Eudendrium caraiuru sp. n. (Hydrozoa; Anthoathecata; Eudendriidae) from the southeastern coast of Brazil

Marques, Antonio C., Oliveira, Otto M. P. (2003): Eudendrium caraiuru sp. n. (Hydrozoa; Anthoathecata; Eudendriidae) from the southeastern coast of Brazil. Zootaxa 307: 1-12, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.156612 : {"references": ["Alder, J. (1856) A notice of some new genera and species of Brit...

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Main Authors: Marques, Antonio C., Oliveira, Otto M. P.
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Zenodo 2003
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Summary:Marques, Antonio C., Oliveira, Otto M. P. (2003): Eudendrium caraiuru sp. n. (Hydrozoa; Anthoathecata; Eudendriidae) from the southeastern coast of Brazil. Zootaxa 307: 1-12, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.156612 : {"references": ["Alder, J. (1856) A notice of some new genera and species of British hydroid zoophytes. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 2nd series, 18, 353-362.", "Alves, J.M. & Mayal, E.M. (1990) Eudendrium capillare (Hydrozoa, Hidroida). Resumos do XVII Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia, Londrina.", "Arillo, A., Bavestrello, G. & Boero, F. (1989) Circannual cycle and oxygen consumption in Eudendrium glomeratum (Cnidaria, Anthomedusae): studies on a shallow water population. Pubblicazione della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli, I: Marine Ecology, 10(4), 289-301.", "Bavestrello, G. & Arillo, A. (1992) Irradiance, temperature and circannual cycle of Eudendrium glomeratum Picard (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria). Bolletino di Zoologia, 59, 45-48.", "Boero, F. & Cornelius, P.F.S. 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