Гис для анализа сезонной и межгодовой пространственно-временной динамики нектона Охотского моря

По данным 68 научно-исследовательских и научно-промысловых рейсов, в ходе которых за период с февраля 1980 до января 2003 г. сделано 6151 учетное пелагическое траление в Охотском море, создана геоинформационная система (ГИС), характеризующая пространственно-временное распределение плотности нектона....

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Волвенко, И.
Format: Text
Published: Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие «Тихоокеанский научно-исследовательский рыбохозяйственный центр» 2004
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/gis-dlya-analiza-sezonnoy-i-mezhgodovoy-prostranstvenno-vremennoy-dinamiki-nektona-ohotskogo-morya
Summary:По данным 68 научно-исследовательских и научно-промысловых рейсов, в ходе которых за период с февраля 1980 до января 2003 г. сделано 6151 учетное пелагическое траление в Охотском море, создана геоинформационная система (ГИС), характеризующая пространственно-временное распределение плотности нектона. Каждый вид, надвидовая либо внутривидовая размерно-возрастная группа гидробионтов описывается серией из 64 карт по 32 на численность и биомассу. ГИС позволяет выполнять разнообразные вычисления на содержащихся в ней данных, в том числе рассчитывать однои многовидовые флюктуации пространственного распределения гидробионтов сезонные и многолетние. В статье это иллюстрируется на примерах: минтай-сельдь, сардина-анчоус, лососи, круглопер Солдатова как индикатор холодных пятен и т.п. GIS (Geographic Information System) is a computerized system designed for collecting, checking, linking, keeping, analyzing, and modeling of geographic information from the Earth surface selected for management purposes. The GIS is considered which contains the information on nektonic animals in the Okhotsk Sea. All data for this GIS are taken from individual trawl cards filled in by navigators and researchers for every trawling haul during research cruises. No other country in the World conducted as many large-scale fisheries research cruises as the former USSR. And no other research institute in Russia except TINRO-Centre possesses as large archive that holds approximately 300 thousand trawling cards collected during over 1500 cruises to almost entire Pacific Ocean, its marginal seas, and the eastern Indian Ocean since 1950. This priceless material needs a generalization that implies its transformation into the format that could be analyzed using statistical and cartographic computer programs. Beginning from 1981, trawling data were prepared for the Russian ES computers using a special format ACYOP worked out in VNIRO. After 1995, the updated dBase for DOS format "Ichthyolog" was used elaborated in TINRO by N. Kravchenko. Now the data from 91500 trawling cards and 557 cruises are stored in this format in the Regional Data Center of TINRO. The GIS is based on the same database but operates "Access", a well-known program for dealing with database. The system that uses hundreds of queries was designed, with new algorithms for trawling data processing and new interface for input, editing and checking of raw data. Certain changes in the structure of relation tables were done, as well. As a result, a new system, totally independent though compatible with the "Ichthyolog" program, is created with the database from 40920 trawling cards obtained in 242 selected cruises conducted in 19802003. Additional modules including weight measurements, biological state, and stomach contents of fish, as well as information on hydrological conditions and plankton can be easily incorporated into the standard structure of the new database. The newly organized information is already used for scientific purposes, as reports and papers preparation. The next step is the database involving in GIS analysis of quantitative distribution of marine organisms. The first set of GIS analysis includes the data on nektonic animals in the Okhotsk Sea obtained in 68 research cruises conducted from February 27, 1980 to January 19, 2003, with at least one complete pelagic trawling haul in the limits of the Okhotsk Sea (the following hauls were rejected as incomplete: accidental; technical; purely commercial; lasting > 3.5 hours or < 10 minutes; made in epipelagic layer at the speed < 3 knots). The total number of complete hauls taken for the analysis is 6151. The digital map of the Okhotsk Sea (coastline and isobaths of 100, 200 and 500 m) is based on the Map No 60091 at a 1: 5000000 scale drawn in the Pacific Institute of Geography of Russian Academy of Sciences. All information was inserted into ArcView GIS 3.2 software. Using this software, the Okhotsk Sea area was divided into 257 one-degree trapeziums (rectangles in Mercator projection). These polygons were related to tables of long-term average density values of abundance (individuals per km2) and biomass (kilograms per km2) calculated from all trawling hauls made within a polygon. Maps based on the whole set of trawling stations show annually averaged (irrespective to season) patterns of nekton distribution in the entire water column of the Okhotsk Sea for the whole period from 1980 to 2003. To reveal spatial and temporal distributional patterns, 3 types of database grouping are possible: 1) by the layer of trawling (epipelagic, upper epipelagic, or mesopelagic); 2) by the season (summer, autumn, winter, and spring); and 3) by years (19801990, 19911995, and 19962003). As a result, 64 maps of density distribution are created for each species or taxonomic group. Almost 1000 maps are included in the "Atlas for Quantitative Distribution of Nekton in the Okhotsk Sea" (in press) with the maps for 51 species. Additional maps are provided for different size-at-age groups of some species, e.g., walleye pollock, herring and all salmon species.