CSES Module 1 Full Release

The module was administered as a post-election interview. The resulting data are provided along with voting, demographic, district and macro variables in a single dataset. CSES Variable List The list of variables is being provided on the CSES Website to help in understanding what content is availabl...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems
Other Authors: Rotman, David, McAllister, Ian, Levitskaya, Irina, Veremeeva, Natalia, Billiet, Jaak, Frognier, André-Paul, Blais, André, Gidengil, Elisabeth, Nevitte, Neil, Nadeau, Richard, Lagos, Marta, Tóka, Gábor, Andersen, Jørgen G., Schmitt, Hermann, Weßels, Bernhard, Curtice, John, Heath, Anthony, Norris, Pippa, Jowell, Roger, Pang-kwong, Li, Hardarson, Ólafur T., Arian, Asher, Shamir, Michal, Nishizawa, Yoshitaka, Lee, Nam-Young, Alisauskiene, Rasa, Liubsiene, Elena, Beltrán, Ulises, Nacif Hernández, Benito, Aimer, Peter, Aarts, Kees, Karp, Jeffrey A., Banducci, Susan, Vowles, Jack, Aardal, Bernt, Valen, Henry, Romero, Catalina, Jasiewicz, Krzysztof, Markowski, Radoslaw, Barreto, Antonio, Freire, Andre, Badescu, Gabriel, Sum, Paul, Colton, Timothy, Kozyreva, Polina, Stebe, Janez, Tos, Niko, Díez Nicolás, Juan, Holmberg, Sören, Hardmeier, Sibylle
Format: Dataset
Published: CSES - Comparative Study of Electoral Systems 2015
Online Access:https://doi.org/10.7804/cses.module1.2015-12-15
Summary:The module was administered as a post-election interview. The resulting data are provided along with voting, demographic, district and macro variables in a single dataset. CSES Variable List The list of variables is being provided on the CSES Website to help in understanding what content is available from CSES, and to compare the content available in each module. Themes: MICRO-LEVEL DATA: Identification and study administration variables: weighting factors;election type; date of election 1st and 2nd round; study timing (post election study, pre-election and post-election study, between rounds of majoritarian election); mode of interview; gender of interviewer; date questionnaire administered; primary electoral district of respondent; number of days the interview was conducted after the election Demography: age; gender; education; marital status; union membership; union membership of others in household; current employment status; main occupation; employment type - public or private; industrial sector; occupation of chief wage earner and of spouse; household income; number of persons in household; number of children in household under the age of 18; attendance at religious services; religiosity; religious denomination; language usually spoken at home; race; ethnicity; region of residence; rural or urban residence Survey variables: respondent cast a ballot at the current and the previous election; respondent cast candidate preference vote at the previous election; satisfaction with the democratic process in the country; last election was conducted fairly; form of questionnaire (long or short); party identification; intensity of party identification; political parties care what people think; political parties are necessary; recall of candidates from the last election (name, gender and party); number of candidates correctly named; sympathy scale for selected parties and political leaders; assessment of the state of the economy in the country; assessment of economic development in the country; degree of improvement or deterioration of economy; politicians know what people think; contact with a member of parliament or congress during the past twelve months; attitude towards selected statements: it makes a difference who is in power and who people vote for; people express their political opinion; self-assessment on a left-right-scale; assessment of parties and political leaders on a left-right-scale; political information items DISTRICT-LEVEL DATA: number of seats contested in electoral district; number of candidates; number of party lists; percent vote of different parties; official voter turnout in electoral district MACRO-LEVEL DATA: founding year of parties; ideological families of parties; international organization the parties belong to; left-right position of parties assigned by experts; election outcomes by parties in current (lower house/upper house) legislative election; percent of seats in lower house received by parties in current lower house/upper house election; percent of seats in upper house received by parties in current lower house/upper house election; percent of votes received by presidential candidate of parties in current elections; electoral turnout; electoral alliances permitted during the election campaign; existing electoral alliances; most salient factors in the election; head of state (regime type); if multiple rounds: selection of head of state; direct election of head of state and process of direct election; threshold for first-round victory; procedure for candidate selection at final round; simple majority or absolute majority for 2nd round victory; year of presidential election (before or after this legislative election); process if indirect election of head of state; head of government (president or prime minister); selection of prime minister; number of elected legislative chambers; for lower and upper houses was coded: number of electoral segments; number of primary districts; number of seats; district magnitude (number of members elected from each district); number of secondary and tertiary electoral districts; compulsory voting; votes cast; voting procedure; electoral formula; party threshold; parties can run joint lists; requirements for joint party lists; possibility of apparentement; types of apparentement agreements; multi-party endorsements; multi-party endorsements on ballot; ally party support; constitutional prerogatives of the head of state; constitutional powers of prime minister; methods of cabinet dismissal; dissolution of legislature Die Grundgesamtheit unterscheidet sich nach Ländern. In den meisten Ländern sind es alle Wahlberechtigten oder die Wohnbevölkerung im Alter von 18 Jahren oder älter. The universe differs across countries. In most countries it includes eligible voters or residents aged 18 or older. Auswahlverfahren Kommentar: Das Auswahlverfahren unterscheidet sich nach Ländern. In dem meisten Fällen wurde eine mehrstufige geschichtete Klumpenauswahl oder eine geschichtete systematische Zufallsauswahl verwendet. Mehr Informationen über die verwendeten Auswahlverfahren lassen sich dem Codebuch entnehmen. Sampling Procedure Comment: Sampling procedures differ across countries. In most cases multistage stratified cluster sampling or stratified systematic random sampling was used. Detailed information on sampling for most countries is available in the codebook. Information on funding These materials are based on work supported by the American National Science Foundation (www.nsf.gov) under grant SES-0112029, the University of Michigan, and the many organizations that fund election studies by CSES collaborators. Disclaimer Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in these materials are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding organizations. Further country-specific documentation Field questionnaires, macro reports, and design reports are provided for download on the website CSES Module 1 Election Study Archive Individualebene: Datenerhebungsverfahren unterscheiden sich nach Ländern. In den meisten Fällen wurde ein standardisierter Fragebogen in persönlichen Befragungen, telefonischen Befragungen oder als standardisierter Selbstausfüller eingesetzt. Wahlbezirksebene: Aggregation von Daten aus der amtlichen Wahlstatistik. Länderebene: Expertenbefragung mit standardisiertem Selbstausfüller. Individual level: Modes of data collection differ across countries. A standardized questionnaire was administered in face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews or as fixed form self-administered questionnaire. District level: Aggregation of official electoral statistics. Country level: Expert survey using fixed form self-administered questionnaire.