Occurrence Download

A dataset containing 2620 species occurrences available in GBIF matching the query: { "and" : [ "Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((75.65000000000001 65.7, 75.65000000000001 65.65000000000001, 75.40000000000001 65.65000000000001, 75.40000000000001 65.59999999999999, 75.2 65.59999999999999, 75.2...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Occdownload Gbif.Org
Format: Dataset
Published: The Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2022
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.15468/dl.akw7s4
Summary:A dataset containing 2620 species occurrences available in GBIF matching the query: { "and" : [ "Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((75.65000000000001 65.7, 75.65000000000001 65.65000000000001, 75.40000000000001 65.65000000000001, 75.40000000000001 65.59999999999999, 75.2 65.59999999999999, 75.2 65.55, 74.40000000000001 65.55, 74.40000000000001 65.59999999999999, 74.2 65.59999999999999, 74.2 65.65000000000001, 74.05 65.65000000000001, 74.05 65.7, 73.90000000000001 65.7, 73.90000000000001 65.75, 73.75 65.75, 73.75 65.8, 73.59999999999999 65.8, 73.59999999999999 65.84999999999999, 73.45 65.84999999999999, 73.45 65.90000000000001, 73.3 65.90000000000001, 73.3 65.95, 73.15000000000001 65.95, 73.15000000000001 66, 73 66, 73 66.05, 72.8 66.05, 72.8 66.09999999999999, 72.65000000000001 66.09999999999999, 72.65000000000001 66.15000000000001, 72.5 66.15000000000001, 72.5 66.2, 72.34999999999999 66.2, 72.34999999999999 66.25, 72.25 66.25, 72.25 66.3, 72.40000000000001 66.3, 72.40000000000001 66.34999999999999, 72.45 66.34999999999999, 72.45 66.5, 72.34999999999999 66.5, 72.34999999999999 66.55, 72.45 66.55, 72.45 66.59999999999999, 72.59999999999999 66.59999999999999, 72.59999999999999 66.65000000000001, 73 66.65000000000001, 73 66.7, 73.09999999999999 66.7, 73.09999999999999 66.75, 73.25 66.75, 73.25 66.8, 73.45 66.8, 73.45 66.84999999999999, 73.55 66.84999999999999, 73.55 66.90000000000001, 73.65000000000001 66.90000000000001, 73.65000000000001 66.95, 73.8 66.95, 73.8 67, 73.84999999999999 67, 73.84999999999999 67.05, 73.90000000000001 67.05, 73.90000000000001 67.15000000000001, 73.95 67.15000000000001, 73.95 67.2, 74 67.2, 74 67.25, 73.95 67.25, 73.95 67.34999999999999, 74 67.34999999999999, 74 67.40000000000001, 74.05 67.40000000000001, 74.05 67.45, 74.09999999999999 67.45, 74.09999999999999 67.5, 74.25 67.5, 74.25 67.55, 74.40000000000001 67.55, 74.40000000000001 67.59999999999999, 74.59999999999999 67.59999999999999, 74.59999999999999 67.65000000000001, 74.7 67.65000000000001, 74.7 67.7, 74.75 67.7, 74.75 67.75, 74.8 67.75, 74.8 67.8, 74.75 67.8, 74.75 68, 74.7 68, 74.7 68.15000000000001, 74.65000000000001 68.15000000000001, 74.65000000000001 68.2, 74.59999999999999 68.2, 74.59999999999999 68.25, 74.55 68.25, 74.55 68.3, 74.40000000000001 68.3, 74.40000000000001 68.34999999999999, 74.34999999999999 68.34999999999999, 74.34999999999999 68.40000000000001, 74.40000000000001 68.40000000000001, 74.40000000000001 68.45, 74.45 68.45, 74.45 68.5, 74.5 68.5, 74.5 68.55, 74.45 68.55, 74.45 68.59999999999999, 74.5 68.59999999999999, 74.5 68.7, 74.55 68.7, 74.55 68.75, 74.7 68.75, 74.7 68.8, 75 68.8, 75 68.84999999999999, 75.3 68.84999999999999, 75.3 68.90000000000001, 75.84999999999999 68.90000000000001, 75.84999999999999 68.95, 76.65000000000001 68.95, 76.65000000000001 68.90000000000001, 76.7 68.90000000000001, 76.7 68.75, 76.75 68.75, 76.75 68.7, 76.90000000000001 68.7, 76.90000000000001 68.65000000000001, 77.05 68.65000000000001, 77.05 68.59999999999999, 77.25 68.59999999999999, 77.25 68.45, 77.3 68.45, 77.3 68.40000000000001, 77.25 68.40000000000001, 77.25 68.34999999999999, 77.2 68.34999999999999, 77.2 68.3, 77.34999999999999 68.3, 77.34999999999999 68.25, 77.3 68.25, 77.3 68.2, 77.25 68.2, 77.25 68, 77.3 68, 77.3 67.95, 77.34999999999999 67.95, 77.34999999999999 67.90000000000001, 77.3 67.90000000000001, 77.3 67.84999999999999, 77.2 67.84999999999999, 77.2 67.90000000000001, 77.15000000000001 67.90000000000001, 77.15000000000001 67.8, 77.25 67.8, 77.25 67.75, 77.34999999999999 67.75, 77.34999999999999 67.7, 77.55 67.7, 77.55 67.65000000000001, 77.65000000000001 67.65000000000001, 77.65000000000001 67.59999999999999, 77.8 67.59999999999999, 77.8 67.55, 79 67.55, 79 67.59999999999999, 78.95 67.59999999999999, 78.95 67.65000000000001, 78.7 67.65000000000001, 78.7 67.59999999999999, 78.55 67.59999999999999, 78.55 67.7, 78.5 67.7, 78.5 67.75, 78.45 67.75, 78.45 67.65000000000001, 78.34999999999999 67.65000000000001, 78.34999999999999 67.7, 78.2 67.7, 78.2 67.65000000000001, 78.15000000000001 67.65000000000001, 78.15000000000001 67.7, 78 67.7, 78 67.75, 77.84999999999999 67.75, 77.84999999999999 67.8, 77.75 67.8, 77.75 67.75, 77.59999999999999 67.75, 77.59999999999999 67.8, 77.5 67.8, 77.5 67.90000000000001, 77.55 67.90000000000001, 77.55 67.95, 77.59999999999999 67.95, 77.59999999999999 68, 77.5 68, 77.5 68.05, 77.55 68.05, 77.55 68.09999999999999, 77.5 68.09999999999999, 77.5 68.15000000000001, 77.55 68.15000000000001, 77.55 68.2, 77.7 68.2, 77.7 68.25, 78.05 68.25, 78.05 68.3, 78.09999999999999 68.3, 78.09999999999999 68.40000000000001, 77.95 68.40000000000001, 77.95 68.45, 77.90000000000001 68.45, 77.90000000000001 68.5, 77.95 68.5, 77.95 68.55, 77.8 68.55, 77.8 68.59999999999999, 77.75 68.59999999999999, 77.75 