Occurrence Download

A dataset containing 54276037 species occurrences available in GBIF matching the query: { "and" : [ "Geometry POLYGON((-11.88 32.766,66.645 32.766,66.645 73.883,-11.88 73.883,-11.88 32.766))", "HasCoordinate is true", "HasGeospatialIssue is false", "Taxon...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Occdownload Gbif.Org
Format: Dataset
Published: The Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2021
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.15468/dl.mayq2d
Summary:A dataset containing 54276037 species occurrences available in GBIF matching the query: { "and" : [ "Geometry POLYGON((-11.88 32.766,66.645 32.766,66.645 73.883,-11.88 73.883,-11.88 32.766))", "HasCoordinate is true", "HasGeospatialIssue is false", "TaxonKey is Arthropoda", "Year 2000-2020" ] } The dataset includes 54276037 records from 3812 constituent datasets: 6 records from Riedkanal Bötzingen. 1 records from New and little known species of Lepechinella (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Lepechinellidae) and an allied new genus Lepesubchela from the North Atlantic. 543 records from Brood cell No. of trap-nesting species Alb 2008. 2035 records from SSNATV_2017_12_18. 178 records from Données naturalistes de THENARD Jodie. 6 records from The millipede family Polyxenidae (Diplopoda, Polyxenida) in the faunas of the Crimean Peninsula and Caucasus, with notes on other European Polyxenidae. 11 records from Waldstück Bremerhagen LK Bio Kl. 12. 1047969 records from Dragonfly records from the British Dragonfly Society Recording Scheme. 41 records from Überschwemmungsgebiet der Wied. 97 records from Bannwald Burghauser Forst. 20500 records from SEWBReC Bees, Wasps and Ants (South East Wales). 4 records from Données 2016 Pélobate brun Comité Départemental de Protection de la Nature et de l'Environnement. 5 records from Meiofauna densities from in situ feeding experiments in the Nazare Canyon conducted with sediments from ROV push-core JC10-95-PUC03. 77 records from Sorensen distance for herbivores. 8947 records from Mise en place d'un suivi scientifique des odonates pour la production d’indicateurs de biodiversité. 5 records from Meiofauna abundances at the Arctic Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano (HMMV) of sediment core PS64/313-1. 89 records from Great British Bee Count 2016 - Stage 2 (records verified from photo). 19 records from Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Insects of National Park Bashkirija. 1 records from Orthochaetes estrelanus sp. n., a new species from northern Portugal and new records of other Styphlini (Coleoptera, Curculionidae).. 2 records from Dermaptera of Iran with description of Euborellia angustata sp. nov.. 12 records from Etude écologique de la Cité Scolaire Paul Valéry Paris 12ème. 1 records from Birdrace-Die_Nachtraben-Stuttgart. 14 records from Artenvielfalt des "Grünen Klassenzimmers". 154 records from Portuguese Decapoda Crustacea - Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência collections. 2145 records from Arbeitsgemeinschaft Heuschrecken Österreichs. 42 records from Great British Bee Count 2015 - Stage 2 (records verified from photo). 10 records from Waldsee. 15 records from Liether Park (LMS), 6c. 17 records from Mississippi Entomological Museum. 98 records from GERECO_Environnement_2017_12_18. 3 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Le baron Gaetan provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 26 records from Schulgarten Fichteschule. 1 records from A revision of Eastern Palaearctic Anthobium Leach, 1819 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Omaliinae: Anthophagini). II. fusculum group, and two additional species of the nigrum group. 16 records from The millipede genus Glomeris Latreille, 1802 (Diplopoda, Glomerida, Glomeridae) in North Africa. 21 records from AM: Freshwater Invertebrates (1900-2005). 2 records from The Orthoptera collection (EO) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris). 419 records from Collections of Bioclass, school #179, Moscow. 15 records from Palaearctic Osmia bees of the subgenera Hemiosmia, Tergosmia and Erythrosmia (Megachilidae, Osmiini): biology, taxonomy and key to species. 14 records from RNF - Données de la Réserve Naturelle du Marais de Lavours. 136 records from Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Heloridae. 3 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Chiron François provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 51 records from Revision of the Ephippiochthonius complex in the Iberian Peninsula, Balearic Islands and Macaronesia, with proposed changes to the status of the Chthonius subgenera (Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae). 6 records from New distribution data for some charismatic tramp species of Platygastroidea (Hymenoptera). 10051 records from Données multi sources collectées par Hanot Christophe, pour l'atlas des Cerambycidae de métropole (lot 2017). 994 records from Données du naturaliste Maxime Ferrand. 139 records from Revision of the morphology, phylogenetic relationships, behaviour and diversity of the Iberian and Italian ant-like Tachydromia Meigen, 1803 (Diptera: Hybotidae). 16916 records from Biowide Species data. 41 records from Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Sphecidae (s lat). 1 records from Living Cirripedia. 1 records from Distribution of the genus Larinia in the Maghreb, with the first record of Larinia chloris in Algeria (Araneae: Araneidae). 1 records from A new species of the genus Tshurtshurnella Kusnezov, 1927 (Hemiptera Fulgoromorpha: Issidae) from Turkey. 5139 records from DDT05_2017_12_18. 1031 records from ConDidact Citizen Science Surveys - Spiders 2011. 14 records from Naturpark Kottenforst-Ville 15.6.09. 7 records from New species of Pseudoscorpiones (Arachnida) from tree hollows in a Mediterranean oak forest in Spain. 246 records from Araignées du Parc naturel régional de Lorraine-2010 (Troyon,Jezainville-pelouse, Genicourt-pelouse). 17 records from Roter Berg Werdau (Leubnitz). 1132 records from Alterra (NL) - Microarthropods inventory in European countries. 10 records from Mauernacker (Wettsaasen). 3258 records from Données naturalistes de Charlotte PICARD. 1 records from Review of the genus Pogonolaelaps Nemati & Gwiazdowicz (Acari: Laelapidae) with description of a new species from Iran. 99 records from FFH-Gebiet Klosterwasser/Burkau. 38 records from Wiesen in der Grünen Mitte. 144 records from Données naturalistes de Hubert GUIMIER. 1562 records from Données naturalistes de Hervé BOUYON. 52 records from Données du/de la naturaliste D'HINZELIN MARCEL provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 1218 records from Données de la collection Rousset -1947-2013. 254 records from Thistle Heads and Ermerged Insects. 5 records from Revision of the genus Caracladus with the description of Caracladus zamoniensis spec. nov. (Araneae, Linyphiidae, Erigoninae). 98 records from Entomology Collection at the Natural History Museum of Utah. 1758 records from Données DREAL Centre-Val de Loire - Faune - 2018. 6 records from Australian National Insect Collection. 97 records from Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Lauxaniidae. 19 records from Artenerfassung für Jedermann in der Grundschule Kirchboitzen. 13814 records from RECORD Odonata Data. 137 records from SNH Invertebrate Site Condition Monitoring 2013/14: North Rothiemurchus Pinewood SSSI. 199 records from Freiburger GEO-Tag der Artenvielfalt. 217324 records from Lithuanian Lepidoptera and Odonata. 17 records from Schulteich Freie Waldorfschule Darmstadt. 26 records from Ostfriesland. 52 records from Données de GOUDIABY Akaren (SAPROX). 8 records from Electrogena brulini sp. nov. and E. vipavensis Zurwerra & Tomka, 1986 syn. nov. revealed by integrative taxonomy of E. gridellii (Grandi, 1953) (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). 4 records from Inventaire de la flore des espaces verts de la CREA avec le protocole Florilèges. 207 records from RNF - Données du Parc Naturel Régional du Vercors. 5 records from Inventaire de la zone humide SIREDOM - Romard. 876 records from Ensemble des données Odonates. 3 records from GEO-Tag der Artenvielfalt der Klasse 7c am Gymnasium Allee im Wohlers Park. 1 records from Données naturalistes de Piotr DASZKIEWICZ. 32 records from Données naturalistes de TEISSEDRE BERTRAND. 