Анализируются гипотезы ведущих исследователей по этногенезу и ранней этнической истории кыпчаков. Разбираются версии происхождения кыпчаков от кюеши, сиров-сйеяньто, кимаков, басмылов. Утверждаются многосоставность кыпчакского союза племен и формирование нового этноса на основе старых племен. Рассма...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Ушницкий, Василий
Format: Text
Published: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет" 2015
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/kypchakskiy-komponent-v-etnogeneze-saha
Summary:Анализируются гипотезы ведущих исследователей по этногенезу и ранней этнической истории кыпчаков. Разбираются версии происхождения кыпчаков от кюеши, сиров-сйеяньто, кимаков, басмылов. Утверждаются многосоставность кыпчакского союза племен и формирование нового этноса на основе старых племен. Рассматриваются этнокультурные контакты кыпчаков с восточными районами Сибири. Обсуждается возможность проникновения кыпчаков в Восточную Сибирь, их участие в этногенезе саха. Исследуются параллели в материальной культуре саха и кыпчакских народов. This article analyzes the participation of Kipchak component in the ethnogenesis of the Sakha. This hypothesis appeared in the XX century, based on the detected parallels between archaeological and ethnographic materials of Sakha-Yakut people and Kipchak culture of the Eurasian steppes. The burials with horse that are typical for Yakut ethnic culture have a direct connection with the Ust-Talkinsk archaeological culture of the South Angara of XII-XIV centuries. Sakha also are connected with the Kipchaks by proximity of ethnonyms. There are also versions of the origin of Kipchaks from Baikal tribes of Kurykan-Kun, Merkit-markha, and bayauts. The most famous versions about the origin of the term "Kipchak" are: the origin from the "Kybchak" word "hollow tree"; identification with the ancient Chinese name of Central Asia tribe Kyueshe; connecting the notation of Kipchak Kuman with Turkic ethnonym sary. Kazakh researchers T.A. Insebaev and E.Z. Kazhibekov marked the connection between Saha and shezhere Kazakh tribe argyn pedigrees. The possibility of penetration of Kipchaks in Eastern Siberia as well as their participation in the ethnogenesis of Sakha and the Buryats are proved in the last scientific publications of A.I. Gogolev, B.B. Dashibalov and V.S. Nikolaev. Controversial is the time of appearance of the Kipchaks on the territory of Eastern Siberia and their role in the ethnogenesis of Sakha. Kipchak component in the Yakut ethnic culture, probably is connected with the participation of the Tatar (Siberian) element in the ethnogenesis of Sakha. Especially in the Yakut folklore sources progenitors people often are derived from the people tataar. From here, researchers of pre-Soviet period often took out the ethnic roots of the Sakha from Tatars. As the ancestral home of the Sakha due to early folklore sources the researches often pointed Tobol and Baraba steppes. However, the indication of the part Kimak-Kipchak element in the ethnogenesis Ust-Talkinsk archaeological culture in XII-XIV centuries suggests the possibility of earlier contacts. Perhaps this fact is connected with the participation of Siberian (bayautsk, kurykansk, alatsk) components in the ethnogenesis of Kipchaks.