68.65000000000001, 77.8 68.65000000000001, 77.8 68.75, 77.7 68.75, 77.7 68.90000000000001, 77.5 68.90000000000001, 77.5 68.95, 77.15000000000001 68.95, 77.15000000000001 69, 76.90000000000001 69, 76.90000000000001 69.05, 76.8 69.05, 76.8 69.09999999999999, 76.75 69.09999999999999, 76.75 69.15000000000001, 76.65000000000001 69.15000000000001, 76.65000000000001 69.09999999999999, 76.55 69.09999999999999, 76.55 69.15000000000001, 76.34999999999999 69.15000000000001, 76.34999999999999 69.2, 76.25 69.2, 76.25 69.25, 75.34999999999999 69.25, 75.34999999999999 69.2, 75.2 69.2, 75.2 69.15000000000001, 75.25 69.15000000000001, 75.25 69.09999999999999, 74.8 69.09999999999999, 74.8 69.15000000000001, 74.09999999999999 69.15000000000001, 74.09999999999999 69.09999999999999, 73.84999999999999 69.09999999999999, 73.84999999999999 69.15000000000001, 73.8 69.15000000000001, 73.8 69.2, 73.84999999999999 69.2, 73.84999999999999 69.25, 73.90000000000001 69.25, 73.90000000000001 69.45, 73.84999999999999 69.45, 73.84999999999999 69.55, 73.8 69.55, 73.8 69.59999999999999, 73.7 69.59999999999999, 73.7 69.65000000000001, 73.65000000000001 69.65000000000001, 73.65000000000001 69.75, 73.55 69.75, 73.55 69.8, 73.59999999999999 69.8, 73.59999999999999 69.84999999999999, 73.65000000000001 69.84999999999999, 73.65000000000001 69.90000000000001, 73.75 69.90000000000001, 73.75 69.95, 73.8 69.95, 73.8 70, 73.84999999999999 70, 73.84999999999999 70.09999999999999, 73.8 70.09999999999999, 73.8 70.15000000000001, 73.75 70.15000000000001, 73.75 70.2, 73.84999999999999 70.2, 73.84999999999999 70.25, 73.95 70.25, 73.95 70.3, 74.05 70.3, 74.05 70.34999999999999, 74.15000000000001 70.34999999999999, 74.15000000000001 70.40000000000001, 74.25 70.40000000000001, 74.25 70.45, 74.3 70.45, 74.3 70.5, 74.34999999999999 70.5, 74.34999999999999 70.55, 74.40000000000001 70.55, 74.40000000000001 70.65000000000001, 74.34999999999999 70.65000000000001, 74.34999999999999 70.7, 74.25 70.7, 74.25 70.75, 74.09999999999999 70.75, 74.09999999999999 70.84999999999999, 74.05 70.84999999999999, 74.05 70.95, 74 70.95, 74 71, 73.84999999999999 71, 73.84999999999999 71.05, 73.8 71.05, 73.8 71.09999999999999, 73.75 71.09999999999999, 73.75 71.15000000000001, 73.7 71.15000000000001, 73.7 71.2, 73.65000000000001 71.2, 73.65000000000001 71.25, 73.59999999999999 71.25, 73.59999999999999 71.3, 73.45 71.3, 73.45 71.34999999999999, 73.25 71.34999999999999, 73.25 71.40000000000001, 73.09999999999999 71.40000000000001, 73.09999999999999 71.5, 73.2 71.5, 73.2 71.55, 73.34999999999999 71.55, 73.34999999999999 71.59999999999999, 73.45 71.59999999999999, 73.45 71.65000000000001, 73.5 71.65000000000001, 73.5 71.7, 73.55 71.7, 73.55 71.84999999999999, 73.7 71.84999999999999, 73.7 71.90000000000001, 73.90000000000001 71.90000000000001, 73.90000000000001 71.95, 74.15000000000001 71.95, 74.15000000000001 72, 74.5 72, 74.5 72.05, 74.75 72.05, 74.75 72.09999999999999, 74.90000000000001 72.09999999999999, 74.90000000000001 72.15000000000001, 74.95 72.15000000000001, 74.95 72.2, 75 72.2, 75 72.34999999999999, 75.05 72.34999999999999, 75.05 72.59999999999999, 75 72.59999999999999, 75 72.65000000000001, 74.95 72.65000000000001, 74.95 72.7, 74.84999999999999 72.7, 74.84999999999999 72.75, 74.75 72.75, 74.75 72.84999999999999, 74.90000000000001 72.84999999999999, 74.90000000000001 72.90000000000001, 75 72.90000000000001, 75 72.84999999999999, 75.25 72.84999999999999, 75.25 72.8, 75.5 72.8, 75.5 72.75, 75.40000000000001 72.75, 75.40000000000001 72.7, 75.3 72.7, 75.3 72.65000000000001, 75.45 72.65000000000001, 75.45 72.59999999999999, 75.59999999999999 72.59999999999999, 75.59999999999999 72.55, 75.5 72.55, 75.5 72.34999999999999, 75.55 72.34999999999999, 75.55 72.3, 75.59999999999999 72.3, 75.59999999999999 72.25, 75.45 72.25, 75.45 72.15000000000001, 75.40000000000001 72.15000000000001, 75.40000000000001 72, 75.34999999999999 72, 75.34999999999999 71.95, 75.2 71.95, 75.2 71.8, 75.3 71.8, 75.3 71.75, 75.40000000000001 71.75, 75.40000000000001 71.7, 75.45 71.7, 75.45 71.65000000000001, 75.40000000000001 71.65000000000001, 75.40000000000001 71.59999999999999, 75.5 71.59999999999999, 75.5 71.5, 75.34999999999999 71.5, 75.34999999999999 71.45, 75.2 71.45, 75.2 71.40000000000001, 75.3 71.40000000000001, 75.3 71.34999999999999, 75.45 71.34999999999999, 75.45 71.3, 75.75 71.3, 75.75 71.25, 76 71.25, 76 71.2, 76.59999999999999 71.2, 76.59999999999999 71.25, 76.8 71.25, 76.8 71.2, 76.90000000000001 71.2, 76.90000000000001 71.15000000000001, 77.05 71.15000000000001, 77.05 71.2, 77.5 71.2, 77.5 71.15000000000001, 77.90000000000001 71.15000000000001, 77.90000000000001 71.09999999999999, 78 71.09999999999999, 78 71.05, 78.05 71.05, 78.05 71, 78.09999999999999 71, 78.09999999999999 70.95, 78.40000000000001 70.95, 78.40000000000001 70.90000000000001, 78.95 70.90000000000001, 78.95 70.95, 79.09999999999999 70.95, 79.09999999999999 71, 78.75 71, 78.75 70.95, 78.5 70.95, 78.5 71, 78.55 71, 78.55 71.05, 78.40000000000001 71.05, 78.40000000000001 71.09999999999999, 78.34999999999999 71.09999999999999, 78.34999999999999 71.15000000000001, 78.45 71.15000000000001, 78.45 71.25, 78.40000000000001 71.25, 78.40000000000001 71.3, 78.09999999999999 71.3, 78.09999999999999 71.25, 77.95 71.25, 77.95 71.3, 78.05 71.3, 78.05 71.34999999999999, 78.09999999999999 71.34999999999999, 78.09999999999999 71.40000000000001, 