В бронзовом веке наблюдается неравномерность социально-экономического развития разных районов Западной Сибири. Выделение археологической культуры вары-хадыта, основанное на результатах работ последних лет, способствует пониманию преемственности традиций местного населения в эпоху раннего бронзового...

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Published: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет» 2016
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/hronologiya-i-kulturnaya-prinadlezhnost-pamyatnikov-epohi-rannego-metalla-nizhnego-priobya
Summary:В бронзовом веке наблюдается неравномерность социально-экономического развития разных районов Западной Сибири. Выделение археологической культуры вары-хадыта, основанное на результатах работ последних лет, способствует пониманию преемственности традиций местного населения в эпоху раннего бронзового века, а также уровню контактов со смежными культурами. Культурогенез Севера Западной Сибири заметно отличается от сопредельных территорий. Причиной тому могли быть периферийное положение и более низкая степень заселенности Ямала. North Western Siberia remains one of the least explored regions of Russian Federation. But we believe that the material at our disposal is enough to identify common trends in cultural genesis in this area. In the Bronze Age becomes particularly noticeable uneven socioeconomic development of different regions of Western Siberia. On south this period is characterized by the formation and development of local metalworking of cuprum and bronze, which based on imported raw materials; on north bronze things are not widespread. In appropriating economy fishery is becoming more important role; the nature of hunting and gathering, also influenced the geography of resettlement of the local population. The formation of metalworking on contiguous territories will inevitably contribute to the expansion and development of cultural contacts. Low archaeological study of the region led to the fact that a number of researchers projected the reconstruction of historical and cultural areas with a more studied zones on the Lower Ob. Advent of new materials and their various interpretations, obviously, there is a need to develop new criterions for the concepts of "Chalcolithic", "Early Metal Age" and "Early Bronze Age" from a regional perspective to the above definitions. Archaeological culture of Early Bronze Age, called "vary-khadyta", that has been allocated by E.A. Vasiliev in the Lower Ob, at the first half middle of the II millennium BC expand the Lower Ob region and the southern part of the Yamal Peninsula. The genesis of this culture is associated primarily with sartyninsk culture, which are likely to migrate to more northern latitudes and brought here metalworking skills, geometrism cell in the ornamentation and manufacturing tradition of boat-shaped vessels. The genesis of vary-khadyta culture is the problem of integration of the three components sartyninsk, yorkutinsk and component with retreat-prick ceramics, whose genesis of is not determined now. Vary-khadyta culture is a unique phenomenon in the archeology of Western Siberia. This ancient people demonstrated incredible level of artistic development and aesthetic perception, that incarnated in the various areas of material culture. Search and discovery of new archaeological sites and the processing of the found archaeological material help us to identify areas of cultural expansion of this archaeological culture.