Болотообразование и торфонакопление на территории Западно-Сибирской равнины один из ведущих экзогенных процессов голоцена. Болота развиты на всех геоморфологических уровнях поймах, надпойменных террасах, междуречьях, но степень заболоченности названных поверхностей различна и изменяется от 5-10 до 7...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Евсеева, Нина
Format: Text
Published: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет" 2011
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/vliyanie-neotektonicheskih-dvizheniy-na-reliefoobrazovanie-na-primere-bolotoobrazovaniya-i-torfonakopleniya
Summary:Болотообразование и торфонакопление на территории Западно-Сибирской равнины один из ведущих экзогенных процессов голоцена. Болота развиты на всех геоморфологических уровнях поймах, надпойменных террасах, междуречьях, но степень заболоченности названных поверхностей различна и изменяется от 5-10 до 70-80%. Установлено, что наиболее заболоченными являются тектонические впадины и зоны разломов (до 70-80%). К последним приурочены ложбины древнего стока Тымская, Кетская, Улуюльская и др. Bog formation and peat accumulation are the leading exogenous processes in relief development in West Siberia during the Holocene epoch. These processes are named the Global natural phenomenon, and it is impossible to find any other region on Earth with such extended areas of peat lands and swamp forests in all landscape zones. Tomsk region consists of subtaiga and middle and southern taiga subzones, and this region takes part in the phenomenon. Wetlands cover approximately half of this area. The age of the peat here varies from as young as 190 ± 50 to 12330 ± 480 years. Peat lands can occur on different geomorphologic levels floodplains, terraces, and interfluvial plains but peat lands here may occupy from 5-10% to 70-80% of the surface area. As all the components of the natural environment in the West Siberian Plain have remained more or less homogeneous for the last 5000 years, the degree of peat lands extending on similar landforms cannot be explained by environmental conditions. The explanation should be sought in the history of the development of tectonic structures affecting the West Siberian plate's sedimentary cover and in the directions of neotectonics and recent tectonic moves. The correlation between the extension of the peat lands and tectonic structures was studied by many researchers (N.Y. Katz, E.P. Pokrass, S.E. Tyuremnov, V.I. Orlov, Y.A. Lvov, A.A. Zemtsov, and others). Nevertheless, sufficient analysis has not been conducted regarding this correlation. In the article presented, based on topographic, tectonic, and peat deposits maps of the West Siberian Plain (1976), data of structural and geomorphological studies, the following patterns in the distribution of wetlands in Tomsk Region have been revealed: (1) the least waterlogged areas are correlated with the positive neotectonic structures Prialtaesayanskaya monocline, Alexandrovskiy, Nizhnevartovskiy arches, etc.; (2) the heavily waterlogged areas follow the negative tectonic structures Nyurolskaya, Ust-Tymskaya, Bakcharskaya depressions, etc.; (3) the most heavily waterlogged areas occur along the faults crossing positive and negative tectonic structures. Some modern rivers (Tym, Ket, Paydugina, Orlovka, Shudelka, et al.) have occupied linear palaeodepressions associated with fault zones. The causes of significant waterlogging of linear fluvial palaeodepressions are also discussed in the article.