77.95 71.40000000000001, 77.95 71.34999999999999, 77.8 71.34999999999999, 77.8 71.3, 77.65000000000001 71.3, 77.65000000000001 71.34999999999999, 77.5 71.34999999999999, 77.5 71.3, 77.45 71.3, 77.45 71.34999999999999, 77.3 71.34999999999999, 77.3 71.40000000000001, 77.05 71.40000000000001, 77.05 71.45, 76.75 71.45, 76.75 71.5, 76.5 71.5, 76.5 71.55, 76.40000000000001 71.55, 76.40000000000001 71.59999999999999, 76.25 71.59999999999999, 76.25 71.65000000000001, 76.2 71.65000000000001, 76.2 71.7, 76.15000000000001 71.7, 76.15000000000001 71.75, 76.05 71.75, 76.05 72, 76.3 72, 76.3 72.05, 76.65000000000001 72.05, 76.65000000000001 72.09999999999999, 77 72.09999999999999, 77 72.05, 77.25 72.05, 77.25 72, 77.34999999999999 72, 77.34999999999999 71.95, 77.5 71.95, 77.5 71.90000000000001, 78.09999999999999 71.90000000000001, 78.09999999999999 71.95, 78.2 71.95, 78.2 72, 78.25 72, 78.25 72.09999999999999, 78.15000000000001 72.09999999999999, 78.15000000000001 72.15000000000001, 77.65000000000001 72.15000000000001, 77.65000000000001 72.09999999999999, 77.40000000000001 72.09999999999999, 77.40000000000001 72.15000000000001, 77.5 72.15000000000001, 77.5 72.2, 77.55 72.2, 77.55 72.25, 77.75 72.25, 77.75 72.3, 77.95 72.3, 77.95 72.34999999999999, 78.05 72.34999999999999, 78.05 72.40000000000001, 78.65000000000001 72.40000000000001, 78.65000000000001 72.45, 78.90000000000001 72.45, 78.90000000000001 72.40000000000001, 79.59999999999999 72.40000000000001, 79.59999999999999 72.34999999999999, 79.75 72.34999999999999, 79.75 72.3, 79.95 72.3, 79.95 72.25, 80.2 72.25, 80.2 72.2, 80.65000000000001 72.2, 80.65000000000001 72.15000000000001, 80.8 72.15000000000001, 80.8 72.09999999999999, 80.75 72.09999999999999, 80.75 72.05, 80.84999999999999 72.05, 80.84999999999999 72, 80.95 72, 80.95 71.95, 81.09999999999999 71.95, 81.09999999999999 71.90000000000001, 81.2 71.90000000000001, 81.2 71.84999999999999, 81.25 71.84999999999999, 81.25 71.8, 81.3 71.8, 81.3 71.75, 81.5 71.75, 81.5 71.7, 81.75 71.7, 81.75 71.65000000000001, 82 71.65000000000001, 82 71.7, 82.34999999999999 71.7, 82.34999999999999 71.75, 82.7 71.75, 82.7 71.8, 82.95 71.8, 82.95 71.75, 83.40000000000001 71.75, 83.40000000000001 71.65000000000001, 83.34999999999999 71.65000000000001, 83.34999999999999 71.59999999999999, 83.15000000000001 71.59999999999999, 83.15000000000001 71.55, 82.95 71.55, 82.95 71.45, 83 71.45, 83 71.40000000000001, 82.65000000000001 71.40000000000001, 82.65000000000001 71.34999999999999, 82.40000000000001 71.34999999999999, 82.40000000000001 71.3, 82.2 71.3, 82.2 71.2, 82.25 71.2, 82.25 71.15000000000001, 82.3 71.15000000000001, 82.3 71.09999999999999, 82.2 71.09999999999999, 82.2 71.05, 82.15000000000001 71.05, 82.15000000000001 70.95, 82.2 70.95, 82.2 70.90000000000001, 82.3 70.90000000000001, 82.3 70.75, 82.2 70.75, 82.2 70.7, 82.34999999999999 70.7, 82.34999999999999 70.65000000000001, 82.40000000000001 70.65000000000001, 82.40000000000001 70.75, 82.45 70.75, 82.45 70.90000000000001, 82.5 70.90000000000001, 82.5 70.95, 82.75 70.95, 82.75 71, 82.84999999999999 71, 82.84999999999999 70.95, 83.05 70.95, 83.05 70.8, 83 70.8, 83 70.7, 82.95 70.7, 82.95 70.5, 82.90000000000001 70.5, 82.90000000000001 70.45, 82.84999999999999 70.45, 82.84999999999999 70.40000000000001, 82.75 70.40000000000001, 82.75 70.34999999999999, 82.7 70.34999999999999, 82.7 70.3, 82.65000000000001 70.3, 82.65000000000001 70.25, 82.59999999999999 70.25, 82.59999999999999 70.2, 82.65000000000001 70.2, 82.65000000000001 70.15000000000001, 82.75 70.15000000000001, 82.75 70.09999999999999, 83.09999999999999 70.09999999999999, 83.09999999999999 70.05, 83.25 70.05, 83.25 70, 83.3 70, 83.3 69.95, 83.34999999999999 69.95, 83.34999999999999 69.8, 83.45 69.8, 83.45 69.75, 83.7 69.75, 83.7 69.7, 84.05 69.7, 84.05 69.65000000000001, 84.15000000000001 69.65000000000001, 84.15000000000001 69.59999999999999, 84.5 69.59999999999999, 84.5 69.65000000000001, 84.65000000000001 69.65000000000001, 84.65000000000001 69.7, 84.75 69.7, 84.75 69.75, 85.5 69.75, 85.5 69.7, 85.75 69.7, 85.75 69.65000000000001, 85.8 69.65000000000001, 85.8 69.59999999999999, 85.90000000000001 69.59999999999999, 85.90000000000001 69.55, 85.95 69.55, 85.95 69.5, 86 69.5, 86 69.45, 85.95 69.45, 85.95 69.40000000000001, 85.90000000000001 69.40000000000001, 85.90000000000001 69.34999999999999, 85.84999999999999 69.34999999999999, 85.84999999999999 69.25, 85.90000000000001 69.25, 85.90000000000001 69.09999999999999, 85.95 69.09999999999999, 85.95 69, 85.90000000000001 69, 85.90000000000001 68.95, 85.95 68.95, 85.95 68.84999999999999, 86 68.84999999999999, 86 68.8, 86.09999999999999 68.8, 86.09999999999999 68.7, 86.15000000000001 68.7, 86.15000000000001 68.59999999999999, 86.2 68.59999999999999, 86.2 68.45, 86.25 68.45, 86.25 68.40000000000001, 86.3 68.40000000000001, 86.3 68.34999999999999, 86.34999999999999 68.34999999999999, 86.34999999999999 68.3, 86.2 68.3, 86.2 68.25, 86.05 68.25, 86.05 68.2, 85.90000000000001 68.2, 85.90000000000001 68.15000000000001, 85.8 68.15000000000001, 85.8 68.09999999999999, 85.75 68.09999999999999, 85.75 68.05, 85.7 68.05, 85.7 67.95, 85.59999999999999 67.95, 85.59999999999999 67.90000000000001, 85.55 67.90000000000001, 85.55 67.84999999999999, 85.5 67.84999999999999, 85.5 67.8, 85.45 67.8, 85.45 67.75, 85.40000000000001 67.75, 85.40000000000001 67.7, 85.2 67.7, 85.2 67.65000000000001, 