Summary:In the Arkhangelsk region, there are two historical towns Kargopol and Solvychegodsk. By population they refer to small towns. Tourism development in such towns is one of the ways for their economic development and for the creation of favorable life conditions for the citizens. However, not always a small historical town can use its recreational potential, as there are several obstacles to the successful tourism development. They are usually associated with the complexities of the transport-geographical location of the settlement, lack of necessary infrastructure, and unwillingness of locals to work for tourists. The author has analyzed the internal and external factors affecting the tourism development in Kargopol and Solvychegodsk, identified obstacles that prevent them from developing as centers of tourism, and determined areas for further development. Special attention is paid to assessing the transport-geographical location of the towns in relation to the main centers where tourist flows are formed -Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Arkhangelsk. In order to identify specific problems faced by tourists, reviews that tourists submitted on various travel websites after visiting Kargopol and Solvychegodsk have been analyzed. Based on the study of the recreational potential of Kargopol and Solvychegodsk and their adjacent territories, we have identified advantages of each town to develop the strategy for their further recreational development.