Index A-B Volumes 1-7

[Editorial notes: See PDF version of this article where page numbers in boldface indicate a major discussion and page numbers in italics indicate illustrations. Vol 1: pp. 1-316. Vol 2: pp. 317-662. Vol.3: pp. 663-1004 Vol 4: pp. 1005-1352. Vol 5: pp. 1353-1690. Vol 6: pp. 1391-2034. Vol 7: pp. 2035...

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Main Author: Atiya, Aziz Suryal, 1898-1988 (editor-in-chief)
Format: Text
Published: Macmillan 1991
Online Access:,2012
Summary:[Editorial notes: See PDF version of this article where page numbers in boldface indicate a major discussion and page numbers in italics indicate illustrations. Vol 1: pp. 1-316. Vol 2: pp. 317-662. Vol.3: pp. 663-1004 Vol 4: pp. 1005-1352. Vol 5: pp. 1353-1690. Vol 6: pp. 1391-2034. Vol 7: pp. 2035-2372] Index A_______________________ Aaron at Philae, Apa, 1955 Ababius, Saint, 1, 2081 ‘Abadah ibn al-Samit, 1528 Abadion, Bishop of Antinoopolis, 1551 Abadir. See Ter and Erai, Saints Abadyus. See Dios, Saint Abamu of Tarnut, Saint, 1, 1551 Abamun of Tukh, Saint, 1-2, 1551 Abarkah. See Eucharistic wine Abba origin of term, 2-3 see also Proestos; specific name inverted Abba Maqarah. See Macarius II ‘Abbas Hilmi I Khedive, 1467,1636, 1692 ‘Abbas Hilmi II, Khedive, 1693, 1694, 1988 Abbasids compared with Umayyad administration, 2287 and Islamization, 937 Tulunid and Ikhshid rule, 2280-2281 Abbaton, 2, 1368, 1619 Abbot, 2-3 hegumenos and, 1216 provost and, 2024 see also Abba; specific names inverted ‘Abdallah, 3 ‘Abdallah Abu al-Su‘ud, 1993 ‘Abdallah ibn Musa, 3-4 ‘Abdallah ibn al-Tayyib, 6, 1777 ‘Abdallah Nirqi, 4 evidence of Nubian liturgy at, 1817 example of Byzantine cross-in-square building at, 661 Nubian church art at, 1811-1812 ‘Abd al-‘Aziz, Sultan, 893 ‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn Marwan (Arab governor of Egypt), 85, 709, 1303 ‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn Sa‘d al-Din, 5 Abdelsayed, Father Gabriel, 1621 ‘Abd al-Malak, Saint, 840 ‘Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, Caliph, 239, 937 ‘Abd al-Malik ibn Musa ibn Nasir, Caliph, 1411 ‘Abd al-Masih (manuscript), 5 ‘Abd al-Masih,Yassa, 1911 doxologies studied by, 1728 ‘Abd al-Masih ibn Ishaq al-Kindi, 5 ‘Abd al-Masih al-Isra’ili al-Raqqi, 5-7 ‘Abd al-Masih, known as Ibn Nuh, 7 ‘Abd al-Masih Salib al-Masu‘di, 7, 14, 1461 on Dayr al-Jarnus, 813 on Dayr al-Khadim and Dayr al-Sanquriyyah, 814 on Dayr Sitt Dimyanah, 870, 871 and Iqladiyus Labib, 1302 and Isidhurus, 1307 on Jirjis al-Jawhari al-Khanani, 1334 on monastery of Pisentius, 757 ‘Abd al-Raziq, ‘Ali, 1996 ‘Abd al-Sayyid, Mikha’il, 1465, 1994 ‘Abduh, Muhammad, 1995 Abednego, 1092 Abfiyyah (martyr), 1552 Abgar, King of Edessa, 7-8, 1506 Abib. See Phib, Saint Abib (eleventh month of Coptic calendar), 439, 443 in Copto-Arabic Synaxarion, 2187-2189 Abib ibn Nasr, 8, 1775 Abilius, Saint and Patriarch, 8, 2081 dates of patriarchy, 1913 Abishkhirun, Saint, 2036 Abiskharun al-Qallini al-Muqtadir, 752 Abi Sulayman Dawud ibn Abi al-Muna ibn Abi Fanah, 1691 Ablanathanalba (palindrome), 1500 Ablution, 8-9 basin and ewer for, 1469 Abnub monasteries at, 703, 714, 881, 1655 pilgrimages to, 1971 Abraam I, Saint and Bishop of Fayyum, 10, 845, 2081 pilgrimages to tomb of, 784 Abracas, Saint, 2081 Abraham (Old Testament patriarch) Archangels’ visits to, 1136, 1618 and circumcision practice, 1106 paintings of, 793-794, 793, 1660 sacrifice of Isaac. See Biblical subjects in Coptic art Testament of, 164, 165 Abraham, Saint and Patriarch, 10-11, 14, 321, 1534, 1593, 1999, 2081 and chrism consecration, 521 and Church of al-Mu‘allaqah (Old Cairo), 558 and condemnation of cheirotonia, 517 dates of patriarchy, 1916 and Ethiopian prelates, 1001-1002 and Fast of Jonah, 1094 patriarchal residence, 1912 Abraham I, Archbishop of Jerusalem, 1325 Abraham bar Kaili, Bishop, 1675 Abraham of Farshut, 11-12, 1518, 1656, 1679 Coptic accounts of, 1455 and monasteries at Farshtut, 1092-1093 and monastery of Apa Moses, 1680 and Pbow monastery, 1448, 2154 Abraham and George of Scetis, Saints, 12-13, 69, 2081, 2368 Abraham of Hermonthis, Bishop, 13, 779, 1639 archives of, 227 correspondence of, 400-401 on defrocking of priests, 891 on excommunication grounds, 1079-1080 and mummification, 1697 on ordination, 564, 1844 portrait of, 402 Abraham and Isaac, depicted in Coptic art, 382-383 Abrahamites, 1533, 1534 Abraham of Luxor, Apa, icon of, 1277 Abraham of Minuf, Saint, 13-14, 1633, 2081 Abraham Persa, 14 Abraham of Phelbes. See John the Hegumenos Abraham of Qift, Bishop, 730 Abrahat. See Preht Abrakiyus. See Abracas, Saint Abrashit the magician (Coptic legend), 845 Abraxas, 14, 1500, 2173 Abrim al-Qibti, Anba, 14 Abrimus. See Primus Absaliyyah. See Music, Coptic, corpus and present practice Absalmudiyyah. See Music, Coptic, corpus and present practice Abshay, Saint, 719 Absolution, 15-17 penance and, 1932 of women in baptismal liturgy, 339 Abstinence, 17, 2308 see also Fasting Abu. See Apa; specific names inverted Abu al-‘Ala’ Fahd ibn Ibrahim, 17-18, 1098, 1202 Abu ‘Awn, Caliph, 1411-1412 Abu Bakr al-Akhram, 1098 Abu al-Barakat. See Ibn Kabar Abu al-Barakat ibn al-Mabatt, Shaykh, 1128 Abu al-Barakat Yuhanna ibn Abi Layth, 1097 Abu al-Fadl ibn Abi Sulayman, 1691, 1749 Abu al-Fadl ibn Ishaq ibn Abi Sahl ibn Abi Yusr Yuhanna ibn al-‘Assal. See Fakr al-Dawlah Abu al-Fadl ‘Isa ibn Nasturus, 18-19 Abu al-Fakhr ibn Azhar, 1535 Abu al-Fakhr al-Masihi, 19 Refutation of the Jews, 1779 Abu al-Faraj ‘Abdallah ibn Tayyib, 1089 Abu al-Faraj Ya‘qub ibn Killis, 1097 Abu al-Ghalib, 18 Abu Habib Mikha’il ibn Badir al-Damanhuri, 1573 Abu Hulayqah, 19, 1691, 