50 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Chevreau David provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 885 records from Communauté_de_communes_Asse_Bléone_Verdon_2017_12_18. 2111 records from Temporal evolution of zooplankton by WP2 net in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea, Villefranche-sur-mer 2004-2010.. 6 records from Art´n Vielfalt im Kinderwald. 61 records from Waldi-Weiher. 1 records from Invasive Non-Native Species, Outer Hebrides. 12 records from Phase 2 Lowland Grassland Survey of Wales. 246 records from Gewann Krampf (Heilbronn). 145 records from Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Crustacea. 12 records from The West Palaearctic Dineura species, focussing on Sweden (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae). 22 records from Naturschutzgebiet Lippeaue (Marl) - Pfadis in Sickingmühle. 24 records from Données de NICOLAS Vincent (SAPROX). 9 records from The genus Haplidia Hope in Lebanon (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae: Rhizotrogini). 189736 records from CLICNAT Base de données naturaliste picarde gérée par Picardie Nature. 19030 records from Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2015-2019. 2 records from Revision of Terellia amberboae group of species (Diptera: Tephritidae). 5 records from Données malacologiques des membres du Collectif GERMAIN. 79 records from Sciences participatives sur les espèces animales introduites (EEE-FIF). 156 records from SNH Invertebrate Site Condition Monitoring 2013/14: Earlshall Muir SSSI. 7 records from Schulgarten mit Klasse 8a (Essen). 2953 records from Ecosphère_2017_12_18. 20 records from Müritz-Nationalpark. 473 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Tellez David provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 20792 records from Estonian Museum of Natural History Department of Zoology. 265937 records from KiEco Freshwater Ecology: River Macroinvertebrates. 24 records from Wald am Schloss Wittgenstein Bad Laasphe. 12792 records from Tachinid Recording Scheme - Tachinid fly records verified via iRecord. 15 records from Shoreline fish distribution in Italian lakes assessed by electrofishing. 1538 records from Données naturalistes de LUPOLI Roland. 19 records from Données du/de la naturaliste JOSSERAND oriane provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 2 records from New records of Spider Wasps (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae) from northern Iran with description of a new species. 7 records from An annotated checklist of the Iranian Brentidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea). 2 records from New record of the steppe longhorn beetle species Phytoecia (Musaria) argus (G. F. Frölich, 1793) (Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) in Bulgaria. 19 records from Abundance of macrobenthos organisms in the northern Wadden Sea in 2008. 305 records from Données naturalistes de François BRETON. 18 records from Schulhofuntersuchung Thomas-Mann-OS. 3152 records from Mayfly (Ephemeroptera) records from Britain and Ireland, via iRecord. 9 records from Nomenclatural changes in the higher classification of the family Tettigometridae (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) with description of a new tribe and new species and a review of the Iranian tettigometrid fauna. 362 records from Centre d'Estudis Avançats de Blanes, Macroinvertebrados Limno. 3 records from Die Bachspezies 2008/2009. 12474 records from Système d’Information Régional sur la Faune et la Flore - FNE Centre-Val de Loire - Données 2016. 4 records from Données naturalistes de MICHELOT MARC. 4 records from Streuobstwiese. 2 records from Two new species of the marine water mite family Pontarachnidae (Acari: Hydrachnidia) from the Gulf of Antalya, Turkey. 2 records from On the spider genus Arboricaria with the description of a new species (Araneae, Gnaphosidae). 109 records from Western Australian Museum provider for OZCAM. 25 records from Rückkehr der Biber in Rheinland-Pfalz - Biber in der Primmerbach. 5536 records from NRW Regional Data: South East Wales Non-sensitive species. 3 records from First records of Edwardsiana sociabilis (Ossiannilsson, 1936) and Laburrus pellax (Horváth, 1903) (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae) in Switzerland. 59 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Wroza Stanislas provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 5 records from Three new country records from the genus Limnephilus Leach, 1815 (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) from the Republic of Kosovo. 18 records from Waldstück am Schullandheim Bad Bederkesa. 2948 records from UK Sarcophagidae Recording Scheme. 172 records from Inventaire de la faune de vertébrés du Parc national du Mercantour. 3150 records from Collembola of Karelia: multiscale analysis of spatial distribution in pine forests. 1 records from Données naturalistes d'Olivier DELZONS. 1237 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Lantz André provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 3 records from Read between the lineata: A revision of the tattooed wasps, Zagrammosoma Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), with descriptions of eleven new species. 10 records from Gewässer des Wartbergparks Stuttgart (bei der Ökostation der VHS Stuttgart). 1 records from The subfamily Cratocentrinae (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae): reappraisal of their morphological characters and review of the West Palaearctic species, with the description of two new species. 21 records from Données naturalistes de BONCHE Jérôme. 5 records from Biodiversity of spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) in Serbia: a review, new records and key to all known species. 21 records from Wildgehege Glauer Tal (Naturpark Nuthe-Nieplitz). 37 records from Données naturalistes du Comité départemental de l'Essonne (CODEP91) de la Fédération Française d'Etudes et de Sports Sous-Marins. 4 records from Données espèces -Expertise IPE 76. 2160 records from University of Minnesota Insect Collection. 125154 records from ARABEL - Arachnologia Belgica. 175 records from Heinersdorfer Sumpfwiese. 28 records from Naturerlebnisraum Koppelsberg. 2 records from Données naturalistes de Wilfried RATEL. 41 records from Données de la Ville de Colombes provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 39 records from Bernhardsthal. 112 records from Données naturalistes de Monsieur VINCENT Alexis. 26 records from Données du naturaliste KERYER Guy provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 39 records from Etude écologique du Parc des Lilas (94). 2 records from Naturschutzgebiet Müchelholz (Mücheln). 24 records from Wiese am Waldrand (Gurtweil). 1 records from Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux, Tome 145 (N.S) n° 38 (2), 2010 - Données faune. 81 records from Données de la structure Communauté d’Agglomération Grand Paris Sud provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 104 records from Jordal. 30 records from Förderzentrum Schmölln. 89 records from Données 2014 de l'Observatoire de la Biodiversité des Forêts. 20 records from Abundances and biological traits of fish sampled by electrofishing (except specific abundance indices) on the River Oir since 1988 (France).. 93724 records from Butterflies of Ireland. 2 records from Artenvielfalt auf Zollverein. 20 records from Subtidal epibenthos and demersal fish monitoring in function of a foreshore suppletion at the Belgian coast, period 2013-2016. 414 records from Nottingham Urban Wildlife Scheme iRecord download 2014 - 2017. 11 records from données de la collection personnelle de CHASSAIN Jacques. 112 records from Schanzenanlage Bergham. 13 records from The West Palaearctic Pseudodineura and Endophytus species (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae). 212 records from St Andrews BioBlitz 2015. 6 records from Contributions to the study of the grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae Gomphocerinae) courtship songs from Kazakhstan and adjacent territories. 1 records from Dörnberg. 18 records from Naturtag. 22 records from Données espèces - Expertise IPE 9. 2 records from Morphology and molecules say: Tanytarsus latens, sp. nov. from Finland (Diptera: Chironomidae). 25 records from On the Staphylinidae of the Greek island Samothraki (Insecta Coleoptera). 