Summary:These data are part of a study detailed in Epibenthos Survey of the Bering Sea, North Pacific Research Board (NPRB) Project B-57 Final Report. This Access database includes all summary data records from our analysis of underwater video including abiotic and biotic habitat descriptions, brittle and sea star abundance values, sediment topography values, and all non-video (i.e., grab sample) generated data. The database was also used in creating maps in ArcMap and associated GDB files are found in this file. The Excel file includes results of all video analyses. Data not contained in the Access database includes details of identified fauna (GeneralDescrip worksheet) and counts (Counts Track worksheet) for each station from qualitative analysis, image still frame analysis results for 19 sites. Includes general descriptions of substrate, functional groups, classes/species that make up these groups, and additional features of note.