2055 Abu Ishaq. See Mu’taman Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn al-‘Assal Abu Ishaq (ascetic), 1924 Abu Ishaq ibn Fadlallah, 19-20, 2075 Abu Ja‘far al-Mansur, Caliph, 1631, 1632 Abu Jirjah, 20 Abu al-Khayr al-Rashid ibn al-Tayyib, 20 Abu al-Majd ibn Abi Ghalib ibn Sawirus, 1391 Abu al-Majd ibn Yu’annis, 21-23 Abu al-Makarim, 23, 346 and Abti Salih the Armenian, 33 on ancient Alexandrian churches, 92 and Copts in Jerusalem, 1324 on Dayr Abu Qarqurah, 708-709 on Dayr Anba Antuniyus, 724 on Dayr Anba Bula, 741 on Dayr Asfal al-Ard, 783 on Dayr Ebifania, 800 on Dayr al-Maghtis, 818 on Dayr Matra, 837 on Ibyar, 833 on patriarchal election, 1911 works of, 33, 1462 Abu al-Mansur ibn Bulus, Shaykh, 848 Abu al-Mansur ibn Fath al-Dimyati, 2079 Abu Maqrufah. See Macrobius, Saint Abu Mina, 24-29, 1541 altars, 106, 107 ampullae from, 534, 537, 541 and Bahij, 330 baptistery of Martyr Church, 197, 198 basilica, 263-264, 355 cathedral, 707 ceramics of. See Ceramics, Coptic church finished by Timothy II Aelurus, 2266 church in Hiw, 1242-1243 church started by Theophilus, Patriarch, 2248 and Coptic sculpture in stone, 2112 excavations, 1394 Great Basilica, 107, 198 lamps and ampullae collection (State Museum of Berlin), 2146 as laura of hermitages, 1224-1225 Martyr Church, 24-29, 25-28, 38, 94, 197 and Menas the Miracle Maker, 1590 monastic murals at, 1874 paintings of, 727 parekklesia addition, 1903 pilgrimages to, 24, 1550, 1969 settlement, 24-25 Tomb of the Martyr, 24 transept compared with church at Hawwariyyah, 1212 see also Dayr Abu Mina Abu Mina, Saint. See Menas the Miracle Maker, Saint Abu al-Misk Kafur, 1632 Abu al-Mufaddal ibn Amin al-Mulk, 29 Abu al-Muna (16th-century parish priest), 29 Abu al-Muna (17th-century deacon), 30 Abu al-Muna ibn Nasim al-Naqqash, 30 Abu Musa. See Dayr Abu Musa; Moses of Abydos; Moses the Black Abun, 30-31 and anointing Ethiopian emperor, 141 and eccage, 930 and Ethiopian prelates, 980, 999-1044, 1613 and Ethiopian Synaxarion, 2190-2191 Abuna Mina al-Baramusi. See Cyril VI, Pope Abuna Murqus of Matay. See Murqus of Matay Abu Nasr ibn Harun ibn ‘Abd al-Masih, 31 Abuna Takla. See Takla, Abuna Abu Nofer (Nufar). See Onophrius, Saint Abu al-Qasim, Caliph, 1410 Abuqir (Canopus), 31 Franciscan church, 1123 Abu Rakwah, 1099 Abu Sa‘id ibn Abi Sulayman, 1749 Abu Sa‘id ibn Qurqah, 1097-1098 Abu Said ibn Sayyid al-Dar ibn Abi al-Fadl al-Masihi, 32 Abu Sa‘id ibn al-Zayyat, 1536 Abu Salih the Armenian, 33, 37, 38, 1462 on Abamun, 2 on administrative organization of Egypt, 934-936 on ‘Alwa, 110 on Antinoopolis, 144-145 on al-Bashmur, 349 on churches and monasteries of Victor Stratelates, Saint, 2307-2308 on Dayr Abu Musa, 707 on Dayr al-‘Adawiyyah, 712 on Dayr al-‘Adhra (Samalut), 715 on Dayr al-Ahmar (Giza), 716-7 17 on Dayr Anba Abshay, 718-7 19 on Dayr Anba Bakhum, 729 on Dayr Anba Bishoi, 738 on Dayr Anba Hadra, 745 on Dayr Anba Sawirus, 761 on Dayr Anba Shinudah, 764 on Dayr al-‘Asal, 782 on Dayr Balujah, 788 on Dayr al-Hammam, 806 on Dayr al-Ikhwah, 808 on Dayr al-`Izam (Asyut), 809 on Dayr al-Malak Mikha’il (Qamulah), 827 on Dayr al-Maymun, 838 on Dayr al-Muharraqah, 841 on Dayr al-Naqlun, 845, 846 on Dayr al-Nastur, 848, 862 on Dayr al-Sham‘, 863 on Dayr al-Tin, 881 on Fatimids and Copts, 1098 on Febronia, Saint, 1109-1110 on Giza monasteries, 1142 and al-Hamidat, 1205 and Ibn Salim al-Aswani, 1272 on Itfih, 1313 on Memphis, 1587 on monasteries of Upper Sa‘id, 1657-1658 on monastery of Saint Pisentius, 757, 819-820 on Nubian matrilineal succession, 1514 on Nubian monasteries, 1817 on places dedicated to Theodorus, Saint, 797 on Soba, 2141 on Tafa, 2198 on Talmis, 2200 Abu Sayfayn. See Church of Abu Sayfayn; Dayr Abu Sayfayn; Mercurius of Caesarea Abu Sha‘ar, castrum of, 468, 468 Abu Shakir ibn Abi Sulayman, 1691 Abu Shakir ibn Butrus al-Raagub, 548 Abu Shakir ibn al-Rahib, 33-34, 1095, 1463 Abusir (modern village), 34 Abusir (Taposiris Magna), 34, 35, 36, 925 castrum of, 465 Abusir Bana, 36-37, 2272 Abusir al-Malaq, 37, 2272 monasteries in, 695-696 Abu Tarbu. See Magic Abu Tij, 38 Dayr Abu Maqrufah and Dayr al-Janadlah at, 704 Dayr Anba Abshay at, 718-719 Dayr Tasa at, 881 on martyrs of Isna, 866 pilgrimages to, 1971 Abu al-Yumn ibn al-Bazzaz, 718 Abu al-Yumn ibn Quzman ibn Mina, 11 Abu Zakariyya, 1097 Abwab, Al-, 38 Abyar, 38 Abydos, 38-42, 39, 40 antipaganism in, 1870 buildings, 41-42 monasteries at, 40, 707, 729, 1656 oracle of Bes at, 1869 see also Moses of Abydos Abyssinia, 1517, 1536 Acacian schism, 42-47, 594, 1671-1672, 1673 Acephaloi and, 55 Henoticon and, 1218 impact on Alexandria, 102 Justin I and, 1383-1384 and Ulphilas, 2285 Acacius, Bishop of Caesarea, 48-49, 1948 and Acacian schism, 42-47, 1671, 1673 and Eusebius of Caesarea, 1070-1071 and Henoticon, 1217-1218 as leader of Homoeans, 1252 on Mercurius of Caesarea, 1592, 1593 Accounts and accounting, history of Coptic, 49-54 see also Numerical system, Coptic Acephaloi, 44, 55, 347, 689, 1218, 1337, 1533-1534 Achaemenid dynasty, 1174 Acheronian Sea, 1499 Achillas, Saint (monk), 56, 2239 Achillas, Saint and Patriarch, 55-56, 2081 and Arius, 81, 231 dates of patriarchy, 1914 death, 81 and Melitian schism, 1584 successor, 81 Achilles (mythological figure), 1768 Achilleus of Thebaid, 2245 Acrostics, 1986 Acta Alexandrinorum, 56, 1889 Acta apocrypha. See Acts of the Apostles Acta sanctorum, 56-57, 405, 1445 Actius, 230 Act of Peter, 57, 59 Acts, Michigan Papyrus of, 58 Acts of the Alexandrian Martyrs. See Acta Alexandrinorum Acts of Andrew, 59 Acts of the Apostles, 58-60 on catechumenization, 473 on miraculous healings, 1433 on Stephen, Saint, 2153 Acts of John, 59 