О создании в краеведческих музеях этноботанических экспозиций живых растений с демонстрацией способов использования продуктов из них : About creating ethnobotanical expositions of living plants in local history museums with a demonstration of how to use products from them

Интересная и разнообразная культура аборигенных народов Северо-Западного региона Европейской части страны представлена в многочисленных краеведческих музеях, достаточно крупных и совсем маленьких. Они находятся в районных центрах и небольших деревнях. Но во многих ли из них могут не только рассказат...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Лебедева Т.П., Ткаченко К.Г.
Format: Report
Published: Ботанические сады в современном мире 2021
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.24412/cl-36595-2021-1-75-77
Summary:Интересная и разнообразная культура аборигенных народов Северо-Западного региона Европейской части страны представлена в многочисленных краеведческих музеях, достаточно крупных и совсем маленьких. Они находятся в районных центрах и небольших деревнях. Но во многих ли из них могут не только рассказать, но и показать, как жили наши прадеды и прабабки. В статье рассматривается возможность создания музея, где можно будет увидеть, какие растения наши предки использовали в быту и обрядах и как именно они это делали. : The development of civilization has broken the close connection of man with the natural world, making this connection more complex and mediated. Self-isolation of a person through a variety of technical and other means leads to oblivion and loss of many folk traditions and knowledge, including about the surrounding nature. At present, against the backdrop of a rise in the self-awareness of the peoples of our country and their turning to their cultural roots, as well as a growing interest in a healthy lifestyle, the need for such an experience arises again, and a person striving to return to nature as much as possible seeking help in ancient knowledge. An interesting variety of culture of indigenous peoples and the North-Western region of the European part of the country is represented in numerous local history museums, quite large and quite small. They are located in district centers and small villages. But how many of them can not only tell, but also show how our great-grandparents lived. The article suggests creating a Museum where you can see how our ancestors used plants in everyday life and rituals. It is very important at present, including through museums, to collect outgoing information on the use by the local population of various wild plant species as useful (as food, medicinal, industrial; what species and how they used for hunting and fishing, for pet care, in various calendar rites). The collection and analysis of the collected original folk knowledge about plants will allow not only to more fully characterize the ethnic groups living in the North-West of Russia, but also to preserve this rapidly disappearing part of the folk culture, but also, even more valuable, will help to discover previously unknown properties of the most common plants.