85.05 67.65000000000001, 85.05 67.59999999999999, 84.90000000000001 67.59999999999999, 84.90000000000001 67.55, 84.75 67.55, 84.75 67.45, 84.7 67.45, 84.7 67.25, 84.84999999999999 67.25, 84.84999999999999 67.2, 84.95 67.2, 84.95 67.15000000000001, 85.09999999999999 67.15000000000001, 85.09999999999999 67.09999999999999, 85.2 67.09999999999999, 85.2 67.05, 85.34999999999999 67.05, 85.34999999999999 67, 85.45 67, 85.45 66.90000000000001, 85.40000000000001 66.90000000000001, 85.40000000000001 66.84999999999999, 85.3 66.84999999999999, 85.3 66.8, 85.09999999999999 66.8, 85.09999999999999 66.75, 84.95 66.75, 84.95 66.45, 84.90000000000001 66.45, 84.90000000000001 66.40000000000001, 84.84999999999999 66.40000000000001, 84.84999999999999 66.34999999999999, 84.75 66.34999999999999, 84.75 66.3, 84.59999999999999 66.3, 84.59999999999999 66.25, 84.2 66.25, 84.2 66.2, 84 66.2, 84 66.25, 83.8 66.25, 83.8 66.3, 83.59999999999999 66.3, 83.59999999999999 66.34999999999999, 81.90000000000001 66.34999999999999, 81.90000000000001 66.3, 81.5 66.3, 81.5 66.25, 81.3 66.25, 81.3 66.2, 81.15000000000001 66.2, 81.15000000000001 66.15000000000001, 80.95 66.15000000000001, 80.95 66.09999999999999, 80.8 66.09999999999999, 80.8 66.05, 80.65000000000001 66.05, 80.65000000000001 66, 80.5 66, 80.5 65.95, 79.7 65.95, 79.7 66, 79.45 66, 79.45 66.05, 79.25 66.05, 79.25 66.09999999999999, 79 66.09999999999999, 79 66.15000000000001, 78.65000000000001 66.15000000000001, 78.65000000000001 66.2, 78.15000000000001 66.2, 78.15000000000001 66.15000000000001, 77.95 66.15000000000001, 77.95 66.09999999999999, 77.75 66.09999999999999, 77.75 66.05, 77.55 66.05, 77.55 66, 77.40000000000001 66, 77.40000000000001 65.95, 77.2 65.95, 77.2 65.90000000000001, 77.05 65.90000000000001, 77.05 65.84999999999999, 76.84999999999999 65.84999999999999, 76.84999999999999 65.8, 76.2 65.8, 76.2 65.75, 75.95 65.75, 75.95 65.7, 75.65000000000001 65.7), (79.09999999999999 71, 79.15000000000001 71, 79.15000000000001 71.05, 79.09999999999999 71.05, 79.09999999999999 71), (78.55 71.05, 78.65000000000001 71.05, 78.65000000000001 71.09999999999999, 78.55 71.09999999999999, 78.55 71.05)), ((78.05 72.40000000000001, 77.90000000000001 72.40000000000001, 77.90000000000001 72.34999999999999, 77.59999999999999 72.34999999999999, 77.59999999999999 72.3, 77 72.3, 77 72.34999999999999, 76.90000000000001 72.34999999999999, 76.90000000000001 72.40000000000001, 77.09999999999999 72.40000000000001, 77.09999999999999 72.45, 77.25 72.45, 77.25 72.5, 77.3 72.5, 77.3 72.55, 77.34999999999999 72.55, 77.34999999999999 72.59999999999999, 77.59999999999999 72.59999999999999, 77.59999999999999 72.65000000000001, 78 72.65000000000001, 78 72.59999999999999, 78.3 72.59999999999999, 78.3 72.55, 78.34999999999999 72.55, 78.34999999999999 72.5, 78.25 72.5, 78.25 72.45, 78.05 72.45, 78.05 72.40000000000001)), ((79.45 72.8, 79.5 72.8, 79.5 72.75, 78.8 72.75, 78.8 72.8, 78.7 72.8, 78.7 72.84999999999999, 78.65000000000001 72.84999999999999, 78.65000000000001 72.90000000000001, 78.75 72.90000000000001, 78.75 72.95, 78.90000000000001 72.95, 78.90000000000001 73, 79 73, 79 73.05, 79.09999999999999 73.05, 79.09999999999999 73.09999999999999, 79.3 73.09999999999999, 79.3 73.05, 79.40000000000001 73.05, 79.40000000000001 73, 79.5 73, 79.5 72.90000000000001, 79.45 72.90000000000001, 79.45 72.8)), ((76.59999999999999 73.55, 76.65000000000001 73.55, 76.65000000000001 73.5, 76.34999999999999 73.5, 76.34999999999999 73.55, 76.59999999999999 73.55)), ((76.65000000000001 73.5, 76.7 73.5, 76.7 73.45, 76.65000000000001 73.45, 76.65000000000001 73.5)), ((76.65000000000001 73.2, 76.7 73.2, 76.7 73.15000000000001, 76.2 73.15000000000001, 76.2 73.2, 76.15000000000001 73.2, 76.15000000000001 73.25, 76.34999999999999 73.25, 76.34999999999999 73.2, 76.55 73.2, 76.55 73.25, 76.59999999999999 73.25, 76.59999999999999 73.2, 76.65000000000001 73.2)), ((76.2 73.59999999999999, 76.25 73.59999999999999, 76.25 73.55, 76.15000000000001 73.55, 76.15000000000001 73.59999999999999, 76.2 73.59999999999999)), ((75.95 73.59999999999999, 76 73.59999999999999, 76 73.55, 75.95 73.55, 75.95 73.59999999999999)), ((75.90000000000001 73.5, 75.90000000000001 73.45, 75.59999999999999 73.45, 75.59999999999999 73.5, 75.45 73.5, 75.45 73.45, 75.3 73.45, 75.3 73.5, 75.40000000000001 73.5, 75.40000000000001 73.55, 75.90000000000001 73.55, 75.90000000000001 73.5)), ((74.59999999999999 72.84999999999999, 74.5 72.84999999999999, 74.5 72.90000000000001, 74.3 72.90000000000001, 74.3 72.95, 74.09999999999999 72.95, 74.09999999999999 73.09999999999999, 74.2 73.09999999999999, 74.2 73.15000000000001, 74.5 73.15000000000001, 74.5 73.09999999999999, 74.7 73.09999999999999, 74.7 73.05, 74.65000000000001 73.05, 74.65000000000001 72.84999999999999, 74.59999999999999 72.84999999999999)), ((69.7 66.5, 69.84999999999999 66.5, 69.84999999999999 66.45, 69.05 66.45, 69.05 66.5, 68.45 66.5, 68.45 66.55, 68.05 66.55, 68.05 66.59999999999999, 65.65000000000001 66.59999999999999, 65.65000000000001 66.55, 65.3 66.55, 65.3 66.59999999999999, 65.34999999999999 66.59999999999999, 65.34999999999999 66.7, 65.40000000000001 66.7, 65.40000000000001 66.75, 65.65000000000001 66.75, 65.65000000000001 66.8, 66.09999999999999 66.8, 66.09999999999999 66.84999999999999, 66.5 66.84999999999999, 66.5 66.90000000000001, 66.75 66.90000000000001, 66.75 66.95, 66.95 66.95, 66.95 67, 67 