Acts of the Martyrs. See Acta Alexandrinorum Acts of Paul, 59-60 Coptic translations, 1451 Acts of Peter, 57, 59, 63 Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles, 57, 61-63 Acts of Thomas, 59, 1635 Act of Union, 609-6 10, 797-798, 810 Adam, 2, 1618, 1619 Apocalypse of, 156-157, 166 Gabriel, Archangel, and, 1136 in Manichaeism, 1520 see also Adam and Eve; Apocalypse of Adam Adam (Coptic melody type), 63, 901, 1425, 1479, 1722, 1724, 1726, 1727, 1728, 1986 Adam and Eve, 1542, 1544, 1868 depicted in Coptic art, 384, 384 in Hypostasis of the Archons, 1261 Norea as daughter of, 2257 Origen on, 1849 Paradise abode, 1900-1901 Pelagianism on, 1929, 1930 Adamnan, Saint (Ireland), 418 Adam Qadmon, 1150 ‘Adawiyyah, Al-. See Dayr al-‘Adawiyyah Adayma. See Isna Addas, 1521 Ad filios Dei (Macarius the Egyptian), 1491 ‘Adhra, al-, Church (Dayr al-Majma‘), 820, 821, 821 ‘Adhra, al-Church (Scetis), 791-794, 792 ‘Adid, al-, Caliph, 1097, 1099 ‘Adil Ayyub ibn Abu Bakr, al- Sultan, 783 Adjudication by bishops. See Audientia episcopalis Admon (Martyr), 1554 Adonis (pagan deity), cult of, 1866 Adoption, 1942 Adoptionist. See Dynamic Monarchians; Unction of Christ Adoration of the Magi, 527 Adribah (town), 762 Adrusis. See Atrasis (martyr) Advent, 63 Aeneas of Paris, 1115 Aengus, Saint (anchorite), 253 Aesculapius. See Dioscorus and Aesculapius (martyrs) Aesi (martyr), 1551, 1553 Aetius of Antioch, 141, 230, 1442, 1522 Afasim, Saint (Ethiopia). See Afse Afdal ibn Shahinshah, al- 1097, 1488 Affagart, Greffin, 1977 Afghani, Jamal al-Din, al-, 1994, 1995 Aflah al-Zaytun. See Monasteries of the Fayyum Aflaqah, 64 Afrajun, Al- (Phragonis), 64 Afram ‘Adad (“The Monk of Baramus”), 791 African Independent Churches, 1622 Afrunyah. See Febronia Afse, Ethiopian saint, 1046 Afterlife Abbaton’s role, 2, 1619 eschatology, 973-974 Gabriel’s and Michael’s role, 1136-1137 heaven concepts, 1214 hell concept, 974 Paradise, 1900-1901 Rapahel’s role, 2053 see also Hades; Judgements, Last; Purgatory Afthimi al-Misri, 64 Against the Definition of the Council of Chalcedon (Timothy II Aelurus), 2266-267 Against the Galileans (Julian), 177 Against the Manichaeans (Didymus), 900 Aga Khan, mausoleum of, 745 Agapetae (beloved), 114 Agapetus, Pope (Rome), 1674 Agathammon, Bishop of Chora, 686 Agathangelo of Vendôme, Father, 610 Agathodorus (martyr), 1554 Agathon, Saint (anchorite), 64-65, 2081 Agathon of Alexandria, Patriarch, 65-66, 1999 dates of patriarchy, 1915 feast day, 2081 and John III, 808, 1337 on the Kellia, 1397 and Mareotis, 1527 panegyrics by, 1456 on Psote/Diocletian relationship, 2032 and Saint Mark’s Cathedral, 1532 Agathon and his brothers (saints and martyrs), 66-67, 1551 Agathon of Homs, Bishop, 29, 67-68 Agathonicus of Tarsus, 69-70, 1185, 1453 Agathon the Stylite, Saint, 3, 12, 68-69, 749, 2081 Agathun ibn Fasih al-Tursini, 70 Agency (legal term), 1430 Agharwah, 70 Agnoetae, 70-71 Agnus Dei 71 Agricultural calendar. See Calendar and agriculture; Calendar,season, and Coptic liturgy; Calendologia Agriculture annona, 135-136 calendar, 440-443 commodities as loans, 1429 Dayr Anba Maqar, 756 Ibn Mammati work on, 1461 Nile valley crops, 440-443 Umayyad land policies, 2287-288 see also Kharaj (land tax) Agrippida. See Diocletian Emperor Agrippinus, Patriarch, 72 dates of patriarchy, 1914 Ahali, Al- (publication), 1990 Ahaywah Sharq, Al-, Dayr Anba Bisadah in, 732-733 ‘Ahd al-‘Umar. See Covenant of ‘Umar Ahib. See Phib, Saint Ahl al-Dhimmah, 72-73 and Covenant of ‘Umar, 655-656 and Hisbah, 1236-1237 and Ibn Qayyim Islamic law encyclopedia, 1269-1270 and Islamization, 189, 655-656, 939 millet system, 1631 Ottoman persecution during John XIII patriarchy, 1346 taxation of. See Jizyah; Kharaj Ahl al-Kitab, 72 Ahmad Fathi Zaghlul, 1994 Ahmad ibn al-Afdal Shahinshah, Caliph, 1128 Ahmad ibn Tulun, 939 Ahmad Lutfi al-Sayyid, 1987, 1988, Ahnas, 73-76 and Apion family, 155 Fayyum Gospel fragment found in, 1100 Sculptures at, 74-76, 2112, 2116 Ahrun ibn A‘yan al-Qass, 77 Aion (pagan deity), 1866 Aisle, 194 Aja, 1648 Ajbiyah. See Canonical hours, Book of Akhbar, Al- (publication), 1990 Akhbariyyah, Al-. See Karm al-Akhbariyyah Akhbar Qibt Misr (Maqrizi), 1525 Akhir Sa‘ah (publication), 1991 Akhmim, 78-80, 946, 1089 antipaganism in, 1870 churches, 78-80 Dayr Abu Halbanah near, 700 Dayr al-`Adhra at, 78, 79, 80, 713 Dayr Anba Bakhum at, 731 Dayr al-Malak Mikha’il at, 78, 823 Dayr al-Qurqas at, 78, 852 Dayr al-Shuhada’ at, 865 gravestone prayer inscriptions, 1294 monasteries, 78-79, 1654, 1655, 1661; see also specific names papyrus collections, 80, 1891 papyrus discoveries, 1898 remains and representations of Coptic clothing. See Costume, civil stelae from, 2161, 2162 and Thomas, Saint, 2256 Akhmim fragments, 80 Akhmimic dialect Coptic translations of Old Testament, 1837-1838 Hermas codex in, 1223 see also Appendix; New Testament, Coptic versions of the Aksum. See Axum ‘Ala’ al-Din ibn ‘Ali ibn al-Kurani (governor of Cairo), 882 Alam, Al- (title), 80 ‘Alam al-Din Shakir, 1616 ‘Alam Salib al-Ibnasi, Al-, 80 ‘Alam Shaltut, 81, 1874 Albertus a Sarthiano, 1119 Alcuin, 1112 Alef, Ethiopian Saint, 1046 Aleph. See Appendix Aleppo, 1098 Alexander, Bishop of Cappadocia (martyr), 1551 Alexander, Bishop of Jerusalem (martyr), 889-890, 1551, 1881 Alexander I, Patriarch, 81-85, 93, 101, 1089, 1584, 1617 and Arius, 81-84, 609, 1790, 2156, 231-232 and Athanasius I, 298 dates of patriarchy, 1914 and Eusebius of Caesarea, 1070-1071 and first usage of Theotokos term, 2255 literature and works of, 84-85 on Peter I, 1943-1944, 1945 and Sabellianism, 2072 Alexander II, Patriarch, 37, 85-87, 1589 dates of patriachy, 1915 