497 records from Données du/de la naturaliste JACOB Emmanuel provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 1 records from Atelier de malacologie continentale, 13-14 septembre (Corrèze et Dordogne). Société Limousine d’Étude des Mollusques (SLEM). 1246 records from ZMMU MSU, White Sea Branch. 9 records from Review of the Poecilimon (Poecilimon) zonatus species group and description of new species from Turkey with data on bioacoustics and morphology (Orthoptera: Phaneropterinae). 34 records from Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Dermaptera. 18 records from Schulgelände SGD/Viersen. 26 records from Données du/de la naturaliste ARNABOLDI Frédéric provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 118 records from Bulau. 312 records from Tetranychus urticae collection records in a predator-prey system: Phytoseiulus persimilis (Acari: Phytoseiidae) and Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae). 1554 records from Données naturalistes de Ségolène FAUSTEN. 9515 records from 2010-2013 Beetle Data from Machair LIFE+ Project Plots. 1 records from A New Subspecies Of Chrysolina Sanguineocincta (Crotch, 1871) From Turkey (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae). 3518820 records from Artportalen (Swedish Species Observation System). 582 records from MZL Invertebrate Collections. 2 records from A new genus and species of Haplobainosomatidae (Diplopoda: Chordeumatida) from the MSS of the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park, central Spain. 9 records from A new species of Hersiliola Thorell, 1870 (Araneae, Hersiliidae) from Turkey. 662 records from Alterra (NL) - Microarthropods inventory in grassland and arable land. 719 records from Données de HAURAY Yann (SAPROX). 25 records from Lebensraum Fluß/Zwickauer Mulde in Wolkenburg. 1230 records from Helgeland Museum, Lepidoptera. 90 records from Collection of Coleoptera. 1546 records from Données d'odonates récoltées en 2013 et 2014 par le CEN Aquitaine - Suivi Temporel des Libellules (STELI) / PRAO 2013 - 2017. 5 records from A new species of Pherbellia (Diptera: Sciomyzidae) from Iran. 338 records from FloVegSI-FAV - Faunistical database of ZRC SAZU. 632 records from Ensemble des données Rhopalocères. 5 records from The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: DNA Barcoding reveals sexual dimorphism in Isotrias penedana Trematerra, 2013 (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae, Chlidanotinae). 6431 records from SEWBReC Grasshoppers, Bush-crickets and allies (South East Wales). 14 records from Notes on Mediterranean Theridiidae (Araneae) – II. 81 records from Inventaire faunistique de l'ENS des Parc des berges de Seine. 2084 records from Inventaire et suivi Odonates. 528 records from Collection de longicornes et autres coléoptères saproxyliques de Lionel Valladares. 1796 records from Soil invertebrates occurrences in European North-East of Russia. 3 records from Queensland Museum provider for OZCAM. 12 records from Collection Coleoptera SMF. 6351 records from Données naturalistes de Monsieur LAFAGE Denis. 83 records from Inventaire des coléoptères saproxyliques par pièges à interception sur la RNN de la Bassée. 72 records from Spießwoogtal / Königsbruch (Fischbach). 14 records from Données espèces - Expertise IPE 93. 8095 records from Données d'observations d'orthoptères en Auvergne, d'Emmanuel Boitier, de 1998 à 2015.. 3321 records from Danish Plant Bugs (Miridae). 1 records from Ortelsbruch - Hangmoor bei Morbach. 1808 records from Plecoptera. 494 records from Données naturalistes d'Olivier ESCUDER. 164 records from Données d'expertise convention GTM Bâtiment et le Service du patrimoine naturel du MNHN. 15 records from New and poorly known Holarctic species of Boletina Staeger, 1840 (Diptera, Mycetophilidae). 700 records from Données naturalistes d'Arnaud LE NEVÉ. 2 records from Water striders (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha: Gerridae) of Romania with an update on the distribution of Gerris gibbifer and G. maculatus in southeastern Europe. 66 records from Artenvielfalt der Nordsee - Helgoland. 15 records from Hessen-GEO-Tag am Schlossberg von Homberg/Efze. 52 records from Steinbruch Mainz-Weisenau, 3. Jahr. 18 records from Zielbach (Töll). 1822 records from Données odonates collectées par le CEN Aquitaine entre 1995 et 2015. 652 records from RECORD Orthoptera Data. 1 records from National Plant Monitoring Scheme - England, Scotland, Wales. 1194 records from Données naturalistes de Fabien LE NOUVEL. 260 records from Données du naturaliste PROVOST romain provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 27 records from Schulgelände Kranich-Gymnasium (Salzgitter). 92 records from Suivi de l'expansion du Frelon asiatique (Vespa velutina) : données espèces non cibles piégées. 1 records from A revision of the Anthaxia (Anthaxia) midas Kiesenwetter, 1857 species-group (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Anthaxiini). 1512 records from Effects of elevation gradient and aspect on butterfly diversity on Galičica Mountain in the Republic of Macedonia (south-eastern Europe). 27 records from Fliegenhaupt Marksuhl. 3 records from Type specimens of invertebrate collection at University of Oulu Zoological Museum. 1013 records from Données naturalistes de Quentin ROME. 211 records from SEWBReC Springtails and allies (South East Wales). 2096 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Vindras Laurent provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 2030 records from UK Biodiversity Action Plan Invertebrate Data for Wales. 232 records from Plants galls. 46 records from Artenvielfalt auf dem Schulgelände. 5 records from New data on jumping spiders of Iran, with a new species of Salticus (Araneae: Salticidae). 250 records from A survey of the weevils of Ukraine (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea). 1 records from A new genus and species of Laelapidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from Iran. 86 records from The millipede genus Leucogeorgia Verhoeff, 1930 in the Caucasus, with descriptions of eleven new species, erection of a new monotypic genus and notes on the tribe Leucogeorgiini (Diplopoda: Julida: Julidae). 47 records from Données 2017 de l'Observatoire de la Biodiversité des Forêts. 48 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Gourlin Benjamin provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 39 records from The Pygopleurus Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Glaphyridae) of mainland Greece: taxonomy, faunistics and ecological notes. 33 records from Inventaire et regroupement de données Natura 2000. 24409 records from Insects from light trap (1992–2009), rooftop Zoological Museum, Copenhagen. 36 records from Données de la naturaliste Laurence Beauchamp. 44 records from Knechtweide (Kohlfurth). 476 records from données naturalistes de ALZIAR Gabriel. 182 records from DBRC Austropotamobius pallipes records 1960 - 2015. 8963 records from Données naturalistes de Bruno OGER. 11 records from Données du Syndicat de la Vallée de l'Orge Aval (SIVOA). 55 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Swoszowski Florie provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 67 records from Dierloch, nördlicher Mooswald (Freiburg-Hochdorf). 58 records from Natura 2000 Parc naturel régional de Lorraine. 4058 records from Données de l'AFB acquises selon le protocole de pêche complète à un ou plusieurs passages. 9 records from Données naturalistes d'Olivier BARDET. 3 records from Sächsische Schweiz (Pfaffenstein). 140 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Amar Emmanuel provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 1098 records from Coleoptera collection, NHM. 25 records from Naturpark Kottenforst-Ville 18.6.09. 264 records from Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Mycetophilidae, Keroplatidae. 56 records from Données du/de la naturaliste BREARD Jean provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 430 records from SEWBReC Lacewings and Allies (South East Wales). 44 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Jarry Frédéric provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 571 records from Coléoptères Silphidés du département du Loiret. 32551 records from Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Entomological Collection. 50 records from NSG Hülenbuch Hörnle (Tieringen/Meßstetten). 