Представлены результаты комплексного анализа коллекции керамики эпохи раннего металла, происходящей из раскопок археологического памятника Подолье-1 в Южном Приладожье (95 сосудов). С помощью традиционных и современных методов исследования изучены основные рецепты состава формовочных масс, некоторые...

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Published: Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Новосибирский национальный исследовательский государственный университет» 2016
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/keramika-epohi-rannego-metalla-na-pamyatnike-podolie-1-yuzhnoe-priladozhie
Summary:Представлены результаты комплексного анализа коллекции керамики эпохи раннего металла, происходящей из раскопок археологического памятника Подолье-1 в Южном Приладожье (95 сосудов). С помощью традиционных и современных методов исследования изучены основные рецепты состава формовочных масс, некоторые навыки в формообразовании и орнаментальные традиции древних гончаров региона. В рассматриваемом керамическом комплексе выделено три основные группы сосудов со сходными признаками. Охарактеризована численно преобладающая группа керамики, составляющая основу комплекса. Глиняная посуда памятника Подолье-1 со-поставлена с описанными в литературе керамическими традициями, распространенными в эпоху раннего металла на территории соседней Финляндии и Карельского перешейка, Прибалтики, Карелии и Верхнего Поволжья. В ходе сопоставления полученных данных сделаны предварительные выводы как о значительном своеобразии керамики стоянки Подолье-1, так и о некотором сходстве ее с рядом синхронных групп и типов керамики лесной зоны Восточной Европы, в особенности с пористой и асбестовой керамикой Карелии и волосовской керамикой Поволжья. The study of various groups and types of Porous and Asbestos-tempered Early Metal Period ceramics from the Eastern Baltic region is of a great interest for exploring and reconstructing complicated cultural and historical processes which took part in the region at the end of the 4th-3rd millennia BC. The current article is devoted to the material of Podolje-1 archaeological site (South Ladoga region), which is situated in the contact zone among several regions of the forest zone in Eastern Europe, which used to be the territory of different archaeological cultures. The site is unique as one of the first known peat site in Leningrad district with a thick cultural layer, which contains well-preserved organic and ceramic shards. Purpose. We aimed at conducting a complex analysis of the Early Metal Period ceramics from Podolje-1 archaeological site (95 vessels) by using modern and traditional methods; distinguishing different groups of vessels with similar characteristics and describing the main components of pottery traditions of the site; searching for analogies of the described materials among the groups and types of ceramics from the bordering territories (Finland and Karelian Isthmus, Baltic countries, Karelia, Upper Volga region), which had already been described in the literature, to establish the degree of similarity between them and the Podolje-1 ceramic vessels. Results. Having completed the analysis and summarizing the main features of temper composition, vessel shape and ornamentation, we obtained the following results. We described three main groups with different temper composition (organic admixture, temper of asbestos and chamotte), which were accompanied by differences in shape and decoration. The main role in the complex belongs to the vessels tempered with shell and/or feather with comb ornamentation and the rim slightly turned inwards. The peculiarities of asbestos-tempered ceramics are not so significant differing due to the specific qualities of the temper itself, which can also be characterized as a component of the same pottery tradition. At the same time, vessels tempered with chamotte seem to be quite different, supposedly they were imported. As the predominate ceramic complex of porous and asbestos-tempered ceramics was compared with the materials of neighboring territories, we concluded that ceramics of Podolje-1 archaeological site cannot be attributed as the Late Comb Ware of the Eastern Baltic region because of the total absence of pits in its decoration. Slight similarity has been discovered with the porous ceramics of the Baltic countries, but most of all the complex of Podolje1 resembles porous and asbestos-tempered ceramics of Karelia and the Upper Volga region the Volosovo. Conclusion. Ceramic vessels of Podolje-1 seem to be similar to several pottery groups and types spread on the neighboring territories, but they are also characterized by a significant peculiarity, which makes it impossible to attribute them to any one certain type. The diversity of ceramics on Podolje-1 archaeological site and the multi component nature of the pottery tradition are of great interest for a more detailed investigation.