at the Enaton, 957-958 and Hilwan, 1233 and Theodorus, Patriarch, 2237 Alexander the Egyptian (marty), 1551 Alexander the Great, 1166, 1174-1175, 1179, 1758, 2063 Alexander Romance, 2059 tomb of, 2065 Alexander Severus, Emperor, 892 patriarch under, 1914 Alexandra, Saint, 88 1663, 2055, 2082 Alexandria, 95-102 Antony of Egypt visits to, 150 as apostolic see, 180 apostolic succession, 181 Arab conquest of, 100, 655, 683, and Arius’s teachings, 231-232 bishopric, 892, 911 castrum of, 465 ceramics of, 483 Christian catacombs and chapels, 1873 Christianity introduced into, 1866 Christian and medieval era, 88-92 churches consecrated by Christodoulus, Patriarch, 92, 544 churches in, 92-95, 101-102 churches relations with Church of Rome, 608-611 church restoration in, 11; see also subhead historic churches cult of Homeric gods in, 1865 Damian and, 688, 689 Dayr Matra at, 837 Dayr Qibriyus at, 850 Easter date-setting, 1094-1905, 1105 ecumenical disputes, 688, 1138; see also Chalcedon, Council of; Monophysitism as Egyptian mint site, 574, 575, 944 and the Enaton, 954-955 end to institutionalized paganism in, 1870 Franciscan friary and churches, 1122, 1123 French governor, 1417 glassmaking, 1142, 1143 gnosticism, 1148, 1149-1150 Great Persecution of Christians, (303-312), 907-908 Greek founding and influence in, 1174-1175, 1179, 1180 Greek language use in, 1167 Islamic period. See Alexandria, Christian and medieval Jewish ascetics, 1661 Jewish community, 91, 97, 1175, 1180, 1865-1866 Jewish rebellion, 97, 1947, 2016 in late antiquity, 95-102, 96 library of, 100, 1447 Mark, Saint, journeys to 1529-1530 Mark, Saint, martyrdom, in, 1531 martyrs, 1, 890, 1554, 1558, 1559; see also specific names martyrs’ shrines, 1976 medicine in, 91, 2065 metropolitan see, 913-914, 915, 1612-1614 monasteries, 101, 707, 837, 850, 1467, 1645-1646 monastic murals at, 1874 monophysitism in, 913-915 paganism in, 946, 1870 Pantaenus’ school in, 1881 patriarchal residences, 689, 1912-1913 as patriarchate of Coptic Catholic Church, 601 patriarchs in, 689 persecutions in, 907-909, 1868-1869, 1936, 1937; see also subhead martyrs Persian capture of, 131-132, 1938-1939, 1940 Philo (Jewsish philosopher), 1956-1957 pilgrims and travelers to, 1977, 2065 pope designation in, 1998-1999 power of see, 913-914, 915 perfect, 2023 revolt against Arab conquerors, 187-188 rival patriarchs, 1138 Roman emperors in, 2061-2063 Roman political impact, 1177, 1180 Roman travelers to, 2065 uprising against Peter II, 1947 Alexandria, Christian and medieval, 89-92 Alexandria, historic churches in, 92-95 Alexandria in late antiquity, 95-102 Alexandrian Monastery of the Metanoia. See Metanoia, Monastery of the Alexandrian theology, 103-104 apologia, 176 and Arianism, 232 Communication idiomatum, 578-579 patristic writings, 1921 see also Catechetical School of Alexandria Alexandria, treaty of (641), 682, 931 Alhan (songs), 1744 ‘Ali, Sayyid, 1990 ‘Ali (Bey) al-Dimyati, 1538 ‘Ali ibn Rabban al-Tabari, al-Safi ibn al-‘Assal reply to, 2078 ‘Ali al-Ikhsid, 1098 ‘Ali Sha‘rawi Pasha, 1987 ‘Ali Yusuf, 1988 Alladyus (martyr), 1551 Allah ist gross (Kaufmann), 1394 Allberry, Charles Robert Cecil Austin, 104 Allegory, 62, 104 see also Symbols in Copitc art Alleluia, 104 109, 1731 Allenby, Lord, 1992 Allogenes, 105 and Valentinian Exposition, 2295 and Zostrianus, 2372 Almanacs, 440-443 Alodia. See Alwa Alphabet, Coptic and letters of Pachomius, 1863 see also Appendix Alphabet, Greek, 1501, 1749-1750 acrostics, 1986 alpha and omega symbols, 2160-2163 and Coptic numerical system, 1820-1821 and Coptic illuminated manuscripts, 1282-1283 see also Appendix; Greek language Alpha and omega, 2160-2163 Altaner, B., 1921 Altar, 105-107, 221 and antimension use, 144 ban on wooden, 580 basin and ewer, 1469 Christian, 106-107 in eastern end of churches, 1846 pagan, 105-106 wooden, 2328, 2328 see also Communion,table Altar, consecration of, 108-109 see also Church, consecration of Altar-board, 109; see also Antimension Altar Lights, 109-110 see also Candles Altar veil. See Eucharistic veils ‘Alwa, 38, 110-111, 1420 described by Ibn Hawqal, 1266 described by Ibn Salim al-Aswani, 1272 and Nubian evangelization, 1801-1802 and Nubian Islamization, 1803 as Nubian kingdom, 1797, 1800 and Nubian languages and literature, 1815-1816 Soba as capital city of, 110, 111, 2141-2142 Alypios of Alexandria, 1731 A.M. (anno martyrum), 434, 972 Ama. See Apa Amadeus VIII of Savoy, 1572 Amasis (Egyptian leader), 1166 Amazons, as subjects in Coptic art, 1750-1752 Ambo, 111 Ambrose, Saint and Bishop of Milan, 1378, 1921 on age for admission to convent, 1822 on discovery of the Holy Cross, 1243 and Lord’s Prayer, 1481 on marriage, 1542 patristic writings, 1920 on remarriage of widows, 901 Thedorus of Mopsuestia and works attributed to, 2239 Ambrosian Library (Milan), 782 Ambrosius (companion of Hor), 1254 Ambrosius (patron of Origen), 1847 Ambulatory, 195, 222 Amélineau, Emile Clement, 112 on Butrus al-Sidmanti, 431 on Hilaria, Saint, 1231 on Paul of Thebes, 1926 Shenute text-editing, 1452 and study of hagiographical cycles, 666 Amenemhet III, 1210, 1497 Amenhotep (pagan deity), 439 Amenophis III, 1484 Amin, Qasim, 1465 1994 Amin al-Din ‘Abd-Allah ibn Taj al-Riyasah al Qibti, 112-113 Amir bi-Ahkam Allah, Al- 843 Amir al-juyush (title of Badr al-Jamali), 324 Amjad Abu al-Majd ibn al-‘Assal, Al-, 1748 Amma, origin of term, 2, 3 Ammianus Marcellinus, 99, 100 Ammon. See Letter of Ammon Ammon, Saint. See Amun, Saint Ammonas, Saint. 