К настоящему времени на территории Обь-Иртышского междуречья обнаружено 12 вислообушных металлических топоров. Они маркируют распространение саргаринско-алексеевских и бегазинских археологических комплексов и в целом не характерны для памятников ирменской и карасукской общностей. Алтайское Приобье я...

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Published: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет» 2016
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/proushnye-metallicheskie-topory-ob-irtyshskogo-mezhdurechya-tendentsii-izmeneniy-form-v-kontse-epohi-bronzy-i-nachale-rannego-zheleznogo
Summary:К настоящему времени на территории Обь-Иртышского междуречья обнаружено 12 вислообушных металлических топоров. Они маркируют распространение саргаринско-алексеевских и бегазинских археологических комплексов и в целом не характерны для памятников ирменской и карасукской общностей. Алтайское Приобье являлось своеобразной контактной зоной между двух ареалов культур периода поздней бронзы на юге Сибири восточного, связанного с Минусинской котловиной, и западного, связанного со степными пространствами Прииртышья. Вислообушные топоры с петлями, возможно, были прототипами проушных петельчатых топоров, относящихся к началу скифо-сакского времени. На территории Алтая известны находки нескольких подобных изделий. Данный тип предметов можно проследить и по изображениям на «оленных» камнях. Фиксируемые связи развития форм проушных топоров поздней бронзы в начале раннего железного века свидетельствуют об этапе преемственности традиций в вооружении населения скифо-сакского времени. The territory of the Ob-Irtysh interfluve is known for its 12 shaft-hole iron axes. The vast majority of these objects are found in the steppe part of the Ob plateau in the foothills of the Altai Mountains. In other regions of Western Siberia the similar products are represented by single specimens. In the Minusinsk Basin there were found shaft-hole axes with a weak ridge associated with the complexes of Andronovo archaeological culture. In the steppe and forest-steppe Altai, besides this type of axes, the most common are ridged shaft-hole axes with a pronounced ridge and edged rolls, typical for the Late Bronze period. The eastern boundary of their distribution is the Ob River. On the territory of Southern Siberia there are two regions where the given types of iron axes were wide-spread: western (the Ob-Irtysh interfluve) and eastern (Minusinsk Basin). Mapping of these products once again confirms the conclusions that shaft-hole axes are not generally typical for Irmen and Karasuk culture and mark the spread of Saraginsk-Alexeevsk and Begazinsk complexes which is confirmed by their finding on the relevant monuments. The Ob region in Altai acts as a contact zone of the two cultural areas of the Late Bronze eastern and western. The presence of a looped shaft-hole axes allows the authors to identify the problem related to the genesis of the given forms of weapons at the beginning of the early Iron Age. The findings of looped shaft-hole axes relating to the Late Bronze Age, provide an opportunity to trace the gradual development of forms of such products in Argan-Mayemir time and Scythian-Saka period. So, shaft-hole axes with loops, might have served as a prototype of looped eyed axes related to the beginning of the early Iron Age. Some of such objects were found on the territory of Altai. The connection between looped shaft-hole and eyed axes could be traced through the images on the "deer" stones which give a detailed picture of the form of bladed weapons. In most cases, the sculptures of the Argan-Mayemir period contain drawings of looped product fixed to the belt. There you can see the pictures very much resembling shaft-hole axes with a ridge and also looped eyed and socketed axes. The stated connections in the development of the forms of eyed axes in the Late Bronze Age at the beginning of the Early Iron Age indicate the continuity in the traditions of the armament in the Scythian-Saka time.