67, 67 67.05, 67.09999999999999 67.05, 67.09999999999999 67.09999999999999, 67.15000000000001 67.09999999999999, 67.15000000000001 67.15000000000001, 67.2 67.15000000000001, 67.2 67.2, 67.25 67.2, 67.25 67.34999999999999, 67.2 67.34999999999999, 67.2 67.40000000000001, 67.15000000000001 67.40000000000001, 67.15000000000001 67.45, 67.09999999999999 67.45, 67.09999999999999 67.5, 67.05 67.5, 67.05 67.55, 66.95 67.55, 66.95 67.59999999999999, 67 67.59999999999999, 67 67.65000000000001, 67.05 67.65000000000001, 67.05 67.75, 67.09999999999999 67.75, 67.09999999999999 67.90000000000001, 67.15000000000001 67.90000000000001, 67.15000000000001 68.05, 67.09999999999999 68.05, 67.09999999999999 68.09999999999999, 67.05 68.09999999999999, 67.05 68.15000000000001, 67.09999999999999 68.15000000000001, 67.09999999999999 68.2, 67.95 68.2, 67.95 68.25, 68.05 68.25, 68.05 68.3, 68.15000000000001 68.3, 68.15000000000001 68.25, 68.25 68.25, 68.25 68.2, 68.34999999999999 68.2, 68.34999999999999 68.25, 68.45 68.25, 68.45 68.3, 68.59999999999999 68.3, 68.59999999999999 68.40000000000001, 68.65000000000001 68.40000000000001, 68.65000000000001 68.45, 68.7 68.45, 68.7 68.5, 68.75 68.5, 68.75 68.55, 68.8 68.55, 68.8 68.59999999999999, 68.84999999999999 68.59999999999999, 68.84999999999999 68.65000000000001, 68.90000000000001 68.65000000000001, 68.90000000000001 68.7, 68.95 68.7, 68.95 68.75, 69 68.75, 69 68.8, 69.09999999999999 68.8, 69.09999999999999 68.90000000000001, 69 68.90000000000001, 69 69, 68.45 69, 68.45 69.05, 68.34999999999999 69.05, 68.34999999999999 69.09999999999999, 68.3 69.09999999999999, 68.3 69.15000000000001, 68.2 69.15000000000001, 68.2 69.2, 68.15000000000001 69.2, 68.15000000000001 69.25, 68.09999999999999 69.25, 68.09999999999999 69.34999999999999, 68.15000000000001 69.34999999999999, 68.15000000000001 69.45, 68.2 69.45, 68.2 69.55, 68.05 69.55, 68.05 69.5, 67.75 69.5, 67.75 69.55, 67.65000000000001 69.55, 67.65000000000001 69.59999999999999, 67.3 69.59999999999999, 67.3 69.65000000000001, 67.15000000000001 69.65000000000001, 67.15000000000001 69.7, 67.05 69.7, 67.05 69.65000000000001, 66.95 69.65000000000001, 66.95 69.5, 66.84999999999999 69.5, 66.84999999999999 69.59999999999999, 66.8 69.59999999999999, 66.8 69.95, 66.84999999999999 69.95, 66.84999999999999 70, 66.90000000000001 70, 66.90000000000001 70.05, 67 70.05, 67 70, 67.25 70, 67.25 70.05, 67.34999999999999 70.05, 67.34999999999999 70.09999999999999, 67.40000000000001 70.09999999999999, 67.40000000000001 70.15000000000001, 67.3 70.15000000000001, 67.3 70.2, 67.15000000000001 70.2, 67.15000000000001 70.25, 67.2 70.25, 67.2 70.34999999999999, 67.25 70.34999999999999, 67.25 70.40000000000001, 67.3 70.40000000000001, 67.3 70.45, 67.34999999999999 70.45, 67.34999999999999 70.55, 67.3 70.55, 67.3 70.59999999999999, 67.34999999999999 70.59999999999999, 67.34999999999999 70.65000000000001, 67.40000000000001 70.65000000000001, 67.40000000000001 70.7, 67.45 70.7, 67.45 70.75, 67.5 70.75, 67.5 70.8, 67.40000000000001 70.8, 67.40000000000001 70.84999999999999, 67 70.84999999999999, 67 70.8, 66.7 70.8, 66.7 70.90000000000001, 66.75 70.90000000000001, 66.75 70.95, 66.90000000000001 70.95, 66.90000000000001 71.05, 67 71.05, 67 71.09999999999999, 66.90000000000001 71.09999999999999, 66.90000000000001 71.2, 66.95 71.2, 66.95 71.25, 67 71.25, 67 71.3, 67.15000000000001 71.3, 67.15000000000001 71.34999999999999, 67.34999999999999 71.34999999999999, 67.34999999999999 71.40000000000001, 67.5 71.40000000000001, 67.5 71.45, 67.7 71.45, 67.7 71.5, 67.90000000000001 71.5, 67.90000000000001 71.55, 68 71.55, 68 71.59999999999999, 68.09999999999999 71.59999999999999, 68.09999999999999 71.65000000000001, 68.34999999999999 71.65000000000001, 68.34999999999999 71.7, 68.40000000000001 71.7, 68.40000000000001 71.8, 68.45 71.8, 68.45 71.84999999999999, 68.55 71.84999999999999, 68.55 71.90000000000001, 68.59999999999999 71.90000000000001, 68.59999999999999 71.95, 68.65000000000001 71.95, 68.65000000000001 72, 68.7 72, 68.7 72.05, 68.75 72.05, 68.75 72.09999999999999, 68.7 72.09999999999999, 68.7 72.15000000000001, 68.75 72.15000000000001, 68.75 72.25, 68.8 72.25, 68.8 72.34999999999999, 68.75 72.34999999999999, 68.75 72.45, 68.8 72.45, 68.8 72.5, 68.84999999999999 72.5, 68.84999999999999 72.55, 68.90000000000001 72.55, 68.90000000000001 72.59999999999999, 68.95 72.59999999999999, 68.95 72.65000000000001, 69 72.65000000000001, 69 72.7, 68.95 72.7, 68.95 72.75, 69.09999999999999 72.75, 69.09999999999999 72.8, 69.2 72.8, 69.2 72.84999999999999, 69.25 72.84999999999999, 69.25 72.90000000000001, 69.3 72.90000000000001, 69.3 73, 69.75 73, 69.75 72.95, 69.55 72.95, 69.55 72.90000000000001, 71.90000000000001 72.90000000000001, 71.90000000000001 72.84999999999999, 72.2 72.84999999999999, 72.2 72.8, 72.5 72.8, 72.5 72.75, 72.75 72.75, 72.75 72.5, 72.84999999999999 72.5, 72.84999999999999 72.40000000000001, 72.8 72.40000000000001, 72.8 72.34999999999999, 72.84999999999999 72.34999999999999, 72.84999999999999 72.25, 72.8 72.25, 72.8 72.2, 72.75 72.2, 72.75 72.09999999999999, 72.7 72.09999999999999, 72.7 72.05, 72.59999999999999 72.05, 72.59999999999999 72, 72.55 72, 72.55 71.95, 72.45 71.95, 72.45 71.90000000000001, 72.40000000000001 71.90000000000001, 72.40000000000001 71.84999999999999, 72.3 71.84999999999999, 72.3 71.7, 72.25 71.7, 72.25 71.65000000000001, 72.15000000000001 