На историческом фоне раннего заселения Сибири рассматривается этническая принадлежность носителей археологических культур (верхний палеолит эпоха раннего железа) Среднего Приобья. Исходное положение реконструкций все народы Западной Сибири являются мигрантами. Реконструируется место и время ранней ф...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Малолетко, Алексей
Format: Text
Published: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет" 2013
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/ugry-samodiytsy-kety-predystoriya
Summary:На историческом фоне раннего заселения Сибири рассматривается этническая принадлежность носителей археологических культур (верхний палеолит эпоха раннего железа) Среднего Приобья. Исходное положение реконструкций все народы Западной Сибири являются мигрантами. Реконструируется место и время ранней фиксации их предков и пути миграции в Сибирь. Выявляются языковые и культурные контакты различных этнических групп. Выявляется возможная генетическая связь с ними современного коренного населения. Ugric people and European people genetically had a common ancestor. The split of Finno-Ugric people from the common with Europeans ancestor appeared earlier than the division of Paleolithic tribes into ethnic groups. Eastern and Western sites built a big European Willendorf-Kostenkovo group (28000-18000 years ago). This was a starting time of one-way migration of the population from Europe to Siberia that had finished with their arrival to the area near Baikal (Malta and Buret, 22000-18000 years ago). The migration process was accompanied by the increase of mongoloid features as the result of the adaptation to the harsh Siberian conditions and of the genetic drift. There are lexical and cultural parallels with the Itelmen people of Kamchatka. Old Ugric population built the basis for the population of Neolithic Siberia: research in Altai and in the southern part of West Siberia revealed males' burials with the features of the Uralic race, close to the Khanty people. Samoyedic people. Their original homeland could be reconstructed through the toponymic data. In the languages of some groups of the population Iran and Afghanistan area, there are geographic terms takh/tag 'river' that became a part of hydronyms Taglakar, Takh-Khauzak, Takhi-Chemshain-Shorak, and Takhi-Shishgor. Thee correlate with the Samoyedic ones: Enets d'aga, t'akha, Nenets ya'aga(I'akha), Kamassin ch'aga. The Gilyans of the South Caspy Sea have the dialect word biya 'water' that is phonetically similar Samoyed (Kulai) terms: Enets bi, Tawgi be, Taigi, Mators, Karagas bu, Koibal by. In the languages of Dari and Pushtu, there is a term dzhaba 'swamp, meadow', in Selkup chaba 'swamp channel covered with moss.' Before their march to Siberia, the Samoyed ancestors concentrated in Southern Turkmen to where they came from the Iranian plateau. Between the 3 rd and the 2 nd centuries before present, a strong movement back started from Turkmen to the east along the mountain systems of Central Asia. The ancestors of the Samoyed people penetrated the territory of the forests of West Siberia through the valleys of Irtysh and Ob. Ket people. In the language of Wasyugan Khanty, there are words that are not related to Finno-Ugric ones. For example, ink 'water', but Hungarian viz, Mansi vit, Komi va, Udmurt vu, Mari vud, Mordva vyad', Karelian vezi, Finnic, Estonian vesi. This lexical anomaly might be explained from Dagestan dialects. Khanty ink 'water' has equivalents in Dagestan dialect inkhe, enkhu; Khanty ugai 'river' Dagestan ugyu, ekhu, ekhu, ikhu. The homeland of the Dagestan people is the Middle East while its ancient dwellers Hatts, Hurrits and Urartu are the direct ancestors of Nakho-Dagestan and Adygo-Abkhaz. The Imbat Ket alup/alal, Arin elep, Kott alub 'tong' could be compared with the Hatt alip/alep.