19943 records from Formidabel; Belgian Ants Database. 118 records from Observation des insectes sur le territoire de la Métropole Rouen Normandie. 2 records from Eichendorf Weiher Schwalbach a.Ts.. 9 records from Phylogenomic re-evaluation of Triaenonychoidea (Opiliones: Laniatores), and systematics of Triaenonychidae, including new families, genera and species. 192 records from Alterra (NL) - Microarthropods inventory in Cranendonck area. 295 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Anjuerer Jack provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 31 records from A checklist of the Cleridae of Iran with new data (Coleoptera: Cleroidea). 2 records from Données espèces - Expertise IQE 35. 691 records from Glasgow Museums BRC: Carabidae. 13 records from Schulteich/Tümpel Thor-Heyerdahl-Gymnasium (Kiel). 6 records from CAS Invertebrate Zoology (IZ). 5 records from Etude d'impact projet d’ouverture de carrière à Vaudoy-en-Brie. 3 records from Blankenfelder See. 6 records from A checklist of the Ukrainian Xoridinae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). 47700 records from Insects, Outer Hebrides. 119 records from Suivi des leucorrines sur le site du Marais du Plata. 18 records from An der Ohm, (Wettsaasen). 911 records from University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. 185 records from Inventaire des odonates d'intérêt communautaire. 7 records from Données naturalistes de Romaric LECONTE. 313 records from Données de la collection de Hubert Piguet - Famille des Elateridae. 533 records from Gurgltal (Tarrenz). 13 records from On the identity of Trochosa hispanica (Araneae, Lycosidae), with notes on the synonymy of West Palaearctic “ Trochosa ” species. 230 records from Inventaire "Espaces Naturels Sensibles" de Marthe (SAINT-SEVER-MONTGAILLARD). 4 records from Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Arachnids of Darwin Nature Biosphere Reserve. 133 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Duret Bertrand provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 5 records from Ortsrand Zandershagen. 8 records from An der Weida zwischen Talsperre Zeulenroda und Vorsperre Weida. 1024 records from Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Records for Kent. 1158 records from Dipterists Forum: Field Week 2002 (Inverness). 213 records from Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Insects of State Nature Reserve Kivach. 7 records from A revision of the spider genus Raveniola (Araneae, Nemesiidae). I. Species from Western Asia. 1257 records from Bumble bees collected in a large-scale field experiment in power line clearings, southeast Norway. 467 records from Données du naturaliste Danten Benoît provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 73 records from Supplement to the Checklist of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) from the Balkan peninsula. 2 records from Review of the Palaearctic species of Ismaridae Thomson, 1858 (Hymenoptera: Diaprioidea). 2960 records from Alterra (NL) - Microarthropods inventory in calcareous grasslands. 4793 records from Data from Defra Family Organisations supplied to Staffordshire Ecological Record. 426 records from Données rhopalocères. 136 records from Thibaut_LACOMBE_2017_12_18. 2292 records from Données faune ZNIEFF de l'Association naturaliste d'étude et de protection des écosystèmes CAUDALIS. 66 records from Données naturalistes de William BATIFOIX. 4 records from Styphlus (s. str.) eteocretus sp. n. from Greece (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). 1 records from Données naturalistes de Matthieu BERRONEAU. 285 records from Données naturalistes de Renaud PUISSAUVE. 2 records from Dolichogenidea fernandeztrianai sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Microgastrinae) from Iran. 18 records from Junge Heide, Radebeul/Dresden. 2699 records from Solitary bees collected in a large-scale field experiment in power line clearings, southeast Norway. 17 records from Projet DYNAMIQUES - Suivi de la biodiversité sur le Plateau de Saclay élargi. 20 records from Naturgrundstück (Eutin). 107 records from Three new species of Oxypoda from Spain, Armenia, and Ukraine with notes on the fauna of Armenia (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). 51 records from Truppenübungsplatz Panzerkaserne Böblingen. 1 records from The Calliphoridae (Diptera) of Armenia. 619 records from Réseaux écologiques/Trame verte et bleue. 166 records from données araneologiques de LEENKNEGT Virginie. 43 records from DREAL_PACA_-_N2000_-_Communauté_de_Communes_CIANS-VAR_2017_12_18. 1274 records from Records from the RHS insect reference collection. 18074 records from Données de l'Observatoire de la Faune de Bourgogne. 247 records from Taxonomy and distribution of pimpline parasitoids (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Pimplinae) in Ukraine. 124423 records from Wild bees of Belgium. 23 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Villalta Rémi provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 2 records from Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Arachnids of National Park Bashkirija. 14 records from Aspilanta new genus (Heliozelidae) specimen data. 315 records from If_Ecologie_Conseil_2017_12_18. 13 records from Données opportunistes faune. 368 records from Biological Recording in Scotland - Bumblebee Survey. 3 records from Données opportunistes collectées par les agents du Département des Landes. 308 records from Artemia (Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Anostraca) cyst bank (IATS-CSIC). 7 records from Review of the genus Typhloiulus Latzel, 1884 in the Dinaric region, with a description of four new species and the first description of the male of Typhloiulus insularis Strasser, 1938 (Diplopoda: Julida: Julidae). 102 records from Herrensee-Gebiet (Fischbachtal im Odenwald). 1088 records from Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Symphyta. 298 records from Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux, Tome 143 (N.S) n° 36 (1), 2008 - Données faune. 97 records from Vorderer Tiergarten (Dessau). 230 records from Données naturalistes d'Olivier LAURENT. 5 records from Kindergarten. 904 records from Lepidoptera (Specimens NRM). 22 records from Site Condition Monitoring of dragonflies on Loch aí Mhuilinn SSSI potential extension - 2016. 890 records from Inventaire "Espaces Naturels Sensibles" du Plata (SORE). 3 records from Wuhle - Brücke / B1. 48 records from SNH Invertebrate Site Condition Monitoring 2015: Tweedwood - Gateheugh SSSI. 92 records from Caracterización bionómica de zonas de dragado y de afección de obras en la Ría de Ferrol. 4619 records from Collection of saproxylic and xylobiont Beetles. 11 records from Texas Tech University - Invertebrate Zoology. 14 records from A new species and new country records for the genus Leptobium Casey in the Palaearctic Region (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae). 78138 records from The Danish Environmental Portal, species and habitats-database "Danmarks Miljøportals Naturdatabase". 98 records from Données de la naturaliste Clémentine Gand. 1 records from Isoperla vjosae sp. n., a new species of the Isoperla tripartita group from Albania (Plecoptera: Perlodidae). 8523 records from BCE butterfly data expert holiday data throughout Europe. 70 records from Feriendorf des Kreises Groß-Gerau Ober-Seemen/Gedern. 22 records from Artenvielfalt im Naturschutzgebiet an der Loreley - Leiselfeld/Spitznack - 2. Jahr. 14806 records from Tachinid Recording Scheme - GB and Ireland records. 1 records from Trachelus stipa (Hymenoptera: Cephidae), a new stem sawfly from Central Anatolia associated with feather grass (Stipa holosericea, Poaceae). 36 records from Finnish Floristic Database (Vascular plant data of Kevo Subarctic Research Institute). 319 records from The Sphecid Wasps of the genus Cerceris L, 1802 of the " Biologiezentrum Linz " - Collection in Linz, Austria, from the Palearctic Region (part II). (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Crabronidae). 19 records from A checklist of the Iranian Mordellidae (Coleoptera: Tenebrionoidea). 33 records from Bizzenbachtal (Wehrheim/Taunus). 2967 records from Manx Biological Recording Partnership UNVERIFIED Isle of Man records between 14/02/2017 and 05/09/2019. 69 records from Klutensee. 12 records from "Natur macht Schule 2" Natur im Wohngebiet Gorndorf. 