71.65000000000001, 72.15000000000001 71.59999999999999, 71.95 71.59999999999999, 71.95 71.55, 71.90000000000001 71.55, 71.90000000000001 71.40000000000001, 72 71.40000000000001, 72 71.34999999999999, 72.09999999999999 71.34999999999999, 72.09999999999999 71.3, 72.2 71.3, 72.2 71.25, 72.34999999999999 71.25, 72.34999999999999 71.2, 72.55 71.2, 72.55 71.15000000000001, 72.75 71.15000000000001, 72.75 71.09999999999999, 72.65000000000001 71.09999999999999, 72.65000000000001 71, 72.7 71, 72.7 70.95, 72.8 70.95, 72.8 70.90000000000001, 72.84999999999999 70.90000000000001, 72.84999999999999 70.75, 72.90000000000001 70.75, 72.90000000000001 70.7, 72.84999999999999 70.7, 72.84999999999999 70.65000000000001, 72.75 70.65000000000001, 72.75 70.59999999999999, 72.8 70.59999999999999, 72.8 70.55, 72.84999999999999 70.55, 72.84999999999999 70.40000000000001, 72.8 70.40000000000001, 72.8 70.34999999999999, 72.7 70.34999999999999, 72.7 70.40000000000001, 72.65000000000001 70.40000000000001, 72.65000000000001 70.34999999999999, 72.5 70.34999999999999, 72.5 70.3, 72.45 70.3, 72.45 70.25, 72.5 70.25, 72.5 70.2, 72.55 70.2, 72.55 70.15000000000001, 72.5 70.15000000000001, 72.5 70.09999999999999, 72.45 70.09999999999999, 72.45 69.95, 72.5 69.95, 72.5 69.90000000000001, 72.59999999999999 69.90000000000001, 72.59999999999999 69.84999999999999, 72.65000000000001 69.84999999999999, 72.65000000000001 69.8, 72.59999999999999 69.8, 72.59999999999999 69.75, 72.55 69.75, 72.55 69.7, 72.5 69.7, 72.5 69.59999999999999, 72.55 69.59999999999999, 72.55 69.45, 72.5 69.45, 72.5 69.34999999999999, 72.55 69.34999999999999, 72.55 69.3, 72.5 69.3, 72.5 69.25, 72.45 69.25, 72.45 69.09999999999999, 72.5 69.09999999999999, 72.5 69, 72.55 69, 72.55 68.95, 72.59999999999999 68.95, 72.59999999999999 68.90000000000001, 72.7 68.90000000000001, 72.7 68.84999999999999, 72.84999999999999 68.84999999999999, 72.84999999999999 68.8, 73 68.8, 73 68.75, 73.15000000000001 68.75, 73.15000000000001 68.7, 73.3 68.7, 73.3 68.65000000000001, 73.40000000000001 68.65000000000001, 73.40000000000001 68.59999999999999, 73.5 68.59999999999999, 73.5 68.55, 73.59999999999999 68.55, 73.59999999999999 68.40000000000001, 73.5 68.40000000000001, 73.5 68.45, 73.45 68.45, 73.45 68.40000000000001, 73.34999999999999 68.40000000000001, 73.34999999999999 68.34999999999999, 73.25 68.34999999999999, 73.25 68.3, 73.2 68.3, 73.2 68.25, 73.15000000000001 68.25, 73.15000000000001 68.2, 73.09999999999999 68.2, 73.09999999999999 68.05, 73.15000000000001 68.05, 73.15000000000001 68, 73.2 68, 73.2 67.84999999999999, 73.09999999999999 67.84999999999999, 73.09999999999999 67.75, 72.90000000000001 67.75, 72.90000000000001 67.7, 72.84999999999999 67.7, 72.84999999999999 67.65000000000001, 72.59999999999999 67.65000000000001, 72.59999999999999 67.59999999999999, 72.55 67.59999999999999, 72.55 67.55, 72.45 67.55, 72.45 67.40000000000001, 72.40000000000001 67.40000000000001, 72.40000000000001 67.34999999999999, 72.25 67.34999999999999, 72.25 67.40000000000001, 72.2 67.40000000000001, 72.2 67.34999999999999, 72.09999999999999 67.34999999999999, 72.09999999999999 67.3, 72.25 67.3, 72.25 67.25, 72.3 67.25, 72.3 67.15000000000001, 72.2 67.15000000000001, 72.2 67.2, 72.15000000000001 67.2, 72.15000000000001 67.25, 72.09999999999999 67.25, 72.09999999999999 67.2, 71.95 67.2, 71.95 67.15000000000001, 72.05 67.15000000000001, 72.05 67.09999999999999, 72 67.09999999999999, 72 67.05, 71.90000000000001 67.05, 71.90000000000001 67, 71.84999999999999 67, 71.84999999999999 66.95, 71.7 66.95, 71.7 67, 71.55 67, 71.55 66.95, 71.5 66.95, 71.5 67, 71.34999999999999 67, 71.34999999999999 66.95, 71.45 66.95, 71.45 66.90000000000001, 71.5 66.90000000000001, 71.5 66.84999999999999, 71.59999999999999 66.84999999999999, 71.59999999999999 66.7, 71.55 66.7, 71.55 66.65000000000001, 71.40000000000001 66.65000000000001, 71.40000000000001 66.7, 71.15000000000001 66.7, 71.15000000000001 66.65000000000001, 71.05 66.65000000000001, 71.05 66.59999999999999, 71 66.59999999999999, 71 66.55, 70.90000000000001 66.55, 70.90000000000001 66.5, 70.55 66.5, 70.55 66.55, 70.34999999999999 66.55, 70.34999999999999 66.59999999999999, 70.25 66.59999999999999, 70.25 66.65000000000001, 70.45 66.65000000000001, 70.45 66.7, 70.59999999999999 66.7, 70.59999999999999 66.75, 70.7 66.75, 70.7 66.8, 70 66.8, 70 66.84999999999999, 69.5 66.84999999999999, 69.5 66.8, 69.55 66.8, 69.55 66.75, 69.59999999999999 66.75, 69.59999999999999 66.7, 69.65000000000001 66.7, 69.65000000000001 66.8, 69.75 66.8, 69.75 66.75, 70.05 66.75, 70.05 66.59999999999999, 69.90000000000001 66.59999999999999, 69.90000000000001 66.55, 69.7 66.55, 69.7 66.59999999999999, 69.55 66.59999999999999, 69.55 66.7, 69.45 66.7, 69.45 66.8, 69.15000000000001 66.8, 69.15000000000001 66.84999999999999, 68.90000000000001 66.84999999999999, 68.90000000000001 66.8, 69.09999999999999 66.8, 69.09999999999999 66.7, 69.15000000000001 66.7, 69.15000000000001 66.59999999999999, 69.34999999999999 66.59999999999999, 69.34999999999999 66.55, 69.5 66.55, 69.5 66.5, 69.7 66.5), (71.90000000000001 72.84999999999999, 71.84999999999999 72.84999999999999, 71.84999999999999 72.8, 71.90000000000001 72.8, 71.90000000000001 72.84999999999999), (68.3 66.75, 68.3 66.7, 68.65000000000001 66.7, 68.65000000000001 66.75, 68.8 66.75, 68.8 66.8, 68.40000000000001 66.8, 68.40000000000001 66.75, 68.3 66.75)), ((70.45 