Occurrence Download

A dataset containing 1817 species occurrences available in GBIF matching the query: { "and" : [ "Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-120.85 51, -120.9 51, -120.95 51, -120.95 51.05, -121 51.05, -121.05 51.05, -121.05 51.1, -121.1 51.1, -121.15 51.1, -121.2 51.1, -121.25 51.1, -121.3 51.1, -121....

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Occdownload Gbif.Org
Format: Dataset
Published: The Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2021
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.15468/dl.qchv4z
Summary:A dataset containing 1817 species occurrences available in GBIF matching the query: { "and" : [ "Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-120.85 51, -120.9 51, -120.95 51, -120.95 51.05, -121 51.05, -121.05 51.05, -121.05 51.1, -121.1 51.1, -121.15 51.1, -121.2 51.1, -121.25 51.1, -121.3 51.1, -121.3 51.05, -121.35 51.05, -121.4 51.05, -121.4 51, -121.45 51, -121.5 51, -121.55 51, -121.55 51.05, -121.6 51.05, -121.6 51.1, -121.6 51.15, -121.6 51.2, -121.6 51.25, -121.65 51.25, -121.7 51.25, -121.7 51.3, -121.75 51.3, -121.8 51.3, -121.85 51.3, -121.85 51.35, -121.9 51.35, -121.95 51.35, -121.95 51.3, -122 51.3, -122 51.25, -122.05 51.25, -122.05 51.2, -122.05 51.15, -122 51.15, -122 51.1, -122.05 51.1, -122.1 51.1, -122.15 51.1, -122.15 51.15, -122.2 51.15, -122.2 51.2, -122.25 51.2, -122.25 51.25, -122.3 51.25, -122.35 51.25, -122.4 51.25, -122.45 51.25, -122.5 51.25, -122.55 51.25, -122.55 51.3, -122.6 51.3, -122.6 51.25, -122.65 51.25, -122.65 51.2, -122.7 51.2, -122.75 51.2, -122.8 51.2, 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"BasisOfRecord is one of (Human Observation)", "HasGeospatialIssue is false" ] } The dataset includes 1817 records from 12 constituent datasets: 63 records from Pl@ntNet observations. 1 records from Happywhale - Humpback Whale in North Pacific Ocean. 1 records from TOPP Summary of SSM-derived Telemetry. 17749 records from iNaturalist Research-grade Observations. 5 records from The Lepidopterists' Society Season Summary. 268 records from Xeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world. 61 records from naturgucker. 3606 records from NuSEDS - New Salmon Escapement Database System. 606384 records from EOD – eBird Observation Dataset. 59 records from Odonata Central. 441 records from Pl@ntNet automatically identified occurrences. 192 records from Observation.org, Nature data from around the World. Data from some individual datasets included in this download may be licensed under less restrictive terms.