15 records from verschiedene Kleingewässer um Oldenburg/Holstein. 47 records from Galls on Beech Trees in Hainich, 2008. 2 records from CAS Entomology (ENT). 60271 records from Carnet B Lorraine. 18 records from Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Diacritinae. 6 records from Hübsche Kröten, Wetterfrösche und andere Froschnaturen. 2074 records from Prime Hoverfly (Insecta: Diptera: Syrphidae) Areas (PHA) as a conservation tool in Serbia. 5 records from Eine neue Art der Gattung Quedius STEPHENS aus Syrien (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Staphylininae, Staphylinini, Quediina. 13407 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Bottinelli Julien provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 3 records from Eusirus bonnieri sp. nov. (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Eusiridae), a new deep species from the southeastern Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic Ocean). 662 records from WTSWW Data: All Taxa (West Wales). 812 records from Regroupement de données Odonates et Lepidotères. 369 records from Cartografía de vegetación a escala de detalle 1:10.000 de la masa forestal de Andalucía. 2 records from Données espèces - Expertise IPE 10. 18 records from "Ahrschleife bei Altenahr". 9 records from A new species of Leuctra from Turkey, and notes on Anatolian Rhabdiopteryx (Plecoptera: Leuctridae & Taeniopterygidae). 2 records from South Australian Museum Australia provider for OZCAM. 3 records from Données naturalistes d'Amélie TINAT. 654 records from Données naturalistes d'Anita GEORGES. 24 records from Umgebung der Gesamtschule Winterhude (Hamburg). 145 records from Local BioBlitz Challenge 2013. 67 records from Relative abundance of ostracods in sediment core Sv09. 679 records from Museu Valencià d′Història Natural - Fundación Entomológica Torres Sala: FETS. 9667 records from Amis_des_Marais_du_Vigueirat_2017_12_18. 308 records from Tidlig oppdagelse og varsling av fremmede arter 2020. 11097 records from Données naturalistes de Arnaud HORELLOU. 1 records from On Hypnogyra laevissima (R, 1898) (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae: Xantholinini). 42 records from Triebesbach (Zeulenroda-Triebes). 61 records from Données de Midi-Pyrénées transmises par Pascal Peyrache.. 3045 records from Mesopelagic Community off the North Western Portuguese Coast between 1998 and 2000. 19500 records from Yorkshire Wildlife Trust - Non-sensitive records from all taxonomic groups. 3 records from Données naturalistes de THÉVENOT Jessica. 6 records from Re-classification of Lycoriella Frey sensu lato (Diptera, Sciaridae), with description of Trichocoelina gen. n. and twenty new species. 14 records from Fish distribution in 28 Italian lakes based on CEN gillnets. 450 records from Trondheim urban biodyversity survey. 129 records from SNH Invertebrate Site Condition Monitoring 2013/14: Glenmore Forest SSSI. 58 records from Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Banchini. 24 records from Wiese und Weide am Waldrand von Gusterath. 56 records from Unna-Mühlhausen, Wiesen. 332 records from IBF Monitoring of Plant Galls. 1 records from A revision of the spider genus Anemesia (Araneae, Cyrtaucheniidae). 5 records from Schulaktion des Dienzenhofer-Gymnasiums. 2 records from A new micropterous species of Leuctra (Plecoptera: Leuctridae) from the Lesser Caucasus (Georgia). 626 records from The Hymenoptera collection (EY) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris). 6064 records from Silphidae Recording Scheme - data verified via iRecord. 1634 records from Données de Benjamin CALMONT 2012/2015. 8 records from Données naturalistes de Jean-Luc RENNESON. 18 records from KARSTLANDSCHAFT SÜDHARZ - VOM GIPSABBAU BEDROHT (Grenzstreifen am Röseberg). 1765 records from Natural Resources Wales Regional Data : Mid-Wales. 249 records from Données Saint-Gobain Distribution Bâtiment France. 466 records from Données du/de la naturaliste BRAUD Julie provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 12542 records from River Biologists' Database (EPA). 26 records from Selztal bei Friesenheim. 12750 records from Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum. 16 records from The bees of the genus Colletes Latreille (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) of the Caucasus region. 40787 records from Data collected on scitizen science web portal www.ornitho.cat. 10 records from Tongrube bei Hettstedt. 6 records from Mit allen Sinnen durch den Wald / Schmücke (ev. Kita Heldrungen). 5576 records from Données faune Nature 18 - 2017. 7249 records from Odonata records from RSPB Reserves 1970-2009. 2 records from The first record of the genus Desertoniscus Verhoeff, 1930 (Isopoda, Oniscidea, Agnaridae) from Europe, with the description of a new species. 18 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Dubois Yves provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 1 records from Notes on west Palaearctic species of the genus Trigonurus Mulsant, 1847 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Trigonurinae). 1051 records from DREAL_PACA_-_N2000_-_Parc_Naturel_Régional_du_Verdon_2017_12_18. 2345 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Branger Fabien provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 8 records from Données espèces - Expertise IPE 79. 1 records from Mesostigmatic mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) of Saudi Arabia (excluding Phytoseioidea), new records and a key to the known species. 676558 records from NBIS Records to December 2016. 104 records from Rohrmeistereiplateau und angrenzendes Gebiet. 859 records from Floral visits on plants, InsectScale 2008. 1423 records from Survey and monitoring records for Scottish Wildlife Trust reserves from reserve convenors and Trust volunteers - Unassessed data. 3 records from An interactive key to Central European species of the Pteromalus albipennis species group and other species of the genus (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae), with the description of a new species. 5 records from Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2020. 33 records from Métropole_Nice_Côte_d'Azur_2017_12_18. 7094 records from Données naturalistes de MOREAU Patrice. 31 records from City of Edinburgh Natural Heritage Service - Large Red Damselfly Survey. 19 records from Frohlinder Mühlenbach (Dortmund-Kirchlinde). 13 records from Données espèces - Expertise IPE 70. 252 records from Données de la naturaliste Lemoine Delphine provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 19 records from Flesh Flies (Sarcophagidae) of Ireland. 13891 records from Observations naturalistes des Amis de BioObs.. 3172 records from Millipede (Diplopoda) records for Britain and Ireland to 2005. 3 records from A new species and subgenus of Pachylaelaps Berlese from Turkey (Acari: Pachylaelapidae). 5 records from Royal Museum of Central Africa - True Fruit Flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) of the Afrotropical Region (ENBI wp13). 213 records from Données naturalistes d'Aurélie CHEVILLON. 9 records from The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: A taxonomic revision of the Western Palaearctic genus Cacochroa Heinemann, 1870 (Lepidoptera, Depressariidae). 70 records from Steinbruch Mainz-Weisenau, 2. Jahr. 6396 records from NE Scotland other invertebrate records 1800-2010. 950 records from Inventaires tous taxons réalisés pendant l'année 2014 le long de la Petite Ceinture à Paris. 19 records from Schwanner Warte / Kinderhaus St. Elisabeth Waldplatz. 12 records from Dimitri Multeau Loir-et-Cher Nature. 98 records from Données opportunistes sur les odonates. 29 records from Orchideenstandort Nostengraben - Kretzberg (Oßmaritz). 18 records from Schulgelände (Wetter). 54 records from Deponie Klausdorf. 5 records from Myrmeleon almohadarum sp. nov., from Spain and North Africa, with description of the larva (Neuroptera Myrmeleontidae). 13605 records from Données Entomologiques A. HORELLOU 1988-2018. 11 records from Aktion - Friedensburg Oberschule. 16 records from Kuhwiese Beerentaltrift (Hamburg/ Harburg). 163 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Cousin Richard provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 13188 records from Enquête Lucane. 320 records from Erlengraben/Lipp-Tal (Östringen). 