Sift Accordion: A Space-Time Descriptor Applied To Human Action Recognition

Recognizing human action from videos is an active field of research in computer vision and pattern recognition. Human activity recognition has many potential applications such as video surveillance, human machine interaction, sport videos retrieval and robot navigation. Actually, local descriptors a...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Olfa.Ben Ahmed, Mahmoud. Mejdoub, Chokri. Ben Amar
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2011
Online Access:
Summary:Recognizing human action from videos is an active field of research in computer vision and pattern recognition. Human activity recognition has many potential applications such as video surveillance, human machine interaction, sport videos retrieval and robot navigation. Actually, local descriptors and bag of visuals words models achieve state-of-the-art performance for human action recognition. The main challenge in features description is how to represent efficiently the local motion information. Most of the previous works focus on the extension of 2D local descriptors on 3D ones to describe local information around every interest point. In this paper, we propose a new spatio-temporal descriptor based on a spacetime description of moving points. Our description is focused on an Accordion representation of video which is well-suited to recognize human action from 2D local descriptors without the need to 3D extensions. We use the bag of words approach to represent videos. We quantify 2D local descriptor describing both temporal and spatial features with a good compromise between computational complexity and action recognition rates. We have reached impressive results on publicly available action data set : {"references": ["D. Weinland, R.Ronfard and E. \" A Survey of Vision-Based Methods\nfor Action Representation, Segmentation and Recognition\", Computer\nVision and Image Understanding 2010", "K.Aggarwal and S.Park, \"Human motion: Modeling and recognition of\nactions and interactions\", in 3DPVT-04 Washington, DC, USA: IEEE\nComputer Society, 2004, pp. 640647", "T.B.Moeslund, A.Hilton, and V.Kruger, \" A survey of advances in\nvision-based human motion capture and analysis\", CVIU 2006, 90-126", "A.F. Bobick and J.W. Davis, \"The recognition of human movement\nusing temporal templates\", IEEE T-PAMI, 257-267, 2001", "I. Laptev and T. Lindeberg, \"Space-time interest points\", In ICCV, 2003", "I. Laptev, M. Marsza lek, C. Schmid, and B. 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