113, 2082 and Antony, Saint, 150 Ammonia. See Paraetonium Ammonius (monk of Canopus), on martyrs of Raithou, 2050 Ammonius, Bishop of Isna, 1312 and founding of Dayr al-Shuhada’, 866, 869-870, 1551 Ammonius of Aswan, Saint, 2082 Ammonius of Kellia, 32, 113-114, 1397, 1490, 2082 and desert fathers, 894 and Dioscorus, 686, 916 and Evagrius Ponticus, 1076 on keeps, 1395, 1396 and Kellia community, 1397 Ammonius Saccas, 470, 1981, Ammonius of Tukh. See Abamun of Tukh Ammonius of Tunah, 114, 543, 2082 Amoi (father of Abba Yuhannis), 883 Amos, 22 Amphilochius Of Iconium, 114-116 Amphorae, 490 cosmetic box design, 2339 found at Monastery of Mark the Evangelist (Qurnat Mar’i), 2046 Stoppers for, 499, 499 Amplissima, 1523 Ampulla, 116-118, 116-118, 534, 537, 541, 1603 ‘Amir ibn al-‘As (Arab general), 100, 183-189, 749, 783 ‘Amriyyah (Maryut), 118, 118 Amash of Qift (martyr), 1551 Amshir (6th month of Coptic calendar), 439, 441-442, 2180-2181 Amulets, 14, 1499, 1504, 1506, 1508, 1508, 1509, 1606 Nubian, 1814 Amun (martyr). See Krajon and Amun, Saints Amun (pagan deity), 1392, 1484-1485 Amun, Saint, 119 and cenobitic monasticism, 1138 feast day, 2082 as founder of Nitria, 1794 in Letters of Saint Antony, 150 and Pambo, Saint, 1877-1878 Amun, Saint (martyr). See Krajon and Amun, Saints Anachoresis, 118-120, 1320-1321, 1661, 1958 see also Anchorities; Reclusion Anamnesis, 120-121, 964, 1566 Ananius (martyr), 1552 Anaphora of Saint Basil, 71, 121-123, 124 see also Canons of Saint Basil; Liturgy of Saint Basil Anaphora of Saint Cyril, 71, 123-124, 352, 988-990, 1066-1067, 1539 see also Liturgy of Saint Cyril Anaphora of Saint Gregory, 71, 124-125, 968, 1066, 1733 see also Liturgy of Saint Gregory Anargyroi, 638-639 Anastasia, Saint (martyr), 125, 692, 955, 1552, 1931, 2082 Anastasius, Abbot, 126, 720, 721 Anastasius, Emperor, 1934, 1962, exile of, 773 Formula of Satisfaction, 44, 1672 and Monophysites, 44, 2124, 1671, 1672, 1673 patriarch under, 1915 Anastasius of Eucaita, 127, 2237 Anastasius, Patriarch, 95, 125-126 concordat between Copts and Syrians, 688 dates of patriarchy, 1915 Anathema, 82, 84, 127-128, 589-590 Twelve Anathemas of Cyril, 1671 Anatolius (Dioscorus’ deacon), 1441, 1442 Anatolius, Patriarch of Constantinople, 512-515 Anatolius, Saint, 128, 892, 1552, 2237-2238 Anawati, G. C., 918 Anba. See Apa; personal name inverted Anba Bimanun. See Epima, Saint Anba Bisadah. See Dayr Anba Bisadah; Psote of Psoï, Saint Anba Bishoi. See Dayr Anba Bishoi; Pshoi of Scetis Anba Bula. See Paul of Thebes, Saint Anba Furayj. See Anba Ruways Anba Maqarah. See Macarius I, Saint Anba Mina. See Menas the Miracle Maker, Saint; Sanctuary of Saint Menas Anba Ruways monastery and Clerical College, 564 as patriarchal seat, 2000 Anba Ruways, Saint, 128-129, 2082 Anba Yusab. See Joseph the Bishop, Saint Anchorites, 129-130, 724-725, 737, 795, 800-801, 1491, 1661-1662 Agathon, Saint, 64-65 Claudius, Saint, 64-65 in Diolkos, province, 908 folkllore, 130 history, 129-130 Isaiah of Scetis, 1305-1306 kom Namrud settlement, 1418 Mary the Egyptian, 129, 130, 1560 Moses the Black, 1681 Onophrius, Saint, 1841-1842 Pambo, Saint, 1877-1878 Pamin, Saint, 1878 Paphnutius the Hermit, Saint, 1882-1883 Patape, 1907 Paul of Thebes, 129-130, 1925-1926 in Pharan oasis, 1953 Poemen, Saint, 1983-1984 at Raithou, 2049-2050 and sabbath observance, 1099 Sisoes, 2141 Theodorus of Pherme, 2239 Thomas, Saint, 2256-2257 Timotheus, Saint, 2262-2263 see also Anachoresis; Asceticism; Desert fathers; Hermits; Monasticism, Pachomian Ancient Coptic Churches in Egypt (Butler), 2000 Andreas, Abbot. See Andrew, Abbot Andrew (martyr). See Eunapius and Andrew (martyrs) Andrew, Abbot of Dayr Anba Antuniyus, 722, 1119 Andrew, Abbot of Dayr al-Salib, 703-704 Andrew, Saint, and Dayr al-Salib, 859 Andrew of Crete, Saint, 130-131, 2082 Andronicus, Patriarch, 131-132, 1940, 1978, 1999 and Benjamin I as successor, 375 dates of patriarchy, 1915 Angels, 132 cherubim and seraphim, 518 depicted in Coptic art, 270 depicted with demons at Bawit, 370-371 depicted on wood panel, 2346 role of guardian angel, 1186 subdivisions analogous to priesthood, 2015-2016 see also Archangel; Cherubim and seraphim; Demons; Guardian angel Angel, Feast of, 1111 Angelic Worship, The, 1565-1566 Anglican church on canon of Scripture, 2110 creeds, 179 Anglican church in Egypt, 133 Anianus, Patriarch (the Cobbler), 94, 133-134, 1530, 1612, 1911 dates of patriarchy, 1913 Animals depicted in paintings at Bawit, 371-372 depicted on wood column, 2345 Egyptian worship of, 1867, 2065 lamps in shapes of, 1598 Physiologos on, 1965, 1966 Ankh, 134-135, 281 depicted in Coptic art, 270, 272, 276 as Nubian Meroitic pottery decoration, 1806 see also Crux ansata; Symbols in Coptic art Annales ecclesiastici, 1523 Annali dell’Islam (Caetani), 433 Anna (martyr), 1544 Anna (prophetess), 1107 Anno martyrum (A.M.), 434, 972 Annona (wheat crop), 135-136, 2203 Annunciation Hail Mary prayer, 1199 as subject in Coptic art, 282,528-529, 2346 Annunciation, Feast of the, 1102, 1103, 1111,2256 Anointing, 137-140 and confirmation, 138, 586 and consecration of buildings and objects, 139-140 and consecration of vessels and icons, 140 and Coptic doctrine of the Holy Spirit, 1250 of heretics, 138-139 and Holy Matrimony, 139 in Judaism, 137 of kings, 139 and unction of the sick, 139, 2291-2292 see also Chrism Anointing of the Ethiopian emperor, 140-141 Anomoeans, 141-142 Ansate cross. See Ankh Anselm of Canterbury, 1113 Ansina, 142-143 see also Antinoopolis; Dayr al-Dik; Dayr al-Nasara; Dayr Sunbat; Shaykh Sa‘id Antakiyah, 1098 Anthimus, Patriarch of Constantinople, 1674, 1679-1680, 2241 Anthony Fulayfil, 610 Anthropomorphism, 143 Cassian on, 461 Cyril I warning against, 758 Gnostic rejection of, 1151 Theophilus, Patriarch, campaign against, 