Значимый для просвещенной части сибирского общества XVII-XIX вв. вопрос о самоопределении Сибири как особого географического и культурного пространства поднимается в статье в отношении представителей местного православного духовенства. Тема раскрывается на материале мемуаров и переписки духовенства,...

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Published: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет» 2015
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/prostranstvo-duhovnogo-glada-i-apostolskogo-podviga-obraz-sibiri-v-memuarah-dorevolyutsionnogo-pravoslavnogo-duhovenstva
Summary:Значимый для просвещенной части сибирского общества XVII-XIX вв. вопрос о самоопределении Сибири как особого географического и культурного пространства поднимается в статье в отношении представителей местного православного духовенства. Тема раскрывается на материале мемуаров и переписки духовенства, которые отражают, будучи источниками личного происхождения, индивидуальный опыт пребывания их авторов на территории Сибири и рефлексию по этому поводу. A significant issue for the Siberian intellectuals of the 18th and 19th centuries of their self-determination in relation to Siberia as a special geographical and cultural space is discussed concerning representatives of local orthodox clergy. The topic reveals on the material of memoirs and correspondence of clergy which, being sources of a personal origin, reflect their authors'' individual experience of staying in the territory of Siberia and their reflection about it. The attitude of clergy to Siberia is analyzed through three centuries: from petitions of the Tobolsk metropolitans of the 17th early 18th centuries (Nectarios, Symeon, Herman, Philotheus) to memoirs and letters of the end of the 19th century. The emphasis is made on compositions of the 19th century: the author addresses to the traveling notes of Irkutsk archbishop Nil (Isakovich) and missionary An-drey Argentov, autobiographies of Irkutsk archbishop Veniamin (Blagonravov) and Yakut bishop Dionysius (Khitrov), and to the autobiography of monk Parfeniy (Ageev), a spiritual writer well-known in his time. Despite the genre and thematic diversity of sources and broad chronology, the works show some general tendencies which are the main subject of the article. Practically all the authors perceive their stays in Siberia as exile and punishment and express desire to leave it forever. The main evaluation of the Siberian space and stay in it in the compositions of the clergy remains almost invariable throughout all pre-revolutionary Siberian church history, it is a keen feeling of remoteness and isolation of Siberia, perception of oneself as of an exile who fell out of favor with the administration, severe climate, poverty of Siberian cities, actual absence of educated people, etc. Motives of emptiness (material and spiritual), dangers, unrealized mission prevail. All this allows to define Siberia as a space of "spiritual hunger". In their perception of Siberia, representatives of clergy differ little from the secular intellectuals. However, priests and missionaries are inclined to comprehend their ministry in Siberia in the religious aspect and to consider it as Providence. In this context negative evaluation and motives are counterbalanced by the positive program of not only survival, but also productive spiritual ministry in Siberia. This program is traced in the majority of the considered memoirs and epistolary sources, and its essence is the missionary apostolic ministry directed both on spiritual and cultural transformation and sacralization of the surrounding space and the people inhabiting it, and on one''s own spiritual revival.