1 records from Different continents, same species? Resolving the taxonomy of some Holarctic Ancylis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). 1723 records from Observations de Coléoptères saproxyliques de Frédéric LACOSTE. 4 records from Trockenmauern am ehemaligen Weinberg (Gelnhausen). 280 records from EDIT - ATBI in Gemer area (Slovakia). 651 records from Macrobenthos monitoring in function of the Water Framework Directive in the period 2007-2009. 254 records from Global compendium of Aedes albopictus occurrence. 2 records from Inventaire malacologique de la RNR des Marais de Stors. 30 records from Teich Berlin Wuhlheide. 13 records from Données naturalistes de Brendan ALLIGAND. 19264 records from Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens. 20 records from Ried und Sand - Artenvielfalt durch Beweidung. 5 records from A new Epeorus (Caucasiron) (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) species from Turkey based on molecular and morphological evidence. 7 records from AKG-Gelände (Bensheim). 51 records from Naturschutzgebiet Heiliger Hain (Wahrenholz). 550 records from Données de la structure SNPN - Société Nationale de Protection de la nature provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 823 records from Alterra (NL) - Entomofauna inventory in arable fields Hoeksche Waard. 115 records from Données de présence collectées sur les écrevisses. 103 records from Données du/de la naturaliste jourdan christian provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 20 records from Le Coléoptériste (ACOREP-France). 96 records from Revision of the spider genus Hoplopholcus Kulczyński (Araneae, Pholcidae). 7000 records from Seasearch Marine Surveys in Ireland. 234 records from Gesamtartenliste Bremerhaven, Helgoland und Sylt. 167114 records from DOF - Observations from the Danish Ornithological Society. 75 records from Flore Bord de route/CG55 - Parc Naturel régional Lorraine. 15 records from SIO Benthic Invertebrate Collection. 132 records from DASSH Data Archive Centre volunteer survey data. 36 records from Unter hellen Zinnen und finsteren Grotten. 3947 records from Cleveland Museum of Natural History. 1 records from Colaphellus palaestinus Achard, a new leaf-beetle for Europe (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Chrysomelinae). 11 records from Données du naturaliste Grégory Patek. 1 records from Redescription of Alopecosa albostriata (Araneae: Lycosidae) based on specimens from Siberia. 9 records from Integrative taxonomy resuscitates two species in the Lasioglossum villosulum complex (Kirby, 1802) (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Halictidae). 1882 records from Modernisation des ZNIEFF du PnrL. 140 records from SNH Invertebrate Site Condition Monitoring 2015: Carrick Ponds SSSI. 183 records from Données naturalistes 2019 de Bruno DAUGET. 4 records from Troglocaris (Xiphocaridinella) kumistavi sp. nov., a new species of stygobiotic atyid shrimp (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) from Kumistavi Cave, Imereti, Western Georgia, Caucasus. 51 records from Coastal and Marine Species Database. 112 records from Convention Fédération française de golf - MNHN 2016-2019.. 6 records from 4. GEO-Tag in Eberbach. 9 records from Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery provider for OZCAM. 1766 records from GEO-Hauptveranstaltung in "Wildtierland". 29 records from Raus in die Natur. 118 records from Données du naturaliste DESCHATRE Thierry provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 115 records from Ohio State Acarology Laboratory (OSAL), Ohio State University. 2083 records from The Orthoptera of Castro Verde Special Protection Area (Southern Portugal). 271246 records from Liste des espèces de la faune sauvage de la base de données naturalistes Faune-France 2018.. 1 records from Ciidae (Coleoptera) records from Britain and Ireland to 2004. 2 records from Who eats the tough stuff DNA stable isotope probing (SIP) of bacteria and fungi degrading 13C-labelled lignin and cellulose in forest soils. 11 records from Seeufer ehem. BUGA-Gelände. 55 records from SNH Invertebrate Site Condition Monitoring of Beetle Assemblage Features 2015: Cragbank and Wolfehopelee SSSI. 4724 records from Meetnetten.be - Egg counts for butterflies in Flanders, Belgium. 2336 records from Collembola of Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve: multi-scale spatial distribution analysis in pine forests. 4 records from A review of Gonothrombium Feider, 1950 (Actinotrichida: Microtrombidiidae) with description of a new species from Turkey. 11 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Limagne Vincent provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 41556 records from Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen - International Barcode of Life (iBOL) - Barcode of Life Project Specimen Data. 12 records from Kinder- und Jugendferiendorf des Kreises Groß-Gerau - Gedern/Ober-Seemen. 936 records from Alterra (NL) - Microarthropods inventory in Dune vegetation. 30 records from Site Condition Monitoring of dragonflies on Loch aí Mhuilinn NNR - 2002. 12 records from Review of Poecilimon species with inflated pronotum: description of four new taxa within an acoustically diverse group. 22 records from Einen Tag lang Forscher sein - Die 5c der Erich-Kästner-Schule erforscht das Bachemer Wiesental. 24 records from Phenological Center - Insects (Karelia). 209 records from Checklist of terrestrial Parasitengona mites in Fennoscandia with new species- and distribution records (Acariformes: Prostigmata). 1 records from The Apseudomorpha (Crustacea: Tanaidacea) of the Gulf of Cadiz and Horseshoe Continental Rise (NE Atlantic): A taxonomic review with new records, species, and ecological data. 4306 records from Saproxylic and herbivorous beetle species in old near-natural and old managed forests in south-eastern Norway. 15 records from Brenz (Heidenheim). 181 records from Inventaire des insectes en milieux humides dans le site Natura 2000 Haute Vallée du Lignon. 41 records from Borstgrasrasen um die Burg Baldenau im Oberen Dhrontal. 1029 records from Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Pimplinae. 255 records from Données naturalistes de William BATIFOIX. 110 records from Records of Invasive Non Native Species held on the Cofnod database. 359 records from Inventaire et suivi odonate/Fadet des laîches des sites Natura2000 ‘Zones humides de l’étang de Léon’ et ‘Zones humides de l’arrière dune du Marensin’. 13 records from Kinderbauernhof Pinke Panke - Berlin Pankow. 19 records from Schulgelände Lise Meitner Realschule (Paderborn). 19 records from Kurler Busch (Scharnhorst). 1570 records from Données naturalistes de Xavier JAPIOT. 70 records from Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Odonata. 89 records from Collection de longicornes (Coleoptères, Cerambycidae) de Pascal Renaudie. 4 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Grosso Eric provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 1 records from White sea picoplankton Metagenome. 2 records from A review of Smicronyx Schoenherr (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) of Israel, with description of two new species. 249 records from Données opportunistes produites par Alexandre RUFFONI dans le cadre de l’élaboration d’un guide de détermination des larves de plécoptères. 129651 records from Suivi Temporel des Rhopalocères de France (STERF). 12 records from Salzwiese Diekskiel. 7 records from Landwehrbach. 3 records from Birkenpilz. 19 records from Artenvielfalt in der Kinderakademie im RFZ. 6 records from Données naturalistes de Philippe VEILLON. 1236 records from Lauri Mällo private collection of Lepidoptera. 134555 records from Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) Collection Inventory. 295 records from Données de VINCENT Alexis (SAPROX). 3 records from Review of the Swedish Enicospilus (Hymenoptera; Ichneumonidae; Ophioninae) with description of three new species and an illustrated key to species. 180 records from Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during Walther Herwig cruise WH220. 388 records from Glasgow Museums BRC: Chrysomelidae. 43 records from Données de la structure Forêts en Aulnoye provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 1902 records from Données du naturaliste Maxime Zucca provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 847 records from Trichoptera of the UNESCO biosphere reserve of the Palatinate forest / North Vosges (Germany, France). 