Рассматривается особенность создания Тюменского управления гражданской авиации в середине 1960-х гг. Основное внимание уделяется состоянию транспортной инфраструктуры региона и деятельности Тюменского управления гражданской авиации в момент создания крупнейшего в стране Западно-Сибирского нефтегазов...

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Published: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет» 2016
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/sozdanie-tyumenskogo-upravleniya-grazhdanskoy-aviatsii
Summary:Рассматривается особенность создания Тюменского управления гражданской авиации в середине 1960-х гг. Основное внимание уделяется состоянию транспортной инфраструктуры региона и деятельности Тюменского управления гражданской авиации в момент создания крупнейшего в стране Западно-Сибирского нефтегазового комплекса. Делается вывод о существенной роли транспортной авиации в поиске и добыче углеводородного сырья. In the early 1960s, the West Siberian oil and gas complex, largest in the country, was created in the territory of Tyumen Oblast. At the time of its creation, a problem appeared of a fail-safe all-year means of communication which this territory did not have. Because of a short navigation period of the inland water transport and a lack of highway and railway means of communication, air transport became a non-alternative. As a result, in 1967, the Tyumen Department of Civil Aviation was established in the territory of Tyumen Oblast. The Department included joint aircraft groups all over the territory of Tyumen Oblast. The aircraft-engine fleet consisted of 297 aircrafts. Generally, these were single aircrafts An-2 and their hydromodification An-2B capable to land on a water surface. There were also helicopters of small airlift called Mi-1 and Mi-4. Repair work and service of the aircraft equipment was handled by an aircraft maintenance facility which was responsible for technical quality control. The main field of activity of the Tyumen Department of Civil Aviation was: forest aviation works, aerial photography, national economy sector service (geology, gas and oil-extracting industry, industrial construction work in remote parts of the territory, geodesy and cartography), aviation and chemical works in the south of the region, and also air medical service. The new method of oil search called aviaseismosounding became a significant mode of aircraft use in the north of Tyumen Oblast. For the first time this method was applied in 1958 with the use of An-2 planes near Tobolsk, and then near Khanty-Mansiysk. Aviaseismosounding found a wide-spread occurrence in all oil and geophysical departments of Tyumen Oblast. Geographical environment and transport infrastructure conditions of the region in the early sixties made the use of aircraft widespread and almost non-alternative in the process of oil and gas field development. An-2 and Yak-12 planes, An-2B seaplanes, and also Mi-1 helicopters made it possible to considerably speed up geologic explorations and became an effective instrument of the region's natural resources development. Consequently, from the middle of the 1960s with the beginning of the West Siberian oil and gas complex development, the Department of Civil Aviation was established, largest in the USSR, serving the huge north territory within Tyumen Oblast, aimed to perform works for the needs of national economy. The air transport became the strongest integral part of the operation process capable of speeding up the whole process within the complex development of natural resources.