Международная метрологическая организация настаивает на скорейшем изъятии калории из обращения. На основании идентичности величин контрастов в температурах и калориях логично отказаться и от температурной шкалы в пользу ваттовой, подстроенной для удобства под шкалу Цельсия таким образом, чтобы её ва...

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Format: Text
Published: Автономная некоммерческая организация Научно-издательский Центр "Пространство и Время" 2016
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/k-probleme-energeticheskogo-sposoba-opredeleniya-globalnyh-klimaticheskih-izmeneniy
Summary:Международная метрологическая организация настаивает на скорейшем изъятии калории из обращения. На основании идентичности величин контрастов в температурах и калориях логично отказаться и от температурной шкалы в пользу ваттовой, подстроенной для удобства под шкалу Цельсия таким образом, чтобы её ватты при «0» и «100» равнялись бы ваттам при 0ºС и 100ºС, а градация везде была бы постоянна и равна 7,84 ватт. Calorie is deprecated off-system unit for energy measuring (quantity of heat), which earlier was widely used in physics, heat engineering, power engineering, and now, while continuing tradition, used in the evaluation of the energy value (caloric content) of food products and in some other cases. The International Organization of Legal Metrology offers to withdraw such unit from circulation as soon as possible. In my article, I summarize and justify my views on the possibility of substituting this unit. Thus, I suggest going back of not only calories, but also of any degree scale for temperature measurement. I propose to adopt a new scale, calibrated in watts. Based on Wien''s law (Wien approximation) and analysis of mass data on variations of air temperature (trends of atmospheric temperature variations and latitudinal curve of warming), humidity, and CO2 concentration, I have shown changing in world picture predicated on calories when it turned into ‘watt’-predicted one. Thus, in this case it becomes possible to overcome paradoxical opinion about the smaller significance of insolation for ground air temperature in comparison with the advection. Within such opinion (approach), at South Pole, where July midnight contrasts of temperatures (calories) although are great (≈40°С) that twice exceed January day temperature; but I justify it is negligible energetically (in the watts). In the context of global climatic changes, proponents of ‘calorie’-based approach manifested that in the Arctic, warming to ≈4°C is observed by winter, while in summer in the Mediterranean value of this parameter is ≈2.5°. Conversion of this contrast into the watts shows that Mediterranean (near Malta Islands) warming is more than Arctic. As a conclusion, I offer to reorganize the scale for temperature measurement so that according with this scale ‘0 W’ and ‘100 W’ would correspond to 0°C and 100°C, and the step of the scale everywhere would be constant and equal to 7.84 W.