15 records from City of Edinburgh Natural Heritage Service - Bonaly Moorland Moth Survey. 9 records from Freiheitsring (Frechen). 1 records from Description of the larva of Meliboeus morawitzi (Semenov, 1905) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). 260944 records from Waarnemingen.be - Hymenoptera occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium. 1414 records from Données du naturaliste Doux Yves provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 126 records from Données du naturaliste Christian Desmier. 111 records from Black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of Turkish Thrace, with a new record for Turkey. 1183 records from The collection of Bathynellacea specimens of MNCN (CSIC) Madrid: microscope slices and DNA extracts. 7603 records from Données naturalistes de Franck NOEL. 90 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Botté Loic provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 11 records from Natura 2000 ZPS Jarny - Mars-la-Tour. 363 records from Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino. Dirección General de Medio Natural y Política Forestal. Inventario Nacional de Biodiversidad 2007, Invertebrados. 564 records from Inventaire et suivis d'espèces dans le Parc national des Cévennes. 47 records from Prophetensee Quickborn. 10 records from Suivi de l'impact du pâturage ovin sur la végétation du massif de Fontainebleau. 50 records from Luderbusch. 440 records from Données du naturaliste Alexandre Mari. 53 records from Die Teiche im Britzer Garten. 6 records from Teich im Wald zwischen Böblingen und Schönaich. 10856 records from Isle of Man wildlife records from 01/01/2000 to 13/02/2017. 72 records from Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Xoridinae. 625 records from Données araignées de Corse par Canard A., Rollard C., Villepoux O.. 5 records from Meiofauna abundances at the Arctic Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano (HMMV) of sediment core PS64/323-1. 81 records from SNH Invertebrate Site Condition Monitoring 2013/14: Eastern Cairngorms SSSI. 1 records from Description of a new Gibbaranea (Araneae: Araneidae) from the Western Mediterranean. 187 records from SNH Invertebrate Site Condition Monitoring 2015-16: Den of Airlie SSSI. 2 records from Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Pachyneuridae. 2100 records from Dolichopodidae of Portugal - dataset 2009-2018. 7641 records from Noctuoidea de France métropolitaine. 140 records from SNH Invertebrate Site Condition Monitoring 2015: Blind Moss SSSI. 58 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Provost Romain provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 43 records from Wirbach-Taubental (Bad Blankenburg). 2785 records from Données naturalistes d'Alain BERLY. 3010 records from Insect Collection from the Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. 9 records from Two New Liocranid Species Records From Turkey (Araneae: Liocranidae). 78 records from Inventaire de l'îlot du Lédénez Vraz. 792 records from Herbivorie_Pflanzenebene_2008. 1170 records from Springtales from lichen communities at Kollåsen in Norway. 332 records from Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Sepsidae. 2 records from AlgaTerra. 5299 records from Regroupement de données Rhopalocères. 34220 records from Données acquises dans le cadre de l'activité du bureau d'étude BIOTOPE (1994 - 2013). 5 records from Données naturalistes de HENDOUX Frédéric. 1 records from Reclustering the cluster flies (Diptera: Oestroidea, Polleniidae). 2 records from South Lanarkshire peatland records 2013. 16618 records from Suivi Temporel des Libellules (STELI). 27 records from Données du/de la naturaliste GAUTHIER Nicolas provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 341 records from PondNet data 2012-2014. 11 records from The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Portuguese Stag beetles (Coleoptera, Lucanidae). 530 records from Derbyshire Casual LEPIDOPTERA records - Casual records collated by Derby Museum.. 4 records from Transferts SI Faune - Données naturalistes opportunistes de Cedric DEVILLEGER. 3 records from Taxonomic revision of the Palaearctic Tetramorium chefketi species complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).. 924 records from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid; Lepidópteros. 48 records from Empria and Monsoma in Japan. 111 records from Recensement des odonates 2012/2014 - Atlas de la biodiversité de Bordeaux Métropole. 4 records from Redescription of the poorly known crab spider Xysticus spasskyi (Araneae: Thomisidae). 70 records from Ensemble des données Orthoptères. 1546 records from Alien macro-invertebrates in Flanders, Belgium. 1194 records from C.A. Triplehorn Insect Collection (OSUC), Ohio State University. 8 records from Regenwasserabfangsbecken (Erlenbach). 77 records from SNH Invertebrate Site Condition Monitoring 2015: Perchhall Loch SSSI. 209 records from Lillachtal mit Kalktuffquelle bei Weißenohe. 1 records from Natura 2000 Vallée de la Seille. 24 records from VSN-Wiese. 30 records from Additions to the list of Finnish Bibionomorpha (Diptera, Nematocera). 40821 records from Seasearch Marine Surveys in England. 26 records from Données du/de la naturaliste PRATTE Olivier provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 123 records from Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Insects of Pechoro-Ilych State Nature Reserve. 1 records from Données malacologiques continentales de Julien Ryelandt (CORSE 2017). 52 records from Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Insects of Visimsky Nature Biosphere Reserve. 453 records from Données du/de la naturaliste ESSAYAN Roland provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 177 records from Collection Trichoptera - SMF. 441 records from Abundanz_Infloreszenzenschlupf_Subplotebene_2008. 49 records from Integrierte Gesamtschule Flensburg Wiemoosgraben. 41 records from VIT - Lepidotheca (The Natural History Museum of Álava). 124 records from Données du naturaliste ROCHAT Didier provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 16 records from Quarrendorfer Landschaftsschutzgebiet. 2 records from Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Mycological Herbarium. 404 records from Bee species and numbers caught by coloured pan traps across 20 landscapes in 2012, The Netherlands. 1782 records from Transferts SI Faune - Données naturalistes opportunistes de Sylvain BONIFAIT. 49 records from Parc_Naturel_Régional_des_Préalpes_d'Azur_2017_12_18. 11 records from Données naturalistes de Pauline BALDUCCI. 15 records from Amtsrain Apolda-Zottelstedt. 8 records from DIBA-Parc del Montnegre i el Corredor. 3 records from Données du/de la naturaliste LELARDOUX LOIC provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 262 records from MoJ BioBlitz August 2018. 66938 records from University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden Zooloogical Collections. 13 records from Werl macht sich auf die Suche. 25 records from GEO-Hauptveranstaltung Bodden (Vilm). 5260 records from Muséum_de_Toulon_et_du_Var_2017_12_18. 6 records from Grundwasserlebensraum im Englischen Garten (München). 208 records from Crustacea in surface sediments off Sylt collected during HEINCKE cruise HE218. 1 records from West Palaearctic species of the genus Diostracus Loew, 1861 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). 1 records from Nesting biology and distribution of Stenancistrocerus (Paratropancistrocerus) obstrictus (Morawitz, 1895) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae). 2 records from Review of East Palaearctic species of Sympycnus Loew, 1857, with a key to species. 6 records from On two sibling Lathys species (Araneae, Dictynidae) from northern Europe. 1 records from RECORD Vascular Plant Data. 4 records from Données du naturaliste Bussac Augustin provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 6 records from Erhard Sopp. 3 records from Macrobenthos in surface sediments off Sylt collected during HEINCKE cruise HE206. 120 records from Harpacticoida from a scientific cruise of the R. "Akademik" in the western part of the Black Sea. 14 records from Dorfrand Mauderode. 3 records from A review of Hybalus Dejean from Tunisia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Orphninae) with description of a new species. 