73.09999999999999, 70.45 73.05, 70.2 73.05, 70.2 73.09999999999999, 70 73.09999999999999, 70 73.05, 69.84999999999999 73.05, 69.84999999999999 73.15000000000001, 69.95 73.15000000000001, 69.95 73.2, 70 73.2, 70 73.25, 70.05 73.25, 70.05 73.3, 70 73.3, 70 73.34999999999999, 69.95 73.34999999999999, 69.95 73.40000000000001, 70 73.40000000000001, 70 73.45, 70.2 73.45, 70.2 73.5, 71.15000000000001 73.5, 71.15000000000001 73.45, 71.05 73.45, 71.05 73.34999999999999, 70.95 73.34999999999999, 70.95 73.3, 71.3 73.3, 71.3 73.34999999999999, 71.5 73.34999999999999, 71.5 73.3, 71.55 73.3, 71.55 73.25, 71.59999999999999 73.25, 71.59999999999999 73.2, 71.25 73.2, 71.25 73.15000000000001, 70.65000000000001 73.15000000000001, 70.65000000000001 73.09999999999999, 70.45 73.09999999999999)), ((67.40000000000001 68.7, 67.45 68.7, 67.45 68.65000000000001, 67.3 68.65000000000001, 67.3 68.7, 67.40000000000001 68.7)), ((67.45 68.65000000000001, 67.5 68.65000000000001, 67.55 68.65000000000001, 67.55 68.59999999999999, 67.45 68.59999999999999, 67.45 68.65000000000001)), ((67.55 68.59999999999999, 67.65000000000001 68.59999999999999, 67.65000000000001 68.55, 67.55 68.55, 67.55 68.59999999999999)), ((67.2 69.40000000000001, 67.2 69.34999999999999, 66.95 69.34999999999999, 66.95 69.45, 67.2 69.45, 67.2 69.40000000000001)), ((66.84999999999999 70.45, 66.90000000000001 70.45, 66.90000000000001 70.40000000000001, 66.75 70.40000000000001, 66.75 70.45, 66.59999999999999 70.45, 66.59999999999999 70.55, 66.7 70.55, 66.7 70.59999999999999, 66.84999999999999 70.59999999999999, 66.84999999999999 70.45)), ((66.55 70.59999999999999, 66.55 70.55, 66.5 70.55, 66.5 70.59999999999999, 66.45 70.59999999999999, 66.45 70.8, 66.59999999999999 70.8, 66.59999999999999 70.7, 66.65000000000001 70.7, 66.65000000000001 70.59999999999999, 66.55 70.59999999999999)))", "HasCoordinate is true", "Year is less than or equal to 2021", "HasGeospatialIssue is false" ] } The dataset includes 2620 records from 120 constituent datasets: 3 records from Herbarium Senckenbergianum (GLM) - Bryophyta. 75 records from A community genomics investigation of fungal adaptation to cold. 3854 records from Moscow University Herbarium (MW). 1 records from Coleoptera Palaearctic (Luomus) (PC). 2 records from The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY). 62 records from FLORUS: miscellaneous records. 15 records from Distribution of xylotrophic fungi of the genus Daedaleopsis in the Asian part of Russia from 1978 to 2019. 323 records from BirdMap Data - GPS tracking of Storks, Cranes and birds of prey, breeding in Northern and Eastern Europe. 7 records from Pl@ntNet automatically identified occurrences. 3 records from Collection Arachnology SMF. 277 records from UWBM Ornithology Collection. 2 records from Worms (Luomus). 5 records from Invertebrates (Type Specimens) of the Swedish Museum of Natural History. 123 records from Central Siberian Botanical Garden Herbarium (NS, NSK). 2 records from Invertebrata varia (Luomus). 27 records from Endemic Alpine Plants of Northern Asia. 5 records from SYKO Herbarium Moss Collection. 2 records from The Bovista species diversity in Russia, based on the data of official herbaria (LE, VLA, KEM, MAG, NSK, K, PRM) and the author`s personal mycological collection (YuR). 2 records from Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Vascular Plant Herbarium. 1 records from Bryophyte Herbarium (H): Herbarium Generale. 46 records from Estonian Museum of Natural History Department of Botany. 21 records from Lund Botanical Museum (LD). 196 records from GalliForm: Galliformes occurrence records from the Indo-Malay and Palaearctic, 1800-2008. 1 records from INSDC Host Organism Sequences. 1 records from Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens. 33 records from Invertebrates Collection of the Swedish Museum of Natural History. 2 records from Grethe Hasle Diatom Collection. 1 records from The Fungarium of Yugra State University. 211 records from University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden Mycological Collections. 1 records from Botany (UPS). 1 records from Database of Arctic lamprey (Lethenteron camtschaticum (Tilesius, 1811)) occurrences in Russia and actual samples deposited in the A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution.. 2 records from World revision of Iteaphila with unbranched radial vein (Diptera: Empidoidea: Iteaphilidae). 5 records from Universidad de Murcia, Dpto. Biología Vegetal (Botánica), Murcia: MUB-MUSCI. 1330 records from RU-BIRDS.RU, Birds observations database from Russia and neighboring regions. Zoological Museum of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University.. 24 records from Occurrences of Oxytropis species on the territory of Asian Russia. 3 records from Observation.org, Nature data from around the World. 202 records from L. IS dataset. Cyanoprocaryota, Lichens, Bryophyte. 8 records from Lepidoptera World (Luomus) (LEPW). 1 records from AM: Freshwater Invertebrates (1900-2005). 5 records from Ferns at the Central Siberian Botanical Garden herbarium collections (NS, NSK). 1325 records from EOD – eBird Observation Dataset. 8 records from Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University. 353 records from Masaryk University - Herbarium BRNU. 7 records from Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Entomological Collection. 