Characterization Of Antioxidant Peptides Of Soybean Protein Hydrolysate

In order to characterize the soy protein hydrolysate obtained in this study, gel chromatography on Sephadex G-25 was used to perform the separation of the peptide mixture and electrophoresis in SDS-polyacrylamide gel has been employed. Protein hydrolysate gave high antioxidant activities, but didn&#...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Abu-Salem, Ferial M., Mahmoud, Marwa H., M. H. El-Kalyoub, A. Y. Gibriel, Azza Abou-Arab
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2013
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Summary:In order to characterize the soy protein hydrolysate obtained in this study, gel chromatography on Sephadex G-25 was used to perform the separation of the peptide mixture and electrophoresis in SDS-polyacrylamide gel has been employed. Protein hydrolysate gave high antioxidant activities, but didn't give any antimicrobial activities. The antioxidant activities of protein hydrolysate was in the same trend of peptide content which gave high antioxidant activities and high peptide content between fractions 15 to 50. With increasing peptide concentrations, the scavenging effect on DPPH radical increased until about 70%, thereafter reaching a plateau. In compare to different concentrations of BHA, which exhibited higher activity (90%), soybean protein hydrolysate exhibited high antioxidant activities (70%) at a concentration of 1.45 mg/ml at fraction 25. Electrophoresis analysis indicated that, low- MW hydrolysate fractions (F1) appeared, on average, to have higher DPPH scavenging activities than high-MW fractions. These results revealed that soybean peptides probably contain substances that were proton donors and could react with free radicals to convert them to stable diamagnetic molecules. : {"references": ["", "P. Kehrer, \"Free radicals as mediators of tissue injury and disease.\"\nCritical Rev in Toxic., vol. 23, pp. 21\u201348, 1993.", "N. Baydar, G. O\u00a8 zkan, and S. Yasar, \"Evaluation of the antiradical and\nantioxidant potential of grape extracts,\" Food Control, vol.18, pp. 1131\u2013\n1136, 2007.", "N. Rajapakse, E. Mendis, W. K. Jung, J. Y. Je, and S.K. Kim,\n\"Purification of a radical scavenging peptide from fermented mussel\nsauce and its antioxidant properties,\" Food Research International, vol.\n38, pp.175\u2013182, 2005.", "R. 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