Рассматривается вклад историков, археологов и этнографов в изучение проблемы происхождения олонхо героического эпоса якутов, результаты исследований которого способствуют решению таких важнейших вопросов эпосоведения, как историческое место и время сложения и развития эпического творчества у древней...

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Published: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет» 2016
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/istoriki-o-proishozhdenii-yakutskogo-geroicheskogo-eposa
Summary:Рассматривается вклад историков, археологов и этнографов в изучение проблемы происхождения олонхо героического эпоса якутов, результаты исследований которого способствуют решению таких важнейших вопросов эпосоведения, как историческое место и время сложения и развития эпического творчества у древнейших предков современных якутов. Прослеживается мысль, что генезис эпоса тесно связан с происхождением самого этноса носителя эпической традиции. The paper first examines the contribution of historical science in the study of the genesis of the Yakut heroic epic olonkho, in particular to the definition of its historical time and place. Russian historian of the 18th century G.F. Miller wrote: "The characteristic difference of peoples is not in law and custom, not in food and fisheries, not in religion, because all of these principles can be similar for different tribe peoples, while different for one tribe people. The only unmistakable sign is a language: where languages are similar, there is no difference between peoples, where languages are different, one tribe is not to be sought". Miller's argument proved enduring: following him, almost all scholars studying the Yakuts on the principle of linguistic similarities located ancestors of the modern Yakuts in the South, more precisely in Southern Siberia. Many authors discussed the origin of the Yakuts. The article studies in detail the views of V.L. Seroshevsky, the author of a well-known ethnographic work The Yakuts, where a special chapter named "On the Southern Origin of the Yakuts" is highlighted. The merit of this author is that he argued his opinion by monuments of folklore: epic and historical legends of the Yakuts. The thought of Seroshevsky about southern ancestors of the Yakuts proved tenacious, it was developed by G.V. Ksenofontov, the author of the monograph Uraanghay-Sahalar which reinforced the argument of Se-roshevsky by reference to the prevailing economic life of the Yakuts associated with the breeding of cattle and horse livestock, a "branch" of the whole complex of the economic system of the Turks. With regard to the time of arrival of the Yakut ancestors in the basin of the river Lena, he sided with Seroshevsky, but he failed to cause any serious additional arguments. A more reasonable study of the problem is associated with the name of archaeologist A.P. Okladnikov, the author of volume I of The History of Yakutia which contains a special section "The Origin of the Yakut People". The article analyzes in detail the author's opinion of the southern origins of the Yakut ethnogenesis, based solely on the material of the Yakut epic. Okladnikov's opinion that formalization of olonkho proceeded in close cultural and historical ties and continuous interaction of the Yakut ancestors with their closest relatives, the ancestors of the Sayan-Altai tribes, is of enduring importance to epic researchers. Okladnikov's viewpoint is still dominant, almost all historians and epic researchers follow it. Recently, however, there are works in which the origin of the Turks and their culture is associated with the reign of the Huns in Central Asia. Such antiquating of the Turkic community is grounded in The History of Tuva, in a book by Kyrgyz historian O.Dzh. Osmonov The History of Kyrgyzstan, in an article of L.S. Marsadolov "The Ethno-Cultural History of the Ancient Turks: A New Look", and others. They touch upon the problem of the Yakut ancestors' origin and their culture; there is also a particular interest in the facts that the depths of the Hun society could be the origin of the Yakut heroic epic olonkho, which means it could appear a whole millennium earlier. This is a new word, but it requires further study.