Представлен анализ существующих классификаций болот геоботанических, ландшафтной. На примере Томской области автором предложена классификация болотных геосистем, основанная на принципе двухрядной классификации В.Б. Сочавы. Основной единицей ландшафтной классификации болот Томской области является ла...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Синюткина, Анна
Format: Text
Published: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет" 2012
Online Access:http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/klassifikatsiya-bolotnyh-geosistem-tomskoy-oblasti
Summary:Представлен анализ существующих классификаций болот геоботанических, ландшафтной. На примере Томской области автором предложена классификация болотных геосистем, основанная на принципе двухрядной классификации В.Б. Сочавы. Основной единицей ландшафтной классификации болот Томской области является ландшафтная фация как объединение элементарных геомеров, подчиненная геомерам более высокого ранга. При разработке классификации использовался принцип «снизу», когда таксономические единицы низшего ранга объединялись в группировки более высокого иерархического уровня. Свойства, закономерности развития и устойчивость геомеров определяются их положением в пределах геохор регионального уровня, которые выделяются в зависимости от зональных и азональных особенностей ландшафтной сферы. Наиболее устойчивыми являются болотные фации среднетаежных и южно-таежных провинций, где в процессе развития географической оболочки сформировались благоприятные условия для развития болотообразовательного процесса. Mires are unique natural landscapes, participating in the maintenance of atmospheric gas composition, the water balance of the biosphere, reserves of peat, and biological diversity on the Earth. The complex structure of mire is of interest to representatives of many disciplines phytocenology, landscape science, hydrology, geology, peat science, forestry, soil science and others. During the study of mire from different points of view several areas of study wetlands were highlighted geological, hydrological, botanical and geographical. It should be noted that in each set of studies mires classification is designed, based on both the allocation of the individual components of mire geosystems and their combinations, but not all of them fully disclose the variety of mires as complex natural systems. Despite the great practical and theoretical significance, the complex landscape classifications of bogs in Tomsk region are virtually absent. By example of Tomsk region the author proposed a classification of mire geosystems, based on the principle of the two-line classification of V.B. Sochava. The basic unit of landscape mire classification of Tomsk region is a landscape facies as an elementary geomeasure union subordinated to a higher rank geomeasure. In developing the classification the principle from the bottom was used when taxonomic units of the lowest rank combined in groups of a higher hierarchical level. In this work landscape facies were combined into groups of facies by the similarity of vegetation layers. Groups of facies form facies classes according to their water and mineral nutrition. All facies prone to waterlogging are combined into geom. The highest unit of the classification is a geom subgroup. This principle is consistent with the classification of mire microlandscapes by K.E. Ivanov. In contrast to the classification of microlandscapes the author accounted for vegetation, meso(interfluve, terrace, floodplain) and microrelief, the soil cover. The microrelief has a significant impact on the species distribution of vegetation within the mire facies, and therefore the classification of the latter must be taken into account along with some forms of mesorelief as one of the characteristics of the landscape lithogenic basis. At the same time both qualitative and quantitative indicators of the microrelief must be considered. The criterion of facies classification into groups and classes corresponds to the principle of classification by K.E. Ivanov (vegetation cover, type of water and mineral nutrients). In addition to the actual mire, the author's classification includes wetlands and forest facies prone to bog. As an illustration, the author presents a classification of facies of the southern taiga subwooded bog of Vasyugan geom subgroup by example of a poorly drained and undrained mire geom. Totally 13 groups were allocated, united into 5 classes of facies. The proposed classification allows landscape mapping of the wetlands of the southeast of the West Siberian Plain. The smallest mapping unit to produce large-scale maps is geomeasure rank facies, for medium-scale maps it is a group of facies. Geomeasure properties, patterns of development and stability are determined by their position within the geochora of the regional level, which are allocated according to the zonal and azonal features of the landscape areas. Thus, the most stable are the mire facies of middle and southern taiga of provinces, where in the development of the geographic cover favourable conditions for mire-forming processes were created.