotaeniidae (Cyclophyllidea)

Haukisalmi, Voitto, Hardman, Lotta M., Henttonen, Heikki (2010): Taxonomic review of cestodes of the genus Catenotaenia Janicki, 1904 in Eurasia and molecular phylogeny of the Catenotaeniidae (Cyclophyllidea). Zootaxa 2489: 1-33, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.195570 : {"references": ["Externall...

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Main Authors: Haukisalmi, Voitto, Hardman, Lotta M., Henttonen, Heikki
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Zenodo 2010
Online Access:
Summary:Haukisalmi, Voitto, Hardman, Lotta M., Henttonen, Heikki (2010): Taxonomic review of cestodes of the genus Catenotaenia Janicki, 1904 in Eurasia and molecular phylogeny of the Catenotaeniidae (Cyclophyllidea). Zootaxa 2489: 1-33, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.195570 : {"references": ["Externally, C. kirgizica resembles species of Skrjabinotaenia (Skrjabinotaeniinae), which also have acraspedote, short proglottids, anteriorly positioned genital pores and posteriorly widening neck. However, Skrjabinotaenia spp. differ fundamentally from Catenotaenioides in having testes surrounding ovary in various ways, not restricted posterior to ovary as in C. kirgizica and other species of the Catenotaeniinae (see Tenora et al. 1980).", "Abramson, N.I., Rodchenkova, E.N. & Kostygov, A.Y. 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