174 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Beutin Sabine provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 5113 records from Données naturalistes de Pascal Dupont. 55 records from Blumenrather Heide / Virneburg. 11 records from suivi du site Natura 2000 Carrière Saint Nicolas. 602 records from New data on the dragonfly fauna of the Moulouya River Basin and the Oriental Region, Morocco (Odonata). 31 records from STELI 2015 Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle (64) par l'association EcoGIS. 5229 records from European Moth Nights. 1577 records from Invazivke - Invasive Alien Species in Slovenia. 52 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Roquinarc'h Océane provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 19 records from Inventaire des Crustacés Décapodes de France métropolitaine. Données du compte CardObs 1113. 1450 records from Données du naturaliste MIGUET Pierre provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 331 records from Zootaxa. 2 records from Macedomeris, a new monotypic doderiinine genus (Diplopoda, Glomerida) from a cave in North Macedonia, Balkan Peninsula. 6 records from Enoplognatha bryjai new species, a bizzare cobweb spider of the Pannonian swamps (Araneae, Theridiidae). 5 records from A study of the Iranian species of Choeras Mason (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Microgastrinae), with the description of a new species. 59 records from Umgebung der Gesamtschule Hamburg-Winterhude. 9978 records from Efectos del Cambio Ambiental en las comunidades de organismos de los ríos mediterráneos. 334 records from BUND - Dassower See (Lübeck/Dassow). 48360 records from Données naturalistes de Monsieur François FOURNIER. 1 records from Borror Lab of Bioacoustics (BLB), Ohio State University. 437 records from Revues diverses et littérature grise.. 93 records from Three new species, Elathous zagrosensis sp. n., Zorochros dilatatus sp. n., and Dicronychus iranicus sp. n., and noteworthy records of click beetles from western Iran (Coleoptera: Elateridae). 1 records from Sächsische Schweiz (Wehlener Gebiet). 64 records from Leben im Finkensteiner Moor. 42 records from DREAL_PACA_-_N2000_-_Pays_Provence_Verte_2017_12_18. 2588 records from ConDidact Citizen Science Surveys - Spiders 2014. 4 records from Pfingstexkursion Alter Bessin. 217 records from Schulzentrum "Parc Hosingen". 38 records from Die Wuhle. 1 records from Contribution to the knowledge of Mediterranean lichen-feeding darkling beetles of the genus Stenohelops Reitter, 1922 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). 222 records from Cuxhavener Küstenheiden. 121940 records from Hatikka Observation Database. 2 records from Description of a new species of Dascillus Latreille from Henan, China (Coleoptera: Dascillidae). 308 records from Données naturalistes de Monsieur JOURDE Rémi. 32 records from Grundschüler erkunden Schulumgebung. 8 records from Données naturalistes de AUNEAU Florent. 6898 records from Données du parc national de la Vanoise. 21836 records from inatura - Erlebnis Naturschau Dornbirn. 74 records from Zygaenidae des collections F. Dujardin et J. Nel au Tiroler Landesmuseaum Ferdinandeum. 682 records from ConDidact Citizen Science Surveys - Ladybirds 2013. 74 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Verna Eric provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 10 records from Zoo Frankfurt. 62 records from Geo-Tag der Artenvielfalt Süßen Hornwiesen-Grundschule. 10 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Julien-Laferrière Didier provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 4 records from A checklist of seed-beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae) from Iran. 1 records from Données naturalistes de SACCO Teddy. 1 records from Endophallus structure: a promising tool for cryptic species identification in Timarcha Samouelle, 1819 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae). 517 records from Danielsberg (Mölltal, Kärnten). 7861 records from LPO_PACA_2017_12_18. 1 records from A new species of Speonemadus from Portugal, with the revision of the escalerai-group (Coleoptera, Leiodidae). 1729 records from Données naturalistes hors Île-de-France saisies dans Cettia-idf. 114 records from SNH Invertebrate Site Condition Monitoring 2013/14: Flanders Moss SSSI. 7 records from Borkhart. 2 records from Pamphagidae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) from the Palaearctic Region: taxonomy, classification, keys to genera and a review of the tribe Nocarodeini I. Bolívar. 67 records from Targeting a portion of central European spider diversity for permanent preservation. 132 records from DBRC Trichoptera 1974 - 2015. 490 records from Observations de Daniel Robin. 1 records from The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Wesmaelius (Kimninsia) nervosus (Neuroptera, Hemerobiidae): a new species of brown lacewing for the Portuguese fauna. 3168 records from Odonata records for Dumfries and Galloway.. 1 records from Hydroporus novacula sp. n. from Georgia (Caucasus) (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae Hydroporini) - the first terrestrial species of the genus?. 209 records from Rutilans. 76 records from SNH Invertebrate Site Condition Monitoring 2015: Lurgie Loch SSSI. 11 records from UTEP Insects (Arctos). 198 records from GNOR-Projekt "Halbwilde Weidehaltung zwischen Kamp-Bornhofen und Kestert" und Umland. 1 records from Données naturalistes de DURON Cyril. 4210 records from Staffordshire Wildlife Trust Nature Reserves Inventory. 394 records from Dorset SSSI Species Records 1952 - 2004 (Natural England). 10 records from Herbarium specimens of Jardins botaniques and Conservatoire Botanique of Nancy (NCY). 14 records from Inventaire Faune. 2 records from On the identity of Cyphonoxia maljuzhenkoi Zaitzev, 1928 (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae). 112 records from Données naturalistes de Jean-Jacques BORDE. 2036 records from Données Odonates du Parc Naturel Régional du Perche. 2168 records from Données de Lépidoptères de Bruno DAUGET - Dépt de l'ALLIER (03). 26 records from Landschaftspflegehof (Berlin). 201 records from Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux, Tome 146 (N.S) n° 39 (4), 2011 - Données faune. 6 records from Bachpatenschaft Beeke. 461 records from Données du/de la naturaliste Dodelin Benoît provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA. 499 records from Gemeinde Sursee. 3 records from Another alien on the horizon? First European record of Tautoneura polymitusa, an East Asian leafhopper (Hemiptera: Auchenorryncha: Cicadellidae). 452 records from Données naturalistes de ROMET Nicolas. 787 records from Inventaire de la faune réalisé par Jérôme Fouert. 59 records from Artenvielfalt auf den Elbwiesen (Dessau). 82 records from Données de la naturaliste Clélie Granger. 19 records from Lindau im Bodensee. 1 records from Feuchtwiese am Nationalpark-Haus Neuwerk. 44230 records from Estonian Nature Observations Database. 14 records from New and little known species of Halolaelaps (Acari: Mesostigmata: Halolaelapidae) from Ukraine. 6 records from Review of the genus Trichactia Stein (Diptera: Tachinidae) in the Palaearctic Region, with the description of a new species from Iran and the East Mediterranean. 32 records from Collection de longicornes de Pierre Berger. 41 records from Données de Rhône-Alpes transmises par Pascal Peyrache.. 97 records from Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Insects of Kaniv Nature Reserve. 122 records from Aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera (Nepomorpha and Gerromorpha) fauna of Greek holiday islands (Rhodes, Crete and Corfu) with first records of three species from Europe and Greece. 7 records from Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Mymar. 11468 records from Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Invertebrate Data 2007-2008. 4229 records from Données naturalistes de Matthias COLIN. 50 records from tick monitoring Alb 2008 to 2010. 25954 records from Species data for Scottish waters held and managed by Scottish Natural Heritage, derived from benthic surveys 1993 to 2018. 3 records from A new species of Arrhopalites Börner, 1906 (Collembola, Symphypleona, Arrhopalitidae) from Iran with an updated key to A. diversus g