154, 1884, 2103, 2249- 2250 Anthropos, 1148, 1150 see also Gnosticism Antichrist, 143 in Concept of Our Great Power, 583 Nero seen as, 1785 Antimension, 144 see also Altar-board Antinoë. See Antinoopolis “Antinoë veil”, 1482 Antinoopolis, 144-148 Ammonius (martyr) buried at, 866 Ansina, 142-143 architecture, 146-147, 146, 147 Bishoi in, 734, 795 and castrum of Dayr al-Dik, 465 ceramics of. See Ceramics, Coptic Dayr Abu Hinnis linked with, 701 Dayr al-Dik near, 798-799 Dayr al-Nasara, 847 Dayr Sunbat near, 875-876 excavations, 416, 1481-1482, 2049 founding of, 1179, 1181, 2062, 2066 glass intarsia, 1145-1146, 1145 Greek influences in, 1174, 1179, 1181 literary and archaeological sources, 144-145, 145 martyrs at, 1-2, 696, 893, 1551, 1552, 1553, 1554, 1555, 1556, 1557 monasteries around, 1654; see also specific names monastic murals at, 1874 Panine and Paneu legend, 1881 pen cases found at, 1933, 1961 remains and representations of Coptic clothing. See Costume, civil rock churches, 716 ruins in southeast quarter of, 146-148, 147 shrines, 1976 site of tribunal of Victor Stratelates, Saint, 2304 Ter and Erai, Saints, visit to, 2209 textile production, 257 textile production, Sassanid influences, 2097-2098 tomb mural paintings, 1873 tombstone inscriptions, 1293, 1294 woman’s monastery at, 1663 Antinous (favorite of Hadrian), 142, 2062, 2066 see also Antinoopolis Antioch Anastasius and, 125 as apostolic see, 180 apostolic succession, 181 Arius and theology of, 23 1-232 Christology, 547, 578 Demetrius (fictional character), 893-894 Isidorus, Saint, martyrdom, 1307 Julian the Apostate efforts to restore paganism in, 1382 Lucian, 1484 Mark II relations with patriarchy, 1536 martyrs, 1555 Paul the Black as patriarch, 688, 689 Philotheus of, 1960-1961 Severus, 2 123-2125 theological opposition to Apollinarianism, 174 Theophilus, Patriarch, as theological schism mediator, 2248-2249 Antioch, Council of (341) on archbishops, 190 and Holy Communion, 579 Lucian and, 1484 on metropolitan, 1612 Antiochus, Bishop of Memphis, 1587 Antiphon, 148-149, 1717, 1732, 1733, 2024 Antiphonary. See Difnar Antiquities Museum (Leiden). See National Antiquities Museum Antoninus (martyr), 741, 1552, 1868 Antonius of Banah, 1089 Antonius Marcus, Bishop, 1622 Antonius Pius, Emperor patriarch under, 1914 temples, 863 Anton and Paul, Saints, 1733 Antony of Egypt, Saint, 2, 31, 88, 149-151, 114, 697, 1190, 1477, 1522 abstinence of, 17 and Ammonas, Saint, 113, 2082 Ammonius’s vision of, 114 Amun, Saint, 119 and anachoresis, 119, 120, 1661-1662, 1663 and Anba Bula, 129 and Athanasius I, 300, 1921 and Besa, Abbot, 378-379 and Bessarion, Saint, 2082 biographies of, 116, 149, 1663; see also Life of Saint Antony on canonical hours, 449 as “carrier of the Spirit,” 1249 cave, 725 chapels of, 753, 754 compared with Irish monastic saints, 418 on costume of the religious, 652, 654 and Cronius of Nitria, Saint, 2083 in Dalas, 685 depicted in Coptic art, 270, 385-386 as desert father, 894 and Didymus the Blind, 900 disciples of, 1923 and Ethiopian monasticism, 990 as father of monasticism, 1668 and Fayyum monasteries, 1100 Fayyum visit by, 845 feast day, 2082 on Gabriel VII, Patriarch, 1133 and Hilarion, Saint, 1232 John of Shmun on, 1369 and Kellia, 1397 letters in Coptic text, 1451 letters translated from Coptic into Arabic, 721 and Macarius the Egyptian, 1491 monasteries of, 719-729, 838, 839, 1658, 1664 and Old Testament, Coptic translations of, 1836 paintings of, 727, 754 and Pambo, Saint, 1878 panegyrics on, 1456 and Paul the Simple, Saint, 2086 and Paul of Thebes, Saint, 741, 1925- 1926 and Pior, Saint, 2086 and Poemen, Saint, 1983 reclusion of, 2055 and Sarapion of Tmuis, Saint, 2096 veneration of, 728 and women’s religious communities, 1822, 2325 writings, 150-151 writings and Teachings of Silvanus, 2207 see also Dayr Anba Antuniyus Antony the Great. See Antony of Egypt, Saint Antun Abu Taqiyyah, 1688 Antuniyus Mulukhiyyah, 151-152 Anub, Apa. See Dayr Apa Anub Anub, Saint, 152, 705, 1552, 2090 Bawit founding, 843 martyrdom in Atrib, 307 and Poemen, 1983, 1984 see also Nob Apa, 152-153 see also Abba; specific names inverted Apaiule and Tolemaeus, Saints (martyrs), 153, 1552 see also Tolemaeus, Saint Apa Jeremiah Monastery. See Dayr Apa Jeremiah (Saqqara) Apa Kir. See Cyrus (martyr) Apater. See Ter and Erai, Saints Apa Til. See Til Aper, 904 Aphraam. See Abraam I, Saint and Bishop of Fayyum Aphrodite (pagan deity) depiction in Coptic art, 266, 1752, 1752- 1753, 1753 see also Hathor Aphrodite Anadyomene tapestry, 2225 Aphrodito, 153-154, 227, 1642, 1659, 2205 archive of Basilios, 226, 228, 229, 358-359 Aphroditopolis. See Itfih Aphthartodocetae. See Julian Aphthonius, 1522 Aphu (monk and bishop), 154 Apion, family of, 155-156, 1871 Apocalypse of Adam, 156-157 as Old Testament apocrypha, 166 Apocalypse of Bartholomew, 2 Apocalypse of Daniel, 165 Apocalypse of Elias, 165 Apocalypse of Elijah, 165 Apocalypse of Ezra, 165, 2053 Apocalypse of James, First, 157-158, 160 Apocalypse of James, Second, 158-159 Apocalypse of Moses, 165 Apocalypse of Paul, 159-160, 1782 Apocalypse of Peter, 160-161, 917 Apocalypsis Heliae, Coptic translations, 1451 Apocalyptic literature of Abu Ishaq ibn Fadlallah, 20 Antichrist and, 143 Concept of Our Great Power, 583 Melchizedek in, 1583-1584 Old Testament apocrypha, 164-166 predictions, 1867 Pseudo-Pisentius of Qift, 2028 Apocryphal literature, 161-166 Acts of the Apostles, 58-60 Akhmim fragments, 80 as canon of Scripture, 2108 condemnation of, 162 Coptic translations of, 1454 Gospel of Thomas, 1162, 1163 Gospel of Truth, 1163-1164 in Ireland, 418 on Joseph the Carpenter, 1372-1373 