Summary:Topographic Map (Preliminary edition) Coats Land ST 25-28; Topographic and glaciological information gained from the interpretation of geocoded and mosaicked Landsat satellite imagery; Inset maps: Location diagram, Geographical names diagram and Index to adjoining sheets at 1:1 000 000 scale; Series of 10 published maps at 1:1 000 000 scale based on the IMW map sheet numbering system: Ekströmisen SR 29-30, Lassiter Coast SS 19-21, Brunt Ice Shelf SS 25-27, Ritscherhochland SS 28-30, Ronne Ice Shelf ST 17-20, Berkner Island ST 21-24, Coats Land ST 25-28, Institute Ice Stream SU 16-20, Filchnerschelfeis SU 21-25, Shackleton Range SU 26-30 Sources used for geographical names, see map legend; Scale: 1:1000000;Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic; Bounding Box: POLYGON ((-36 -76, -12 -76, -12 -80, -36 -80, -36 -76));Datum: WGS72 ...