Рассматривается Могол ураса монументальное стационарное сооружение народа саха, покрытое берестяными полотнами. В жилищно-поселенческом комплексе Могол ураса представляла собой летний вид жилища. Выступала мерилом знатности и богатства человека. В семантическом контексте Могол ураса была связана с м...

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Format: Text
Published: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет» 2016
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/sakralnoe-prostranstvo-arhitekturnoe-voploschenie-traditsionnogo-mirovozzreniya-naroda-saha
Summary:Рассматривается Могол ураса монументальное стационарное сооружение народа саха, покрытое берестяными полотнами. В жилищно-поселенческом комплексе Могол ураса представляла собой летний вид жилища. Выступала мерилом знатности и богатства человека. В семантическом контексте Могол ураса была связана с моделью мироздания, с культовой архитектурой, сохранившей осознанную идейную программу символического моделирования Вселенной. Анализ фольклорно-этнографических материалов показал, что берестяная ураса как жилище хранительница человеческой жизни была связана с культом богини-матери (культом Земли) и культом предков. В культурном наследии народа саха является ключевым символом сакрального пространства. The Mogol Urasa monumental fixed structure of the Sakha people, covered with birch-bark paintings. The housing settlement complexes Mogol Urasa was a kind of summer homes. It acted as a measure of nobility and wealth of man. In the semantic context Mogol Urasa was associated with a model of the universe, with the iconic architecture that has remained conscious ideological program of symbolic simulation of the universe. Analysis of folklore and ethnographic materials revealed that birch bark Urasa as the home the keeper of life was associated with the cult of the mother goddess (the cult of the earth) and ancestor worship. The cultural heritage of the Sakha people is a key symbol of the sacred space. Sakha people is the northernmost Turkic peoples of Siberia, in the ethnogenesis of which various Turkic-Mongol tribes and autochthonous attended. The uniqueness of this people is that they are an island of south culture of Turkic-speaking ancestors in the space of the Arctic civilization. One of the key symbols of the culture of the Sakha people, has incorporated into its semantic, functional and structural space tradition of nomadism, is a Mogul Uras saving stationary housing, covered with birch-bark. Mogul Uras is riding architectural taste, absorbed all the richness of people's knowledge and understanding. It is no accident it is called Us kurduulaah Mogul Uras 'With three bowls Mogul Uras'. The Yakut people as a result of a complex of ethno and cultural genesis created the unique architectural culture with southern elements in the Far North. Researchers differently explain the origin of this type of housing. Some thought that the lack of housing with the construction as in Mogul Uras at the Turko-Mongol peoples suggests that it arose as a result of sedentary farming, instead of the transfer of light portable conical dwellings taken over from indigenous peoples (Tungus). Others argued that Mogul Uras had its prototypes in the south, then to the extent of adaptation to the new climatic conditions in the North there was a change, part complexity and improve its structure. Data on language picture of the world, the symbolic content and design features indicate that the Mogul Uras was possible roots of the palace buildings of nomadic tribes. So, Uras Mogul could build only head of the clan, as it performed a measure of nobility and wealth. Having examined the complex semantic loading Mogul Uras ritual space and cultural linguistic analysis of the term "Mogul", we come to the conclusion that the birchbark Uras as the home the keeper of human life, was associated with the cult of the mother goddess (the cult of the earth) and ancestor worship. In this context, as a special ritual object is allocated elm concluded in its semantic load of mediation, produced and apotropaic functions, ie as a kind of envelope, promoting regeneration of the soul-kut neophyte and his reincarnation. Thus, the use of Mogul Uras rites of the life cycle, connects it with the idea of rebirth and reincarnation.