Статья посвящена реконструкции концептуальной картины мира этносообщества исторической Даурии. Принадлежность человека к родовому социуму, вероятно, определяла его понимание себя как неотделимой части окружающей природы. Уровень партисипации родового человека «кодируется» в родовом имени. Изучение г...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Жамсаранова, Раиса
Format: Text
Published: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет" 2011
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/kontsept-les-lesnoy-v-etnonimii-istoricheskoy-daurii
Summary:Статья посвящена реконструкции концептуальной картины мира этносообщества исторической Даурии. Принадлежность человека к родовому социуму, вероятно, определяла его понимание себя как неотделимой части окружающей природы. Уровень партисипации родового человека «кодируется» в родовом имени. Изучение генонимов позволило связать такие древние названия племенных объединений Северной Азии, как Дулу/Дулга, ойраты, дауры с табангутами, тунгусами-дулигатами Даурии одним и тем же семантическим значением «лесной народ(ы)». The article is devoted to the problems of the reconstruction of the conceptual picture of the world of the aboriginal population of Dauria. Peoples belonging to the tribal society determined their comprehension of themselves as inseparable from nature. The transcendent source of mentality of a tribal person is revealed in the ethnonym, which is of symbolic origin. The scientific study of tribal proper names makes it possible to find connections between the ancient names of Northern Asia (Dulu/Dulga, Oyrat, Daur/Dagur), the names of kins of Dauria (Tabanguud, Tungus-Duligaad) and one and the same semantics of forest/forester. The socionym forest/ forester united tribes and kins who led a particular type of life living in thick wood, having nomad camps in wood, migrating in the wooden zone of Eastern Siberia, hunting and, probably, deer-breeding. Among those tribes of forest people/foresters during the Mongol period of history of the Middle Age of Asia, the Tumen-Oyrat or Oyrat are mentioned according to the text of The Sacred Mongol Story. The ethnonym means forest people/foresters where oymeans forest/wood + orod meaning people as D. Banzarov suggested. In the 19th century a famous explorer of Mongolia G.N. Potanin wrote a legend about the Oyrat-Dyurbyut, the name we may interpret as four forest peoples. We suppose that a more ancient ethnonym is Dagur/Daur, which literally means forester or forest wanderer in the Old Turkish language. The names of Buryat kins: the Tabanguuds and they are semantically identical to those ancient ethnonyms. We unite these names as they are one lexical origin the Ket word tabang (forest). The kins name of the Nerchinsk Tungus (Duligaad/Duligar/Dular/Dolotsky) can also be correlated with the semantics of the ancient tribal name of the Dolgans tya-kihi. It is worth mentioning that the Dolgans use another ethnonym for naming themselves and the neighbouring Evenks tya-kihi, which means forest/forester or forest nomad. So the etymology of some ancient and Middle Age ethnonyms of Northern Asian tribes and kin let us state that the concept forest/forester existed in the reconstructed picture of the world. The concept reveals the hidden cognitive principles of tribal nomination of nomad mentality when forest was realized as a universal dwelling for a forester. A forester comprehended himself as a necessary part of forest which symbolized the universe for him. We suppose that such names representation of the ancient picture of the world through the tribal and kins names reveals an archetype of wood or tree as a natural energy with manbearing functions. Legends say that the Khori-Buryats, for example, descend from the birch-tree.