51 records from Archives of the Arctic Seas Zooplankton. 3 records from Vascular plant herbarium, UiT Tromsø Museum. 2 records from MAG Herbarium: collections of vascular plants. 10 records from Ringing and recovery database of birds (TIPU). 7 records from Charles University Prague - Herbarium PRC. 3 records from Entomological slide collection (Luomus). 1 records from University of Michigan Herbarium. 2 records from Findings to the flora of Russia and adjacent countries. 14 records from Phanerogamic Botanical Collections (S). 7 records from Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Aves. 77 records from Planetary Biodiversity Inventory Eumycetozoan Databank. 13 records from Abundance of meroplankton during cruise BP00 (southern Kara Sea). 41 records from Herbarium of the Institute of the problems of Northern development (TMN). 7 records from Herbarium Senckenbergianum (FR) - Fungi. 2 records from Canadian Museum of Nature Fish Collection. 2 records from Oskarshamn herbarium (OHN). 12 records from Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Mycological Herbarium. 3651 records from iNaturalist Research-grade Observations. 304 records from Red Data Book Carabidae species of the Urals and Western Siberia in the collection of the Museum of IPAE UB RAS. 1944 records from Fungal literature records database of the Northern West Siberia (Russia). 593 records from NHMO DNA Bank Vascular plants collection. 17 records from MHA Herbarium: collections of vascular plants. 4 records from University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden Zooloogical Collections. 20 records from CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Musgos (MA-Musci). 2280 records from Locations of plants on dot distribution maps in the Flora of Siberia (Flora Sibiraea, 1987–1997). 55 records from INSDC Sequences. 1 records from Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Bryophyte Collection. 85 records from Genus Salix s.l. in M.G. Popov Herbarium (NSK). 2 records from KUBI Mammalogy Collection. 10 records from MSB Mammal Collection (Arctos). 1 records from UAM Herbarium (ALA), Vascular Plant Collection (Arctos). 4 records from "Flora of Russia" on iNaturalist: a trusted backlog. 13 records from Amoeboid protists isolated from ancient Siberian permafrost. 33 records from University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Bryophytes Collection. 1 records from NCSM Mollusk Collection. 5 records from MVZ Bird Collection (Arctos). 33 records from Bryophyte herbarium TRH, NTNU University Museum. 1 records from Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Herbarium Specimens. 1 records from Entomological collections, UiB. 213 records from Crowdsourcing fungal biodiversity: revision of inaturalist observations in Northern West Siberia. 107 records from Tallinn Botanic Garden. 2 records from Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany. 78 records from The Myxomycetes Collection at the V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute, St. Petersburg. 1 records from Canadian Museum of Nature Annelid Collection. 82 records from UAM Mammal Collection (Arctos). 605 records from Birds of Northern Eurasia. 290 records from Structure and function of contemporary food webs on Arctic shelves: A panarctic comparison. The pelagic system of the Kara Sea- communities and components of carbon flow. 1 records from Aves (Luomus). 315 records from Pteridophyte of the Urals and adjacent areas. 2 records from Ornithology Collection Passeriformes - Royal Ontario Museum. 1 records from Re-classification of Lycoriella Frey sensu lato (Diptera, Sciaridae), with description of Trichocoelina gen. n. and twenty new species. 495 records from Bryological collection of Yugra State University. 2 records from Marine invertebrate collection NTNU University Museum. 2 records from Arctic benthic invertebrate collection of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Science. 28 records from Collection Malakologie - SNSD. 1 records from Family Primulaceae in Digital Herbaria of CSBG SB RAS (NS). 1 records from Queensland Museum provider for OZCAM. 1 records from Arizona State University Lichen Herbarium. 42 records from Xeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world. 6 records from Herbarium Senckenbergianum (FR). 1 records from TTU Mammals Collection. 367 records from IPAE egg clutches collection (Aves). 1 records from Recoveries of birds ringed by Revtangen Bird Observatory (Southwest Norway), 1936-2018. 24 records from Birds and Mammals Collections of the Zoological Museum of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. 72 records from International Barcode of Life project (iBOL). 38 records from Raptors of the World. 7 records from Carnet en Ligne. 30 records from SVER Herbarium Limoniaceae Collection. 5 records from Duke University Herbarium Bryophyte Collection. 26 records from Natural History Museum, Vienna - Herbarium W. 3 records from UAM Herbarium (ALA), Cryptogam Collection (Arctos). 1 records from Mollusca (Luomus). 1 records from Ringing or Bird Recapture. 12 records from Database of Amphibia distribution in West Siberia (Russia). 6 records from CANB AVH data. 4 records from Family Primulaceae in Digital Herbaria of CSBG SB RAS (NSK). Data from some individual datasets included in this download may be licensed under less restrictive terms.