Training Course On Geothermal Electricity - Potsdam

Session I – Market aspects - C. Karytsas and D. Mendrinos Session II – Legal, environmental and financial aspects - S. Fraser, F. Jaudin and T. Reif Session III – Geothermal exploration and resource assessment - A. Manzella, J.‐D. van Wees, P. Durst and C. Dezayes Session IV – EGS technology - J.‐D....

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Schütz, Felina, Spalek, Angela
Format: Report
Published: Zenodo 2013
Online Access:
Summary:Session I – Market aspects - C. Karytsas and D. Mendrinos Session II – Legal, environmental and financial aspects - S. Fraser, F. Jaudin and T. Reif Session III – Geothermal exploration and resource assessment - A. Manzella, J.‐D. van Wees, P. Durst and C. Dezayes Session IV – EGS technology - J.‐D. van Wees, G. Zimmermann, P. Durst and C. Dezayes Session V – Drilling - W. Brandt Session VI – Flash steam and binary technology - E. Hallgrímsdóttir and P. Bombarda Session VII – Plant operation, energy supply and grid integration - F. Heilemann and S. Reith : GEOELEC - IEE : {"references": ["Calcagno P., Bouchot V., Thinon I., Bourgine B., 2012. A New 3D Fault Model of the Bouillante Geothermal Province Combining Onshore and Offshore Structural Knowledge (French West Indies), Tectonophysics 526\u2010529 (2012) 185\u2010195.", "Genter A., Guillou\u2010Frottier L., Feybesse J.\u2010L., Nicol N., Dezayes C., Schwartz S., 2003. 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