Summary:Oceanographic data acquired during the BLUEHARVESTING Cruise (29SG20221001) on board the Research Vessel Sarmiento de Gamboa in 2022. The cruise is designed to analyse the direct environmental effects on the seabed and the water column arising from the deployment and operation of a prototype polymetallic nodule collector. The state of the seabed before and after the passage of the nodule collector vehicle is investigated by recording a high-definition video installed on a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). The dispersion of the resuspended material plume by the nodule collector is monitored by a set of moorings deployed around the circulation zone of the nodule collector. Anchors include turbidimeters, current meters, a particle camera and a grain size analyser. Likewise, a transect of CTDs is repeated several times and a follow-up of the plume with the CTD behind the collector. The underwater sound impact produced by the nodule collector is recorded with a deep-sea hydrophone located at one of the anchors.