Приводится комплексная характеристика традиционных средств передвижения и способов транспортировки добычи хакасскими промысловиками. Раскрываются особенности передвижения, виды транспорта и ухода за ним и способы транспортировки таежной продукции в хозяйственно-промысловой деятельности в аспекте тра...

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Published: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет» 2016
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/traditsionnye-sredstva-peredvizheniya-i-sposoby-transportirovki-dobychi-u-hakasskih-taezhnikov-traditsii-i-novatsii
Summary:Приводится комплексная характеристика традиционных средств передвижения и способов транспортировки добычи хакасскими промысловиками. Раскрываются особенности передвижения, виды транспорта и ухода за ним и способы транспортировки таежной продукции в хозяйственно-промысловой деятельности в аспекте традиций и новаций. Определяются значение и роль сухопутного и водного транспорта в системе жизнеобеспечения коренного населения Хакасии в прошлом и настоящем. Means and ways of transportation of supplies produced in taiga played an important role in Khakas people's activity. Among them, the main vehicle movement on the mountain-taiga forests of Khakasia was the horse. It was used for riding, as a pack, draft animal or harness. During riding a horse people used a valise "archymah" for transportation of goods, personal belongings or taiga production. A horse was a universal way of transport for the residents of the taiga practically during all year. Only after the deep snow fall the use of horse had been limited to riding. During the winter as additional vehicles were used a sledges, during other seasons carts. During the first season of the fur trade hunters went to the forest on horseback. The Khakas had equestrian hunting for wolves and ungulates. In autumn and spring pine nut's gatherers as hunters continue to deliver provisions and tak e out the taiga products on horses. People went to gather wild garlic also on horsebacks. In the first half of the twentieth century one of the hunting transports for crossing the rivers of Khakasia was so called "sal" (raft). The main way of movement for ta iga men in winter and in early spring were skis. They were of two kinds: ski-ceilings "sana", ski-golitsy "halbyrah". In winter trappers used a traditional manual sledges "sanah" to deliver provisions and production. Nowadays, only some people have hunting sledges. Birch dugout boats and a raft "sal" were servedin traditional fishing waterways. The last on e played an important role in fishing. The Khakas fishermen used a horse as an additional way for transportation. They went fishing to the river Khan-Tegir. In winter fishermen had climbers "tyrgakh" to move on the ice. In ancient times and today taiga men use a staff while walking hunt. During the summer, in June and July there was beekeeping in the taiga of indigenous dwellers of Khakasia. For his trade taiga man went on horseback or on foot with his staff. Nowadays Khakas people use vehicles as cars, tractors, snowmobiles, and others except to the traditional transport of the taiga economic activity.To drag taiga products they use polypropylene bags. Thus, land and water vehicles of the Khakas taiga men are a horse, skis, hand-sledge, boats and a raft which played an important function inthetraditional nature use. Today, despite the use of modern means of transport, a horse, ski and an auxiliary staff are used as the vehicle in tight spaces instead of modern vehicles, as well as traditional methods of delivery taiga gifts are important in the system of life Khakas people. Some means of traditional transport as the birch bark boats, a boat, a dugout, and others are not used by Khakas taiga men.