Исследование посвящено стратегической значимости арктической криолитозоны. В статье кратко описаны некоторые из наиболее опасных криогенных процессов, характерных для циркумполярной криолитозоны. Приводятся примеры их воздействия на инженерные сооружения, выделены тактические свойства местности в ар...

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Format: Text
Published: Автономная некоммерческая организация Научно-издательский Центр "Пространство и Время" 2015
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/nekotorye-tehnicheskie-sotsialnye-i-geopoliticheskie-aspekty-kriogennyh-prirodnyh-protsessov-v-tsirkumpolyarnoy-kriolitozone-chast-i
Summary:Исследование посвящено стратегической значимости арктической криолитозоны. В статье кратко описаны некоторые из наиболее опасных криогенных процессов, характерных для циркумполярной криолитозоны. Приводятся примеры их воздействия на инженерные сооружения, выделены тактические свойства местности в арктической криолитозоне. Circumpolar territories are the subject of territorial claims and strategic interests of the various states (in addition to the above, the Arctic is also an area of their economic activity and, under today’s aggravation of the international situation, the military one). It asks for attention to both international legal regulation of circumpolar zones and some of the most dangerous natural cryogenic processes in permafrost. That’s why subjects of the first part of my article are modern juridical and military aspects of states’ activity in Arctic and Antarctic, on the one hand, and physical characteristics of cryogenic processes in perennially frozen soils in the Arctic. So, for such purposes I used legal and military and political analysis (for examining circumpolar states’ military strategies and military activities) and system analysis (for describing cryogenic processes and their impact on engineering structures). In my article, based on the analysis of nowadays military atmosphere, I prove Russia interests in economical and fortification reinforcement in Arctic. Such matters presuppose the basic knowledge of environmental conditions. These are follows: low radiation balance, close to 0°C the average temperature in the summer months with negative average annual temperature, the existence of glaciers and permafrost, predominance of tundra vegetation and Arctic deserts. In the area of permafrost, issues of sustainability of temporary and permanent structures (towers and masts for various purposes, pipelines, communications, housing and industrial complexes, etc.) are most acute. Frozen soils are characterized by an abrupt change in its properties, including strength, when moving soil from the frozen state to thawed state. This circumstance is one of the main causes of accidents and destruction of structures in permafrost. Development of the territory, dedicated to the field of permafrost contributes to the revitalization of the irreversible process of destruction of natural landscapes. These processes, in turn, threaten the normal (standard) operation of engineering structures. In addition, in the permafrost zone there are a number of very specific cryogenic natural processes, which can create a direct threat to the industrial, civil and special construction. So my conclusions are about some special technical solutions for provision of the necessary facilities on Arctic circumpolar zone in economic and military goals. I’ll describe these solution more detail im the second part of my article.