Исследуется проблема происхождения азов, их этнической истории. На основе анализа имеющихся сведений тюркских рунических, китайских и арабо-персидских письменных источников, а также используя этимологический анализ этнонимов, связанных с азами рассматриваются некоторые вопросы истории, связанные с э...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Монгуш, Борис
Format: Text
Published: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет" 2013
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/proishozhdenie-azov-i-azskiy-komponent-v-etnogeneze-tuvintsev-po-vostochnym-pismennym-istochnikam
Summary:Исследуется проблема происхождения азов, их этнической истории. На основе анализа имеющихся сведений тюркских рунических, китайских и арабо-персидских письменных источников, а также используя этимологический анализ этнонимов, связанных с азами рассматриваются некоторые вопросы истории, связанные с этнической историей Саяно-Алтая, в частности происхождения древних кыргызов и участия в этногенезе тувинцев. В связи с этим в данной статье также даются возможные варианты их локализации. According to data of Turkic orkhon runic inscriptions Az lived in southeast Altai and Sayan Mountains. As in Tonyukuk's inscription there are data about «steppe Az» living in the territory of modern Khakassia, near by yenisei kirghiz. The mention about of «steppe Az», says that «there were still mountain and taiga (forest) Azs». According to many turkologist «mountain and taiga Azs» lived in mountain steppes of southwest Tuva about the lake Kara-Khol and South East Altai and partly in Sayan ridge. About what Azs nomadized in Altai near by karluks it is possible to draw a conclusion from lines of an inscription of Kuli-chor. From data of the Terkhin inscription it is clear that in the Uighur time (750-840) Azs continued to live in Tuva in the same territories. Also from lines of an inscription, we know that the Azs living in Tuva and were included in a military administrative system of the Uighur khaganate. The mention in a runic monument of the ancient kirghiz period of Hemchik-Chyrgaky (Е 41) about tribe Az, probably, indirectly indicates resettlement of part them to the region of a valley of the river Chyrgaky. At the same time, there are data on six-compound Az (alty-Az) which lived in the Central Tuva. So from the considered data it is possible to come to a conclusion that during revolt of chiqs in 750-751 living in Tuva Az people, sided with the Uighurs. Therefore after leaving of part of chiq tribes to the west, on their freed lands moved Az's clan kabay and six tribes of Azs. Besides, Turkic runic monuments prove that at the beginning of the VIII century "Kara-Khol Azs", owing to geographical proximity of the territory Kara-Khol to Mountain Altai, together with the "Altai Azs" were a part of the turgesh state where them their main leader an elteber operated, as the vicegerent (tutuq) turgesh khaghan. The majority of researchers consider that «. elements in general were one of turgesh tribes». So, according to the Arab-Persian authors in the middle of the VIII century «turgeshes (consist from) tukhsian and azian» (if in the Persian sources of Azs call azian, in Arab azkishi), i.e. Azs together with a tribe tukhsi (toghus) were the core of the tribal alliance of the turgesh. Such interpretation will be coordinated with the statement of that turgesh earlier lived in the territory of Altai. As the proof that at northern Altaians remained ethnonym turgesh in shape tirgesh, as well as toghus corresponds tukhsi. So it is possible to tell that till 711-715 the territory of Altai and western part of modern Tuva together with lakes Kara-Khol were included into east wing of the turgesh state. To find out ethnogenesis of Azs, it is necessary to sort etymology of word «kyrgyz». All versions of etymology of the name «kyrgyz» are connected with sacral for kirghiz number forty. Therefore, we consider that this ethnonym traditionally readable in the orkhon-yenisei runic inscriptions as qirqiz, is possible, to read as qirq-az or qiriq-az 'forty Azs' (forty tribes or clan of Azs) that L. Bold made Mongolian turcologists when reading the text of the Suudzi inscription. This reading is confirmed by data from the composition «Rauzat as Sayfa» («A purity garden») the Persian author Mirkhond in whom it is said that «kyrkhyz call the As» and «. the explanation (words) 'kyrkhyz's known. 'Kyrkyz' in language of Mongols (the Turkic peoples being under the power of Mongols and accepted ethnopolitonym 'Mongol' B.M.) means «forty men». Offered «explanation» coincides with the second name kirghiz appearing in the Arab-Persian and Chinese sources kyrk-hyr or kyrkhar from which it is possible to isolate two components of it ethnonym: qyrq 'forty'; ar 'man'. Considering the above etymology, we make the following hypothesis of an origin kirghiz: on territories of Khakassia from the ancient tribal alliance of Az seceded forty clan of Azs which having mixed up with local tribes were allocated formed the separate people. Ethnonym kyrkhar, i.e. forty clans, was known to neighbors kirghiz since ancient times. Probably, so they were called by iran-speaking neighbors, and through them it reached Chinese. Chinese, apparently, learned own Turkic ethnonymics at the time of the Tan empire therefore in early Chinese chronicles kirghiz called kyrkhur, since the Tan period began to reflect given ethnonym as kyrkhuz. It is also possible to assume that an assimilated Turks fractions of large tribal alliance of Azs were a part of such Turkic tribal alliance as kirghiz (qyrq-Az), turgesh (Altai-Tuvan Azs). Gradually the name «qyrq-Az» eventually turned in «kyrkhyz». The name «kyrgyz» initially wasn't the self-name of the allocated forty Azs as in the Yenisei inscriptions of Tuva and Khakassia, as we know, are created in ancient kirghiz time (the IX-XI centuries), it is never mentioned. Thus, relation of Azs with kirghiz is undoubted and it is possible that steppe Azs could be qyrq-Azs. Studying Az it should be noted similarity them ethnonym with the name of an iran-speaking tribe of the as-alan, come to Caspian littoral region and the Caucasus from the East. So some scientists consider that wusun there is the Chinese transfer of the name of asian. Probably, Alan often call experts because in their ethnogenesis participated asian-wusun. According to the Chinese sources they lived in Zhetysu, in the same place where and in later times one of tribes of the turgesh -azian from the Persian narrative works. Apparently, Persian name of Az conformably ethnonym asian. This fact suggests an idea that elements are assimilated Turks descendants asian-wusun. Among tribal groups of Southern Siberia descendants of Azs today is the Altai clans are the following: tort-as (altai: four Az), dyeti-as (altai: seven Az) and baylaghas (altai: numerous Azs). In our opinion descendants of ancient Az are representatives of tribal division ktizhtiget (tuvan: ^жугет) as their ethnonym occurs from the Turkic word kichtig, ktichtik 'small' + the Mongolian suffix of plural (u)t which is widespread among Tuvan ethnonyms. Apparently, the "Tuvan Azs" were only small part of all Az tribal alliance that was reflected in their self-name meeting in a runic inscription from Hemchik-Chyrgaky (Е 41) az Az 'not numerous Az' (in a counterbalance to the "Altai Azs" which called itself numerous Azs baylaghas). We believe that subsequently in the self-name az Az word az (small) replaced the word with a synonym ktichtig (small), and the "Tuvan Azs" began to be called as kuchug-Az which during the Mongolian era, probably, began to call with the Mongolian suffix of plural ktichtigtit, i.e. kuzhuget.