Occurrence Download

A dataset containing 1733 species occurrences available in GBIF matching the query: { "and" : [ "Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-67 -44.2, -67 -44.25, -67.05 -44.25, -67.05 -44.2, -67.09999999999999 -44.2, -67.15000000000001 -44.2, -67.15000000000001 -44.15, -67.2 -44.15, -67.2 -44.1, -67.2...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Occdownload Gbif.Org
Format: Dataset
Published: The Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2021
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.15468/dl.a8633a
Summary:A dataset containing 1733 species occurrences available in GBIF matching the query: { "and" : [ "Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-67 -44.2, -67 -44.25, -67.05 -44.25, -67.05 -44.2, -67.09999999999999 -44.2, -67.15000000000001 -44.2, -67.15000000000001 -44.15, -67.2 -44.15, -67.2 -44.1, -67.25 -44.1, -67.25 -44.05, -67.3 -44.05, -67.3 -44, -67.34999999999999 -44, -67.34999999999999 -43.95, -67.40000000000001 -43.95, -67.40000000000001 -43.9, -67.40000000000001 -43.85, -67.40000000000001 -43.8, -67.45 -43.8, -67.45 -43.75, -67.45 -43.7, -67.5 -43.7, -67.5 -43.65, -67.5 -43.6, -67.55 -43.6, -67.55 -43.55, -67.5 -43.55, -67.5 -43.5, -67.5 -43.45, -67.5 -43.4, -67.5 -43.35, -67.5 -43.3, -67.5 -43.25, -67.45 -43.25, -67.45 -43.2, -67.40000000000001 -43.2, -67.34999999999999 -43.2, -67.34999999999999 -43.15, -67.3 -43.15, -67.3 -43.1, -67.25 -43.1, -67.2 -43.1, -67.15000000000001 -43.1, -67.15000000000001 -43.05, -67.09999999999999 -43.05, -67.09999999999999 -43, -67.05 -43, -67.05 -42.95, -67.05 -42.9, -67.05 -42.85, -67.05 -42.8, -67.05 -42.75, -67 -42.75, -67 -42.7, -67 -42.65, -67.05 -42.65, -67.05 -42.6, -67.05 -42.55, -67.05 -42.5, -67.09999999999999 -42.5, -67.09999999999999 -42.45, -67.09999999999999 -42.4, -67.15000000000001 -42.4, -67.2 -42.4, -67.25 -42.4, -67.25 -42.35, -67.3 -42.35, -67.34999999999999 -42.35, -67.34999999999999 -42.4, -67.40000000000001 -42.4, -67.45 -42.4, -67.5 -42.4, -67.55 -42.4, -67.59999999999999 -42.4, -67.65000000000001 -42.4, -67.7 -42.4, -67.75 -42.4, -67.75 -42.35, -67.8 -42.35, -67.8 -42.3, -67.84999999999999 -42.3, -67.84999999999999 -42.25, -67.90000000000001 -42.25, -67.90000000000001 -42.2, -67.84999999999999 -42.2, -67.84999999999999 -42.15, -67.8 -42.15, -67.8 -42.1, -67.8 -42.05, -67.75 -42.05, -67.75 -42, -67.7 -42, -67.7 -41.95, -67.65000000000001 -41.95, -67.65000000000001 -41.9, -67.59999999999999 -41.9, -67.55 -41.9, -67.55 -41.85, -67.5 -41.85, -67.5 -41.8, -67.45 -41.8, -67.45 -41.75, -67.40000000000001 -41.75, -67.34999999999999 -41.75, -67.34999999999999 -41.7, -67.3 -41.7, -67.25 -41.7, -67.25 -41.75, -67.2 -41.75, -67.15000000000001 -41.75, -67.09999999999999 -41.75, -67.05 -41.75, -67 -41.75, -66.95 -41.75, -66.90000000000001 -41.75, -66.84999999999999 -41.75, -66.84999999999999 -41.8, -66.8 -41.8, -66.75 -41.8, -66.7 -41.8, -66.7 -41.85, -66.65000000000001 -41.85, -66.59999999999999 -41.85, -66.59999999999999 -41.8, -66.55 -41.8, -66.5 -41.8, -66.5 -41.75, -66.45 -41.75, -66.40000000000001 -41.75, -66.40000000000001 -41.7, -66.34999999999999 -41.7, -66.34999999999999 -41.65, -66.3 -41.65, -66.3 -41.7, -66.25 -41.7, -66.2 -41.7, -66.15000000000001 -41.7, -66.15000000000001 -41.65, -66.15000000000001 -41.6, -66.15000000000001 -41.55, -66.15000000000001 -41.5, -66.15000000000001 -41.45, -66.2 -41.45, -66.2 -41.4, -66.2 -41.35, -66.2 -41.3, -66.2 -41.25, -66.2 -41.2, -66.2 -41.15, -66.2 -41.1, -66.2 -41.05, -66.2 -41, -66.2 -40.95, -66.2 -40.9, -66.25 -40.9, -66.25 -40.85, -66.3 -40.85, -66.34999999999999 -40.85, -66.40000000000001 -40.85, -66.45 -40.85, -66.5 -40.85, -66.5 -40.9, -66.55 -40.9, -66.55 -40.95, -66.59999999999999 -40.95, -66.65000000000001 -40.95, -66.7 -40.95, -66.75 -40.95, -66.8 -40.95, -66.84999999999999 -40.95, -66.90000000000001 -40.95, -66.90000000000001 -40.9, -66.95 -40.9, -67 -40.9, -67.05 -40.9, -67.09999999999999 -40.9, -67.15000000000001 -40.9, -67.2 -40.9, -67.2 -40.95, -67.25 -40.95, -67.25 -41, -67.3 -41, -67.3 -41.05, -67.3 -41.1, -67.34999999999999 -41.1, -67.40000000000001 -41.1, -67.40000000000001 -41.15, -67.40000000000001 -41.2, -67.45 -41.2, -67.5 -41.2, -67.55 -41.2, -67.59999999999999 -41.2, -67.59999999999999 -41.15, -67.59999999999999 -41.1, -67.59999999999999 -41.05, -67.59999999999999 -41, -67.59999999999999 -40.95, -67.59999999999999 -40.9, -67.59999999999999 -40.85, -67.59999999999999 -40.8, -67.59999999999999 -40.75, -67.55 -40.75, -67.55 -40.7, -67.5 -40.7, -67.5 -40.65, -67.5 -40.6, -67.55 -40.6, -67.55 -40.55, -67.55 -40.5, -67.55 -40.45, -67.55 -40.4, -67.55 -40.35, -67.59999999999999 -40.35, -67.65000000000001 -40.35, -67.7 -40.35, -67.75 -40.35, -67.75 -40.3, -67.8 -40.3, -67.84999999999999 -40.3, -67.90000000000001 -40.3, -67.90000000000001 -40.25, -67.95 -40.25, -68 -40.25, -68 -40.2, -68.05 -40.2, -68.09999999999999 -40.2, -68.15000000000001 -40.2, -68.15000000000001 -40.15, -68.2 -40.15, -68.25 -40.15, -68.25 -40.1, -68.3 -40.1, -68.34999999999999 -40.1, -68.40000000000001 -40.1, -68.40000000000001 -40.05, -68.45 -40.05, -68.5 -40.05, -68.55 -40.05, -68.59999999999999 -40.05, -68.65000000000001 -40.05, -68.7 -40.05, -68.75 -40.05, -68.75 -40.1, -68.8 -40.1, -68.84999999999999 -40.1, -68.90000000000001 -40.1, -68.90000000000001 -40.05, -68.90000000000001 -40, -68.95 -40, -68.95 -39.95, -69 -39.95, -69.05 -39.95, -69.05 -40, -69.09999999999999 -40, -69.15000000000001 -40, -69.2 -40, -69.2 -40.05, -69.25 -40.05, -69.3 -40.05, -69.34999999999999 -40.05, -69.40000000000001 -40.05, -69.45 -40.05, -69.5 -40.05, -69.55 -40.05, -69.55 -40, -69.59999999999999 -40, -69.65000000000001 -40, -69.7 -40, -69.75 -40, -69.8 -40, -69.84999999999999 -40, -69.84999999999999 -40.05, -69.90000000000001 -40.05, -69.95 -40.05, -70 -40.05, -70 -40, -70.05 -40, -70.09999999999999 -40, -70.15000000000001 -40, -70.15000000000001 -39.95, -70.15000000000001 -39.9, -70.15000000000001 -39.85, -70.09999999999999 -39.85, -70.09999999999999 -39.8, -70.09999999999999 -39.75, -70.05 -39.75, -70.05 -39.7, -70.05 -39.65, -70 -39.65, -70 -39.6, -69.95 -39.6, -69.90000000000001 -39.6, -69.90000000000001 -39.55, -69.84999999999999 -39.55, -69.8 -39.55, -69.8 -39.5, -69.75 -39.5, -69.7 -39.5, -69.7 -39.45, -69.65000000000001 -39.45, -69.65000000000001 -39.4, -69.65000000000001 -39.35, -69.7 -39.35, -69.7 -39.3, -69.75 -39.3, -69.75 -39.25, -69.8 -39.25, -69.84999999999999 -39.25, -69.90000000000001 -39.25, -69.95 -39.25, -70 -39.25, -70 -39.2, -70 -39.15, -70 -39.1, -70.05 -39.1, -70.05 -39.05, -70.05 -39, -70.05 -38.95, -70.05 -38.9, -70.05 -38.85, -70.05 -38.8, -70.09999999999999 -38.8, -70.09999999999999 -38.75, -70.09999999999999 -38.7, -70.05 -38.7, -70.05 -38.65, -70 -38.65, -70 -38.6, -69.95 -38.6, -69.95 -38.55, -69.95 -38.5, -70 -38.5, -70.05 -38.5, -70.09999999999999 -38.5, -70.09999999999999 -38.55, -70.15000000000001 -38.55, -70.15000000000001 -38.5, -70.15000000000001 -38.45, -70.09999999999999 -38.45, -70.09999999999999 -38.4, -70.05 -38.4, -70 -38.4, -70 -38.35, -69.95 -38.35, -69.95 -38.3, -69.90000000000001 -38.3, -69.90000000000001 -38.25, -69.84999999999999 -38.25, -69.84999999999999 -38.2, -69.84999999999999 -38.15, -69.84999999999999 -38.1, -69.84999999999999 -38.05, -69.90000000000001 -38.05, -69.90000000000001 -38, -69.90000000000001 -37.95, -69.90000000000001 -37.9, -69.90000000000001 -37.85, -69.95 -37.85, -69.95 -37.8, -70 -37.8, -70 -37.75, -70.05 -37.75, -70.05 -37.7, -70.05 -37.65, -70.09999999999999 -37.65, -70.09999999999999 -37.6, -70.05 -37.6, -70 -37.6, -69.95 -37.6, -69.90000000000001 -37.6, -69.90000000000001 -37.65, -69.84999999999999 -37.65, -69.84999999999999 -37.7, -69.8 -37.7, -69.8 -37.75, -69.8 -37.8, -69.75 -37.8, -69.75 -37.85, -69.75 -37.9, -69.75 -37.95, -69.75 -38, -69.75 -38.05, -69.7 -38.05, -69.7 -38.1, -69.7 -38.15, -69.65000000000001 -38.15, -69.65000000000001 -38.2, -69.65000000000001 -38.25, -69.59999999999999 -38.25, -69.59999999999999 -38.3, -69.55 -38.3, -69.5 -38.3, -69.5 -38.25, -69.5 -38.2, -69.5 -38.15, -69.5 -38.1, -69.5 -38.05, -69.5 -38, -69.55 -38, -69.55 -37.95, -69.55 -37.9, -69.55 -37.85, -69.59999999999999 -37.85, -69.59999999999999 -37.8, -69.59999999999999 -37.75, -69.65000000000001 -37.75, -69.65000000000001 -37.7, -69.65000000000001 -37.65, -69.65000000000001 -37.6, -69.59999999999999 -37.6, -69.59999999999999 -37.55, -69.55 -37.55, -69.5 -37.55, -69.5 -37.5, -69.45 -37.5, -69.40000000000001 -37.5, -69.40000000000001 -37.45, -69.34999999999999 -37.45, -69.3 -37.45, -69.3 -37.4, -69.34999999999999 -37.4, -69.34999999999999 -37.35, -69.40000000000001 -37.35, -69.45 -37.35, -69.5 -37.35, -69.55 -37.35, -69.55 -37.4, -69.59999999999999 -37.4, -69.65000000000001 -37.4, -69.65000000000001 -37.35, -69.59999999999999 -37.35, -69.59999999999999 -37.3, -69.59999999999999 -37.25, -69.65000000000001 -37.25, -69.7 -37.25, -69.7 -37.3, -69.75 -37.3, -69.75 -37.35, -69.8 -37.35, -69.8 -37.3, -69.8 -37.25, -69.84999999999999 -37.25, -69.84999999999999 -37.2, -69.84999999999999 -37.15, -69.84999999999999 -37.1, -69.90000000000001 -37.1, -69.90000000000001 -37.05, -69.84999999999999 -37.05, -69.84999999999999 -37, -69.90000000000001 -37, -69.90000000000001 -36.95, -69.84999999999999 -36.95, -69.84999999999999 -36.9, -69.8 -36.9, -69.8 -36.95, -69.75 -36.95, -69.7 -36.95, -69.7 -37, -69.65000000000001 -37, -69.59999999999999 -37, -69.59999999999999 -37.05, -69.55 -37.05, -69.55 -37.1, -69.5 -37.1, -69.45 -37.1, -69.45 -37.15, -69.40000000000001 -37.15, -69.34999999999999 -37.15, -69.34999999999999 -37.2, -69.3 -37.2, -69.25 -37.2, -69.2 -37.2, -69.2 -37.25, -69.15000000000001 -37.25, -69.09999999999999 -37.25, -69.05 -37.25, -69 -37.25, -69 -37.2, -68.95 -37.2, -68.90000000000001 -37.2, -68.90000000000001 -37.15, -68.84999999999999 -37.15, -68.8 -37.15, -68.8 -37.1, -68.75 -37.1, -68.7 -37.1, -68.7 -37.05, -68.65000000000001 -37.05, -68.65000000000001 -37, -68.59999999999999 -37, -68.55 -37, -68.55 -36.95, -68.55 -36.9, -68.5 -36.9, -68.5 -36.85, -68.5 -36.8, -68.45 -36.8, -68.45 -36.75, -68.45 -36.7, -68.45 -36.65, -68.40000000000001 -36.65, -68.40000000000001 -36.6, -68.34999999999999 -36.6, -68.3 -36.6, -68.3 -36.55, -68.3 -36.5, -68.34999999999999 -36.5, -68.34999999999999 -36.45, -68.3 -36.45, -68.3 -36.4, -68.3 -36.35, -68.3 -36.3, -68.3 -36.25, -68.3 -36.2, -68.3 -36.15, -68.25 -36.15, -68.25 -36.1, -68.25 -36.05, -68.25 -36, -68.25 -35.95, -68.25 -35.9, -68.25 -35.85, -68.25 -35.8, -68.25 -35.75, -68.3 -35.75, -68.3 -35.7, -68.3 -35.65, -68.3 -35.6, -68.34999999999999 -35.6, -68.34999999999999 -35.55, -68.40000000000001 -35.55, -68.40000000000001 -35.5, -68.45 -35.5, -68.45 -35.45, -68.45 -35.4, -68.5 -35.4, -68.55 -35.4, -68.55 -35.35, -68.59999999999999 -35.35, -68.65000000000001 -35.35, -68.7 -35.35, -68.7 -35.3, -68.75 -35.3, -68.8 -35.3, -68.84999999999999 -35.3, -68.90000000000001 -35.3, -68.95 -35.3, -69 -35.3, -69.05 -35.3, -69.05 -35.25, -69.05 -35.2, -69.09999999999999 -35.2, -69.09999999999999 -35.15, -69.09999999999999 -35.1, -69.09999999999999 -35.05, -69.15000000000001 -35.05, -69.15000000000001 -35, -69.15000000000001 -34.95, -69.15000000000001 -34.9, -69.15000000000001 -34.85, -69.15000000000001 -34.8, -69.15000000000001 -34.75, -69.09999999999999 -34.75, -69.09999999999999 -34.7, -69.09999999999999 -34.65, -69.09999999999999 -34.6, -69.05 -34.6, -69.05 -34.55, -69.05 -34.5, -69.05 -34.45, -69.05 -34.4, -69.09999999999999 -34.4, -69.09999999999999 -34.35, -69.09999999999999 -34.3, -69.09999999999999 -34.25, -69.09999999999999 -34.2, -69.09999999999999 -34.15, -69.09999999999999 -34.1, -69.09999999999999 -34.05, -69.15000000000001 -34.05, -69.15000000000001 -34, -69.15000000000001 -33.95, -69.15000000000001 -33.9, -69.15000000000001 -33.85, -69.09999999999999 -33.85, -69.09999999999999 -33.8, -69.09999999999999 -33.75, -69.09999999999999 -33.7, -69.09999999999999 -33.65, -69.09999999999999 -33.6, -69.09999999999999 -33.55, -69.09999999999999 -33.5, -69.09999999999999 -33.45, -69.09999999999999 -33.4, -69.09999999999999 -33.35, -69.09999999999999 -33.3, -69.09999999999999 -33.25, -69.09999999999999 -33.2, -69.09999999999999 -33.15, -69.09999999999999 -33.1, -69.05 -33.1, -69.05 -33.05, -69.05 -33, -69 -33, -69 -32.95, -68.95 -32.95, -68.95 -32.9, -68.95 -32.85, -68.95 -32.8, -68.90000000000001 -32.8, -68.90000000000001 -32.75, -68.90000000000001 -32.7, -68.84999999999999 -32.7, -68.84999999999999 -32.65, -68.84999999999999 -32.6, -68.8 -32.6, -68.8 -32.55, -68.8 -32.5, -68.75 -32.5, -68.75 -32.45, -68.75 -32.4, -68.75 -32.35, -68.75 -32.3, -68.75 -32.25, -68.7 -32.25, -68.7 -32.2, -68.65000000000001 -32.2, -68.65000000000001 -32.15, -68.65000000000001 -32.1, -68.65000000000001 -32.05, -68.65000000000001 -32, -68.59999999999999 -32, -68.59999999999999 -31.95, -68.59999999999999 -31.9, -68.65000000000001 -31.9, -68.65000000000001 -31.85, -68.65000000000001 -31.8, -68.7 -31.8, -68.7 -31.75, -68.7 -31.7, -68.7 -31.65, -68.75 -31.65, -68.75 -31.6, -68.75 -31.55, -68.75 -31.5, -68.75 -31.45, -68.75 -31.4, -68.7 -31.4, -68.65000000000001 -31.4, -68.65000000000001 -31.35, -68.59999999999999 -31.35, -68.59999999999999 -31.4, -68.55 -31.4, -68.5 -31.4, -68.45 -31.4, -68.40000000000001 -31.4, -68.40000000000001 -31.45, -68.34999999999999 -31.45, -68.3 -31.45, -68.3 -31.5, -68.3 -31.55, -68.25 -31.55, -68.25 -31.6, -68.25 -31.65, -68.2 -31.65, -68.2 -31.7, -68.15000000000001 -31.7, -68.09999999999999 -31.7, -68.09999999999999 -31.75, -68.05 -31.75, -68 -31.75, -68 -31.7, -67.95 -31.7, -67.90000000000001 -31.7, -67.84999999999999 -31.7, -67.84999999999999 -31.65, -67.8 -31.65, -67.8 -31.6, -67.75 -31.6, -67.75 -31.55, -67.7 -31.55, -67.65000000000001 -31.55, -67.59999999999999 -31.55, -67.55 -31.55, -67.5 -31.55, -67.45 -31.55, -67.40000000000001 -31.55, -67.40000000000001 -31.6, -67.40000000000001 -31.65, -67.40000000000001 -31.7, -67.40000000000001 -31.75, -67.40000000000001 -31.8, -67.40000000000001 -31.85, -67.40000000000001 -31.9, -67.40000000000001 -31.95, -67.34999999999999 -31.95, -67.34999999999999 -32, -67.34999999999999 -32.05, -67.3 -32.05, -67.3 -32.1, -67.3 -32.15, -67.3 -32.2, -67.3 -32.25, -67.25 -32.25, -67.25 -32.3, -67.25 -32.35, -67.2 -32.35, -67.2 -32.4, -67.2 -32.45, -67.2 -32.5, -67.2 -32.55, -67.2 -32.6, -67.2 -32.65, -67.2 -32.7, -67.2 -32.75, -67.15000000000001 -32.75, -67.15000000000001 -32.8, -67.15000000000001 -32.85, -67.15000000000001 -32.9, -67.15000000000001 -32.95, -67.15000000000001 -33, -67.09999999999999 -33, -67.09999999999999 -33.05, -67.09999999999999 -33.1, -67.09999999999999 -33.15, -67.05 -33.15, -67.05 -33.2, -67 -33.2, -67 -33.25, -67 -33.3, -67.05 -33.3, -67.05 -33.35, -67.05 -33.4, -67.05 -33.45, -67.05 -33.5, -67.05 -33.55, -67.05 -33.6, -67.05 -33.65, -67 -33.65, -67 -33.7, -67 -33.75, -66.95 -33.75, -66.95 -33.8, -66.95 -33.85, -66.90000000000001 -33.85, -66.90000000000001 -33.8, -66.84999999999999 -33.8, -66.84999999999999 -33.75, -66.84999999999999 -33.7, -66.8 -33.7, -66.8 -33.65, -66.8 -33.6, -66.75 -33.6, -66.75 -33.55, -66.7 -33.55, -66.7 -33.5, -66.65000000000001 -33.5, -66.59999999999999 -33.5, -66.59999999999999 -33.45, -66.55 -33.45, -66.5 -33.45, -66.5 -33.4, -66.45 -33.4, -66.45 -33.45, -66.45 -33.5, -66.45 -33.55, -66.40000000000001 -33.55, -66.34999999999999 -33.55, -66.34999999999999 -33.6, -66.34999999999999 -33.65, -66.34999999999999 -33.7, -66.34999999999999 -33.75, -66.34999999999999 -33.8, -66.34999999999999 -33.85, -66.34999999999999 -33.9, -66.34999999999999 -33.95, -66.34999999999999 -34, -66.34999999999999 -34.05, -66.40000000000001 -34.05, -66.40000000000001 -34.1, -66.40000000000001 -34.15, -66.34999999999999 -34.15, -66.34999999999999 -34.2, -66.34999999999999 -34.25, -66.34999999999999 -34.3, -66.34999999999999 -34.35, -66.34999999999999 -34.4, -66.40000000000001 -34.4, -66.40000000000001 -34.45, -66.45 -34.45, -66.45 -34.5, -66.5 -34.5, -66.5 -34.55, -66.55 -34.55, -66.59999999999999 -34.55, -66.59999999999999 -34.6, -66.65000000000001 -34.6, -66.65000000000001 -34.65, -66.65000000000001 -34.7, -66.65000000000001 -34.75, -66.59999999999999 -34.75, -66.59999999999999 -34.8, -66.55 -34.8, -66.55 -34.85, -66.5 -34.85, -66.5 -34.9, -66.45 -34.9, -66.45 -34.95, -66.45 -35, -66.40000000000001 -35, -66.40000000000001 -35.05, -66.40000000000001 -35.1, -66.40000000000001 -35.15, -66.40000000000001 -35.2, -66.40000000000001 -35.25, -66.40000000000001 -35.3, -66.40000000000001 -35.35, -66.40000000000001 -35.4, -66.45 -35.4, -66.45 -35.45, -66.45 -35.5, -66.45 -35.55, -66.5 -35.55, -66.5 -35.6, -66.5 -35.65, -66.5 -35.7, -66.5 -35.75, -66.5 -35.8, -66.5 -35.85, -66.5 -35.9, -66.55 -35.9, -66.55 -35.95, -66.55 -36, -66.55 -36.05, -66.55 -36.1, -66.59999999999999 -36.1, -66.59999999999999 -36.15, -66.65000000000001 -36.15, -66.65000000000001 -36.2, -66.7 -36.2, -66.7 -36.25, -66.75 -36.25, -66.75 -36.3, -66.8 -36.3, -66.8 -36.35, -66.84999999999999 -36.35, -66.84999999999999 -36.4, -66.84999999999999 -36.45, -66.8 -36.45, -66.8 -36.5, -66.8 -36.55, -66.75 -36.55, -66.75 -36.6, -66.75 -36.65, -66.7 -36.65, -66.7 -36.7, -66.65000000000001 -36.7, -66.65000000000001 -36.75, -66.65000000000001 -36.8, -66.59999999999999 -36.8, -66.59999999999999 -36.85, -66.59999999999999 -36.9, -66.59999999999999 -36.95, -66.59999999999999 -37, -66.59999999999999 -37.05, -66.55 -37.05, -66.55 -37.1, -66.55 -37.15, -66.5 -37.15, -66.5 -37.2, -66.45 -37.2, -66.45 -37.25, -66.40000000000001 -37.25, -66.40000000000001 -37.3, -66.34999999999999 -37.3, -66.34999999999999 -37.35, -66.3 -37.35, -66.25 -37.35, -66.25 -37.4, -66.2 -37.4, -66.15000000000001 -37.4, -66.09999999999999 -37.4, -66.09999999999999 -37.45, -66.05 -37.45, -66 -37.45, -65.95 -37.45, -65.95 -37.5, -65.90000000000001 -37.5, -65.84999999999999 -37.5, -65.8 -37.5, -65.75 -37.5, -65.7 -37.5, -65.7 -37.55, -65.65000000000001 -37.55, -65.59999999999999 -37.55, -65.59999999999999 -37.6, -65.59999999999999 -37.65, -65.55 -37.65, -65.55 -37.7, -65.5 -37.7, -65.5 -37.75, -65.45 -37.75, -65.45 -37.8, -65.40000000000001 -37.8, -65.40000000000001 -37.85, -65.34999999999999 -37.85, -65.34999999999999 -37.9, -65.3 -37.9, -65.3 -37.95, -65.25 -37.95, -65.25 -38, -65.2 -38, -65.2 -38.05, -65.15000000000001 -38.05, -65.15000000000001 -38.1, -65.09999999999999 -38.1, -65.09999999999999 -38.15, -65.05 -38.15, -65.05 -38.2, -65 -38.2, -65 -38.25, -64.95 -38.25, -64.95 -38.3, -64.90000000000001 -38.3, -64.90000000000001 -38.35, -64.84999999999999 -38.35, -64.84999999999999 -38.4, -64.84999999999999 -38.45, -64.8 -38.45, -64.8 -38.5, -64.75 -38.5, -64.7 -38.5, -64.7 -38.55, -64.7 -38.6, -64.65000000000001 -38.6, -64.65000000000001 -38.65, -64.59999999999999 -38.65, -64.55 -38.65, -64.55 -38.7, -64.5 -38.7, -64.5 -38.75, -64.45 -38.75, -64.45 -38.8, -64.45 -38.85, -64.40000000000001 -38.85, -64.34999999999999 -38.85, -64.34999999999999 -38.9, -64.3 -38.9, -64.3 -38.95, -64.3 -39, -64.25 -39, -64.25 -39.05, -64.25 -39.1, -64.2 -39.1, -64.2 -39.15, -64.15000000000001 -39.15, -64.15000000000001 -39.2, -64.15000000000001 -39.25, -64.09999999999999 -39.25, -64.09999999999999 -39.3, -64.05 -39.3, -64.05 -39.35, -64.05 -39.4, -64 -39.4, -64 -39.45, -63.95 -39.45, -63.95 -39.5, -63.95 -39.55, -63.9 -39.55, -63.9 -39.6, -63.9 -39.65, -63.9 -39.7, -63.85 -39.7, -63.85 -39.75, -63.8 -39.75, -63.8 -39.8, -63.8 -39.85, -63.75 -39.85, -63.75 -39.9, -63.7 -39.9, -63.7 -39.95, -63.7 -40, -63.65 -40, -63.65 -40.05, -63.6 -40.05, -63.6 -40.1, -63.6 -40.15, -63.55 -40.15, -63.55 -40.2, -63.5 -40.2, -63.5 -40.25, -63.5 -40.3, -63.45 -40.3, -63.45 -40.35, -63.4 -40.35, -63.4 -40.4, -63.4 -40.45, -63.35 -40.45, -63.35 -40.5, -63.35 -40.55, -63.35 -40.6, -63.3 -40.6, -63.3 -40.65, -63.3 -40.7, -63.3 -40.75, -63.25 -40.75, -63.25 -40.8, -63.2 -40.8, -63.15 -40.8, -63.15 -40.85, -63.1 -40.85, -63.05 -40.85, -63.05 -40.9, -63 -40.9, -63 -40.95, -62.95 -40.95, -62.95 -41, -62.95 -41.05, -62.9 -41.05, -62.9 -41.1, -62.95 -41.1, -63 -41.1, -63 -41.15, -63.05 -41.15, -63.1 -41.15, -63.15 -41.15, -63.2 -41.15, -63.25 -41.15, -63.3 -41.15, -63.35 -41.15, -63.4 -41.15, -63.45 -41.15, -63.5 -41.15, -63.55 -41.15, -63.6 -41.15, -63.65 -41.15, -63.7 -41.15, -63.75 -41.15, -63.8 -41.15, -63.85 -41.15, -63.9 -41.15, -63.9 -41.1, -63.95 -41.1, -63.95 -41.05, -64 -41.05, -64.05 -41.05, -64.09999999999999 -41.05, -64.09999999999999 -41, -64.15000000000001 -41, -64.2 -41, -64.25 -41, -64.3 -41, -64.3 -40.95, -64.34999999999999 -40.95, -64.40000000000001 -40.95, -64.40000000000001 -40.9, -64.45 -40.9, -64.5 -40.9, -64.55 -40.9, -64.55 -40.85, -64.59999999999999 -40.85, -64.65000000000001 -40.85, -64.7 -40.85, -64.75 -40.85, -64.75 -40.8, -64.75 -40.75, -64.8 -40.75, -64.84999999999999 -40.75, -64.84999999999999 -40.7, -64.90000000000001 -40.7, -64.95 -40.7, -65 -40.7, -65 -40.75, -65.05 -40.75, -65.05 -40.8, -65.09999999999999 -40.8, -65.09999999999999 -40.85, -65.15000000000001 -40.85, -65.15000000000001 -40.9, -65.15000000000001 -40.95, -65.2 -40.95, -65.2 -41, -65.2 -41.05, -65.15000000000001 -41.05, -65.15000000000001 -41.1, -65.15000000000001 -41.15, -65.15000000000001 -41.2, -65.15000000000001 -41.25, -65.09999999999999 -41.25, -65.09999999999999 -41.3, -65.09999999999999 -41.35, -65.09999999999999 -41.4, -65.09999999999999 -41.45, -65.05 -41.45, -65.05 -41.5, -65 -41.5, -65 -41.55, -65 -41.6, -65.05 -41.6, -65.05 -41.65, -65.05 -41.7, -65.05 -41.75, -65 -41.75, -65 -41.8, -65.05 -41.8, -65.05 -41.85, -65.05 -41.9, -65.05 -41.95, -65.09999999999999 -41.95, -65.09999999999999 -42, -65.05 -42, -65.05 -42.05, -65.05 -42.1, -65 -42.1, -65 -42.15, -64.95 -42.15, -64.90000000000001 -42.15, -64.90000000000001 -42.2, -64.84999999999999 -42.2, -64.8 -42.2, -64.75 -42.2, -64.7 -42.2, -64.65000000000001 -42.2, -64.65000000000001 -42.25, -64.59999999999999 -42.25, -64.55 -42.25, -64.5 -42.25, -64.5 -42.3, -64.55 -42.3, -64.55 -42.35, -64.59999999999999 -42.35, -64.59999999999999 -42.4, -64.59999999999999 -42.45, -64.55 -42.45, -64.55 -42.5, -64.59999999999999 -42.5, -64.65000000000001 -42.5, -64.7 -42.5, -64.7 -42.55, -64.75 -42.55, -64.8 -42.55, -64.8 -42.6, -64.84999999999999 -42.6, -64.90000000000001 -42.6, -64.95 -42.6, -64.95 -42.65, -65 -42.65, -65 -42.7, -65.05 -42.7, -65.05 -42.75, -65.05 -42.8, -65 -42.8, -64.95 -42.8, -64.90000000000001 -42.8, -64.90000000000001 -42.85, -64.84999999999999 -42.85, -64.8 -42.85, -64.75 -42.85, -64.75 -42.9, -64.7 -42.9, -64.65000000000001 -42.9, -64.59999999999999 -42.9, -64.59999999999999 -42.95, -64.55 -42.95, -64.5 -42.95, -64.45 -42.95, -64.40000000000001 -42.95, -64.34999999999999 -42.95, -64.3 -42.95, -64.3 -43, -64.34999999999999 -43, -64.40000000000001 -43, -64.40000000000001 -43.05, -64.45 -43.05, -64.5 -43.05, -64.5 -43.1, -64.55 -43.1, -64.59999999999999 -43.1, -64.65000000000001 -43.1, -64.7 -43.1, -64.7 -43.15, -64.75 -43.15, -64.8 -43.15, -64.8 -43.2, -64.84999999999999 -43.2, -64.90000000000001 -43.2, -64.95 -43.2, -64.95 -43.25, -65 -43.25, -65 -43.3, -65.05 -43.3, -65.05 -43.35, -65.05 -43.4, -65.09999999999999 -43.4, -65.09999999999999 -43.45, -65.15000000000001 -43.45, -65.15000000000001 -43.5, -65.2 -43.5, -65.2 -43.55, -65.25 -43.55, -65.25 -43.6, -65.3 -43.6, -65.3 -43.65, -65.34999999999999 -43.65, -65.34999999999999 -43.7, -65.34999999999999 -43.75, -65.40000000000001 -43.75, -65.45 -43.75, -65.5 -43.75, -65.55 -43.75, -65.59999999999999 -43.75, -65.59999999999999 -43.8, -65.65000000000001 -43.8, -65.7 -43.8, -65.7 -43.85, -65.75 -43.85, -65.8 -43.85, -65.84999999999999 -43.85, -65.84999999999999 -43.9, -65.90000000000001 -43.9, -65.90000000000001 -43.95, -65.95 -43.95, -66 -43.95, -66.05 -43.95, -66.05 -44, -66.09999999999999 -44, -66.15000000000001 -44, -66.15000000000001 -44.05, -66.2 -44.05, -66.25 -44.05, -66.25 -44.1, -66.3 -44.1, -66.34999999999999 -44.1, -66.40000000000001 -44.1, -66.45 -44.1, -66.5 -44.1, -66.5 -44.15, -66.55 -44.15, -66.59999999999999 -44.15, -66.65000000000001 -44.15, -66.65000000000001 -44.2, -66.7 -44.2, -66.75 -44.2, -66.8 -44.2, -66.84999999999999 -44.2, -66.90000000000001 -44.2, -66.95 -44.2, -67 -44.2), (-69.2 -37.75, -69.15000000000001 -37.75, -69.09999999999999 -37.75, -69.09999999999999 -37.8, -69.15000000000001 -37.8, -69.2 -37.8, -69.2 -37.85, -69.2 -37.9, -69.15000000000001 -37.9, -69.15000000000001 -37.95, -69.09999999999999 -37.95, -69.05 -37.95, -69.05 -37.9, -69 -37.9, -68.95 -37.9, -68.95 -37.95, -68.90000000000001 -37.95, -68.90000000000001 -37.9, -68.84999999999999 -37.9, -68.8 -37.9, -68.8 -37.85, -68.75 -37.85, -68.7 -37.85, -68.7 -37.8, -68.7 -37.75, -68.7 -37.7, -68.75 -37.7, -68.75 -37.65, -68.8 -37.65, -68.8 -37.6, -68.84999999999999 -37.6, -68.90000000000001 -37.6, -68.95 -37.6, -69 -37.6, -69.05 -37.6, -69.05 -37.65, -69.09999999999999 -37.65, -69.15000000000001 -37.65, -69.2 -37.65, -69.2 -37.7, -69.2 -37.75)), ((-64.84999999999999 -40.8, -64.8 -40.8, -64.8 -40.85, -64.84999999999999 -40.85, -64.90000000000001 -40.85, -64.90000000000001 -40.8, -64.84999999999999 -40.8)), ((-70.15000000000001 -37.55, -70.09999999999999 -37.55, -70.09999999999999 -37.6, -70.15000000000001 -37.6, -70.15000000000001 -37.55)))", "HasCoordinate is true", "Year is greater than or equal to 1999", "BasisOfRecord is one of (Human Observation)", "HasGeospatialIssue is false" ] } The dataset includes 1733 records from 24 constituent datasets: 5 records from Marybio Foundation marine mammal aerial sightings in Bahia San Antonio, Patagonia 2008-2010. 61 records from Selected observations from various biodiversity surveys in Aguada Pichana Este & San Roque South Blocks between 2019 & 2021 - Total Austral. 3 records from TOPP Summary of SSM-derived Telemetry. 335 records from Datos de ocurrencia de triatominos presentes en Argentina del Laboratorio de Triatominos del CEPAVE (CONICET-UNLP). 11716 records from iNaturalist Research-grade Observations. 4 records from Registros biológicos en áreas protegidas obtenidos de documentos impresos. 5 records from Marybio Foundation marine mammal shipboard sightings in Bahia San Antonio, Patagonia 2008-2010. 14 records from Reef Life Survey: Global reef fish dataset. 18 records from Distribution ashore and breeding places of southern elephant seals. 1793 records from Pl@ntNet automatically identified occurrences. 462 records from Anymals+plants - Citizen Science Data. 29 records from Distribution ashore of Southern elephant seals in Península Valdés. 411 records from Observation.org, Nature data from around the World. 1 records from Southern right whales distribution in Bahía Nueva, Puerto Madryn, Argentina. 36 records from Pl@ntNet observations. 1 records from Plan de vertebrados de la Patagonia. 1 records from Cetacean distribution in the South Atlantic and South Pacific Ocean (AR-OBIS). 29 records from Xeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world. 63 records from naturgucker. 7 records from Marine gastropod distribution from patagonian shallow waters. 182069 records from EOD – eBird Observation Dataset. 119 records from sarce_rockyshores. 34 records from VERTEBRADOS DE VALOR ESPECIAL EN ÁREAS PROTEGIDAS DE LA ARGENTINA. 337 records from Invertebrates San Matias gulf from shallows waters, Patagonia, Argentina. Data from some individual datasets included in this download may be licensed under less restrictive terms.