on Michael, archangel, investiture in Heaven, 1618 National Library, Paris, manuscripts, 1777 Apocryphon of James, 569, 169-171 Apocryphon of Jeremiah, 170-171 Apocryphon of John, 171-172 comparison with Sophia of Jesus Christ, 1068-1069 comparison with Trimorphic Protennoia, 2276 parallels with Zostrianus, 2372 Apoli, Saint (martyr), 1413, 1552 “Apollinarian Forgeries,” 961 Apollinarianism, 173-174, 1669, 1670, 1673 Cappadocian counter to, 114-115 Cyril I opposition to, 1262 and Ephesus, First Council of, 959-960 on nature of Christ, 547 Theodoret and, 2236 Theodorus of Mopsuestia opposition to, 2239 Timothy I opposition to, 2263 Apollinaria, Saint, 2082 Apollinaris, Bishop of Laodicea, 173-174, 1669, 1674 Apollinopolis Parva. See Qus Apollo (martyr), 1551, 1552 Apollo (priest), 927 Apollo of Bawit, Saint, 1448, 1976, 2082 and Ammonius, 114 and Bawit founding, 362-363, 843 Phib, Saint, associated with, 1953 see also Bawit; Phib, Saint Apollo and Daphne, depicted in Coptic art, 1753-1754, 1754, 757 Apollonia, 1934 see also Sozousa Apollonius of Nitria, Saint, 2082 Apollonius and Philemon, Saints, 174-175, 231, 1552, 1733, 1880, 2082 Apollonopolis Magna. See Idfu Apollonopolis Minor. See Qus Apollo the Shepherd, Saint, 175-176 Apologetic literature. See Apologist Apologia de incredulitate (Agathonicus of Tarsus), 69-70 Apologist, 176-177, 1920-1921 ‘Abd al-Masih ibn Ishaq al-Kindi, 5 Abu al-Khayr al-Rashid ibn al-Tayyib, 20-2 1 Agathonicus of Tarsus, 69-70 Butrus Sawirus al-Jamil, 431 Eusebius of Caesarea, 1071 manuscripts in National Library, Paris, 1777, 1779, 1780, 1782 al-Safii ibn al-‘Assal, 2076-2079 Theodoret, 2236 Yuhanna al-Hadhiq al-Qibti, 2357 Apology for Origen (Pamphilus), 1879 Apology for Origen (Rufinus translation), 2068 Apomea, shrine to Michael, Archangel, 1616 Apophthegmata patrum, 56, 177-178, 894, 1136, 1663 on Ammonas, Saint, 113 on Antony, Saint, 149, 1491 on Bessarion, Saint, 379 Coptic translations of, 1454 on al-Farama, 1089 on Isaac, Saint, 1304 Isaiah of Scetis and, 1305-1306 on Isidorus of Scetis, Saint, 1310 John Colobos, Saint, and, 1359 on Kellia, 1397 on Macarius, 1490, 1491 on Maximus and Domitius in Scetis, 789, 790 on Pambo, Saint, 1878 on Paphnutius of Scetis, 1884 on Paul the Simple, 1923 on Poemen, Saint, 1983-1984 ranking of Arsenius of Scetis and Turah, 240 on reclusion, 2055 on sayings attributed to Abba Bane, 698 on Theodorus of Pherme, Saint, 2239 Theophilus, Patriarch, and, 2249 on Timotheus, Saint, 2262 word apa in, 152 Zacharias, Saint and, 2368 Apostates, Dionysius the Great and, 910, 912 Apostatized Coptic dignitaries. See Professional activities of Copts in medieval Egypt Apostles Acts of the Apostles, 58-60 Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles, 57, 61-63 on circumcision, 1106 and descent of the Holy Spirit, 1446 Didascalia on, 899-900 and evangelists, 529, 1078 fast of the, 1093 and first seven deacons, 885 and Holy Ghost, 1105-1106 and laying-on of hands, 1432, 1433 Mark I, Saint and Patriarch, 1528-1533 and priesthood, 2015 see also Canons, Apostolic; Christian subjects in Coptic art; specific names Apostles’ Creed, 178-179, 2069 Apostles Peter and Paul, Feasts of the. See Festal days, monthly Apostolic Canons. See Canons, Apostolic Apostolic Church Order, 454-455, 898 Apostolic Constitutions, 178, 179-180, 454-455, 898, 899, 1235 and bishops, 393-395 on celebration of feasts, 1101, 1102, 1432 on church architecture, 216 on confession and penitence, 584 on deaconesses, 888 doxology, 923 on fasting on Saturday, 2098 on fasting on Sunday, 2159 and intercession for the dormant, 889 on morning prayers, 1568 on Nativity date, 1102 and the Octateuch of Clement, 1824 on orientation toward the East during prayers, 1846 on prostration during prayer on Sunday, 2159 and use of oil prior to baptism, 340 Apostolic fathers, 180, 1920 Apostolic See, 181 see also Metropolitan Sees; Patriarch Apostolic succession, 181 Apostolic Tradition (Hippolytus), 182, 454-455, 1235-1236 and Canons of Hippolytus, 485 on Holy Trinity, 178 on laying-on of hands, 1432 on offertory, 1824 Apparel. See Costume, civil; Costume, military; Costume of the religious; Liturgical vestments Apparition of the Holy Light, 1248-1249 Apparition of the Virgin Mary, 2308-2309 Appenzell I, 1572 Apse, 195-196, 221 iconography, 555 Aptia (martyr), 1552 Aqbat, al- (Lacbat), 182-183 Aqfahs, 183 Aqmar, al-, mosque of, 810, 814 ‘Arab al-‘Awamir, 703 Arab conquest of Egypt, 20, 183-189, 1667 Abraham, Patriarch, and, 10, 11 and Abusir Bana, 37 administrative organization of Egypt under, 934-936 Agathon and, 65 Ahl al-Dhimmah and, 72-73 Alexander II patriarchy during, 85-87 Alexandria under, 88-92, 96, 100 attack on ‘Alwa, 110-111 Ayyubid dynasty, 3 14-315, 1534, 1535, 2037 and al-Banawan, 334 Bashmuric revolts, 349-351 Benjamin I and, 375 Bilbeis and, 391 Burullus and, 427 and “Christian encounter,” 2316-2317 and church architecture, 553 coinage, 575-576 and Coptic art and architecture, 131-132, 274-275 and Coptic literature, 1456, 1458, 1460-1467 and Coptic magic, 1504-1506 and Coptic martyrs, 1550-1551, 1557, 1558, 1559, 1589 and Coptic music, 1734-1736 and Coptic population decline, 1857 and Coptic public law, 1430 and Coptic textiles iconography, 2230 and Covenant of ‘Umar, 655-656 Cyrus al-Muqawqas role, 682-683 Dayr Anba Maqar under, 749 Dayr Epiphanius under, 801 Enaton under, 957-958 Greek culture and, 1168, 1178 John of Nikiou chronicles of, 655, 977, 1366 Makourian annexation attempts, 1514 Mamluks and the Copts, 1517-1518 al-Maqrizi history of, 1525 monasteries active during, 709 and monastic life in Scetis, 2104 and monastic population