На основе этнографических, этносоциологических и музееведческих исследований 1974-2012 гг. рассматривается современное русское население Западной Сибири. Анализируется специфика его формирования на протяжении 400 лет, выявляются основные факторы, обусловившие чрезвычайное многообразие существующих к...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Жигунова, Марина
Format: Text
Published: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет" 2013
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/traditsionno-bytovaya-kultura-russkih-zapadnoy-sibiri-v-sovremennosti-i-problemy-ee-izucheniya
Summary:На основе этнографических, этносоциологических и музееведческих исследований 1974-2012 гг. рассматривается современное русское население Западной Сибири. Анализируется специфика его формирования на протяжении 400 лет, выявляются основные факторы, обусловившие чрезвычайное многообразие существующих культурных традиций. Характеризуются наиболее общие черты в жилище, одежде, пище, семье и семейных обрядах, выявляются основные зоны сохранения этнической специфики. Особый интерес представляют обозначенные проблемы национального и религиозного самосознания, региональной идентичности и формирования новой национальности сибиряки. In an article on the basis of ethnological, etnososiology, statistical and muzeevedceskih sources is considered contemporary Russian demographics of Western Siberia. Examines the specifics of its formation during the 400 years and identifies the main factors that led to the extraordinary diversity of cultural traditions. Among them are the following: 1) the history of settlement (originally moved here from almost all regions of European Russia and the Urals, exiles and convicts ferried up, repressed, migrants from various fields and the former republics of the Soviet Union, varying religious, ethnic and social origin); 2 accommodation in diverse) natural and geographical conditions (from tundra and taiga in the North to steppes and mountains in the South); 3) diversity of economic activities (farming, hunting and fishing, beekeeping and gathering, various crafts); 4) colorful ethnic and religious composition of the Aboriginal population; 5) active inter-ethnic contacts. Without dwelling on the specifics of existing local groups, identifies the most common features of the material and spiritual culture (housing, clothes, food, home and family rites), characteristic of the vast majority of modern Russian inhabitants of the region, identifies the principal be unsalable both conservation areas ethnic specificity. Of particular interest are marked with problems of national and religious identities, regional identity and a new nationality-siberians. Special attention is paid to basic steps and problems of ethnographic research in modern times Russian population in native and foreign historiography, outlining the prospects for their further study. Modern consciousness of Russian can be described as a crisis, since often no coincides self-identification and the reality of the situation, and the origin of the ethnonym, linguistic, ethnic, ethno-cultural identity. With regard to traditional culture, some of its elements are preserved (fully or partially) others are transformed and adapted to the changing conditions of public life. It is a constant process of emergence and the traditional culture of new and foreign elements. In spite of the diversity of cultural processes, the presence of layered crusts and Syncretism of different cultural traditions, the Russian population of Western Siberia all are more clearly in common attitudes and traditional consumer culture. Research on regional traditions of Russian population in Western Siberia to move to writing a synthesis of historical and cultural research.