В развитие классификации грунтов, приведенной в ГОСТ 25100—2011. Грунты, предложены классификации для грунтовых массивов, расположенных в основаниях зданий и сооружений в криолитозоне. Классификации выполнены для массивов, состоящих целиком из грунтов с отрицательными температурами, а также для масс...

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Bibliographic Details
Format: Text
Published: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Национальный исследовательский Московский государственный строительный университет» 2013
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/opyt-klassifikatsii-gruntovyh-massivov-zony-vechnoy-merzloty-v-ramkah-obschey-klassifikatsii-gruntovyh-massivov-dlya-stroitelstva
Summary:В развитие классификации грунтов, приведенной в ГОСТ 25100—2011. Грунты, предложены классификации для грунтовых массивов, расположенных в основаниях зданий и сооружений в криолитозоне. Классификации выполнены для массивов, состоящих целиком из грунтов с отрицательными температурами, а также для массивов, включающих талые грунты. Приведены обоснование и обсуждение предложенных классификаций. In this article we propose a classification for the masses of rock and soil, located in the bases of the buildings in permafrost zone. Classifications are made for masses consisting entirely of rock and soil with negative temperature, as well as for masses, including thawed soils and rocks. Updated in 2011 the Russian All-Union State Standard«Soil», which came into force in 2013, includes a classification of frozen soils, which are distinguished in a separate class. This is one of the differences of our inter-state standard, issued by the Eurasian Council for standardization, Metrology and certification, from the international English-language normative document (ISO). It is caused by the fact that on the territory of the European Union there is no permafrost soil, and only soils and rocks are discussed. In contrast, on the territory of Russia permafrost soil is widely distributed, in particular in the areas of extraction of exported raw materials. Permafrost is causing a significant, ongoing difficulties of construction and operation of buildings.The classification of soils in the Russian All-Union State Standard «Soil» and here is based on the type of physical and physico-chemical bonds between the particles in a soil. In frozen soils there are specific unstable bonds, due to the presence of ice. This fact calls for distinguishing the frozen soils into a separate class. In permafrost zone along with frozen soils that include ice, there are waterless soils and rocks with negative temperature. The list of soils in the permafrost zone, would be incomplete without:1) ice-soil (more than 90 % of ice), 2) chilled soil of the temperature below 0 °C, 3) soil with positive temperature. Cooled plastic or loose soils with negative temperatures lie in cryolithozone where there are soluble minerals or saline groundwater. Soils with positive temperature lie everywhere under permafrost at different depths, in summer they also arise over permafrost. In some places they occur in cryolithozone.In the classification of soils we will adhere to the principles set out in the first article of the series. In respect of the classes, we divide soils by the type of the bonds in them. Firstly, we single out frozen soils with the bonds created by ice, and, secondly, conditionally waterless soils with negative temperature, where there is no ice and bonds are physical and physico-chemical. For brevity, the second class of frozen masses is convenient to call the special soil of permafrost zone. At the level of subclasses we specify the classification by the same types of bonds in soils. In each of these two classes we detach subclasses: 1) rock mass, 2) disperse mass and 3) «skadi». Among the frozen soils there are specific fourth subclass — ice soils. The classification in respect of the types is made for masses consisting entirely of soils with negative temperatures, as well as for masses including thawed soils. The author offers justification and discussion of the proposed classifications.