Summary:This data set contains Telemetry data for northern fur seals in the summer of 2008. Lactating females were tagged with Multi-Channel Accelerometer Biologer (MCAB) tags and Fastloc GPS tags made by Sirtrack. The MCAB tags recorded Date, Time, Acceleration in 3 Dimensions, Depth (Pressure 1), Speed (Infra red reflectance), Earths Magnetic Field in 3 Dimensions, Temperature (internal), Temperature (external) Light, Pitch (deg) and Roll (deg). The GPS tags recorded position in Lat and Long and Date and Time among other things. 26 females were successfully tagged with GPS tags. The data locations cover much of the South Eastern Bering sea surrounding the Pribilof Islands out to a radius of up to 400 km away from St. Paul Island. 6 females returned with MCAB data.