В статье рассмотрен комплекс основных рельефообразующих процессов в криолитозоне, имеющих различный генезис, механизмы и особенности пространственно-временного развития, и характеризуемых наличием общего свойства эрозионности. The complex of the main relief-forming processes in the cryolithozone is...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Познанин, Валентин
Format: Text
Published: Автономная некоммерческая организация Научно-издательский Центр "Пространство и Время" 2012
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/erozionnye-protsessy-v-kriolitozone
Summary:В статье рассмотрен комплекс основных рельефообразующих процессов в криолитозоне, имеющих различный генезис, механизмы и особенности пространственно-временного развития, и характеризуемых наличием общего свойства эрозионности. The complex of the main relief-forming processes in the cryolithozone is examined in the article. That processes are having the different origins, mechanisms and characteristics of the spatial and temporal development. Also that processes are characterized by erosionality as the existence of a general nature. Erosionality reveals itself in the following rank: complete absence, elementary pseudo-erosion effects, erosion-like and pure heaving with thermohydromechanical nature. Selected data series represents the 4 groups of the processes. The first (erosion) group includes the following processes: cryogenic cracking, thermokarst, soil heaving. The second (pseudo-erosion) group includes the avalanche-like phenomena, the failures of ground. The third (erosion-like) group includes nivation, ice crusts, solifluction. The fourth (erosion) group includes thermoabrasion, thermoerosion, piping, deflation and blowing by the wind. The property of the erosionality it is typical for the 75% of processes in cryolithozone. This clearly indicates the critical erosion and similar effects in the development of cryolithozone. The number of processes requires some adjustment processes in groups according to their erosionality. Then using systems analysis will be possible to create a common classification of relief-generating processes in the cryolithozone as the ultimate goal of any taxonomy.