decline, 1663, 1857 pagarch system, 189, 1871-1872 patriarchs under, 1915-1918 and Paul of Aigina’s medical texts, 1922 Pentapolis and, 1934, 1935 personal status law under, 1941 Peter V patriarchy under, 1948-1949 and pilgrimages, 1975 provincial absence of arabization, 2289 Qasr al-Sham and, 2038 Qus and, 2043-2044 Roman decentralization facilitating, 2008 and Roman taxation measures, 2204 and secular confirmation of patriarchal election, 1911 and spread of circumcision among Ethiopians, 1001 Umayyad arabization, 2289 waqf system and land tenure, 2319 see also Islam; Literature, Copto-Arabic; Mamluks and the Copts; Ottomans, Copts under the; Persians in Egypt; Taxation; Umayyads, Copts under the ‘Arabi, Mahmud Husni, al-, 1996 Arabic Canons of Nicaea, 1789-1790 Arabic language Abu Ishaq ibn Fadlallah’s writings in, 19 Barlam and Yuwasaf fables, 346 Canons, Apostolic, 452 canons, ecclesiastical, 454 catena, 475 Coptic dictionaries, 34, 1267, 1302, 1748 Coptic legal sources, 1438 Coptic literature, 1459, 1460-1467 Coptic magic, 1504 Coptic music and, 1727, 1731, 1734-1736 Coptic service translation, 1630 correspondence, 970-971 French-Arabic dictionary, 1284, 1285 homilies on Gabriel, archangel, 1136 homilies of Mark II, 1534 homilies of Proclus, 2019 Ibn Kabar theological encyclopedia, 1634-1635 inscriptions in, 1290 Life of Pachomius in, 1860, 1861 medical texts in, 1922 al-mu‘aqqab term, 1687 Nubians’ use of, 1816 Old Testament version, 1827-1835 papyrus collections, 1890-1896 Psalis in, 1727 Pseudo-Cyril of Alexandria and, 2025 Qustantin translation of Typikon of Saint Sabas, 2046-2047 al-Safi ibn al-‘Assal works, 2075-2079 traditions on John Colobos, Saint, 1361 use in Egyptian government administration, 1168 words designating administration of Egypt, 935 see also Toponymy, Coptic Arab League, 1694 ‘Arab Mitir (village), 703 Aragawi, Ethiopan Saint, 1046 ‘Araj, Al- (oasis), 189-190, 1659 Arbitration, Coptic, 1430, 1431 Arcadia. See Lower Sa‘id Arcadius, Emperor, 93, 789-790, 2033 and Dayr al-Qusayr (Turah) patriarch under, 1914 and Theophilus, Patriarch, church-building, 2248 Archaelaus (martyr), 1552 Archaeological and Anthropological Museum, France, 1187 Archaeological digs. See Excavations Archaeologists Clarke, Somers, 560 Hauser, Walter, 1210 Kaufmann, Carl Maria, 1394 Omar Toussoun, 1841 Sami Gabra, 2090 Seyffarth, Gustavus, 2125 see also Society of Coptic Archaeology; specific subjects and sites Archangel, 190 Coptic art and portraiture, 270, 2004 icons of, 1278 priesthood structure analogy, 2015 see also Gabriel; Michael; Raphael; Suriel Archbishop, 190-191 in church hierarchy, 1229 Coptic in Jerusalem, 1325-1326 Archdeacon, 191 in church hierarchy, 1229 ordination of, 887-888 Archebius, Saint, 2082 Archelaus of Neapolis, Bishop, 192, 1136, 1575 Archellides, Saint, 192, 2082 poetry on, 1985 Archimandrite, 192-194 and hegumenos title, 1215 see also Proestos Archippus (martyr), 1552 Architectural elements of churches, 194-225 aisle, 194 ambulatory, 195, 222 apse, 195-196, 221 atrium, 195 baptistery, 197-200, 198, 199 cancelli, 200-201, 217 ceiling, 201-202 choir, 202 ciborium, 202 coffer, 203 colonnade, 204 column, 202-207, 205, 206, 207 crypt, 208-209 diaconicon, 209 dome, 209-210 gallery, 210 Greco-Roman influence, 260 horseshoe arch, 211 iconostasis, 211-212 khurus, 212-213, 218, 221, 223, 552, 553, 554, 555, 661 maqsurah, 213 naos, 213, 221, 222 narthex, 213-2 14, 222 nave, 215 niche, 2 15-216, 215 pastophorium, 216 pillar, 217 porch, 217 presbytery, 217-218, 220 prothesis, 218 prothyron, 218 return aisle, 218 roof, 218 sacristy, 219 saddleback roof, 220 sanctuary, 220-221 synthronon, 221-222 tetraconch, 222 tribelon, 222 triconch, 222-223 triumphal arch, 223-224 vault, 224-225 see also Altar; Architecture; Basilica; Church architecture in Egypt; Church art; Nubian church architecture; Sculpture in stone; specific churches and monasteries (Dayr) Architectural elements of monasteries. See Architecture; Refectory; specific Dayr headings Architectural fragments, preservation of Coptic, 280 Architectural sculpture at Ahnas, 74-76, 2112, 2116 at al-Ashmunayn, 287-288 church at Dayr Anba Bishoi (Suhaj), 739-740, 770 church at Dayr Anba Shinudah, 769-770 at Dayr Anba Bishoi (Suhaj), 739-740, 770 at Dayr Apa Jeremiah (Saqqara), 776, 776-777 made of wood, 2341-2347, 2342-2346 ornamentation, 275 preservation, 280 in stone, 2112-2117 Architecture Antinoopolis, 146-147, 146, 147 Arab conquest impact on, 275 al-Ashmunayn, 285-287, 286 al-Bagawat, 326 Bawit, 364-366 Dayr Abu Fanah, 699-700, 699 Dayr Abu Matta, 706, 706 Dayr al-‘Adhra, 713, 713, 715, 715 Dayr Anba Bakhum (al-Sawam‘ah Sharq), 730-731, 731 Dayr Anba Bisadah, 733 Dayr Anba Bishoi (Scetis), 735-736, 2056 Dayr Anba Hadra, 745-746, 746 Dayr Anba Samu’il of Qalamun, 760 Dayr Anba Shinudah, 766-769, 767, 768 Dayr al-‘Azab, 784 Dayr al-Bakhit, 786 Dayr al-Bala‘yzah, 787, 787 Dayr al-Baramus, 791-794, 792, 793, 2056 Dayr al-Barshah and Dayr al-Nakhlah, 795-796, 796 Dayr al-Bisrah, 797 Dayr al-Dik, 799 Dayr al-Fakhuri, 803-805, 803, 804 Dayr al-Hammam, 807, 807 Dayr al-‘Izam (Asyut), 809, 809-810 Dayr al-Jabrawi, 81.1-812, 811, 812 Dayr al-Janadlah, 705-706 Dayr al-Kubaniyyah, 815-816, 816 Dayr al-Madinah, 817-818 Dayr al-Majma‘, 820-82 1, 820, 821 Dayr al-Malak Mikha’il, 823, 823 Dayr al-Malak Mikha’il (Qamulah), 827, 828 Dayr Mar Buqtur (Qamulah), 829-830, 830 Dayr Mar Jirjis al-Jadidi, 832-833, 832 Dayr al-Matmar, 836-837 Dayr al-Maymun, 839, 839 Dayr al-Namus, 844 Dayr al-Naqlun, 845-846 Dayr al-Nasara, 847 Dayr Qasriyyah, 850 Dayr Qubbat al-Hawa, 851-852 Dayr al-Qusayr (Turah), 854-855, 855 Dayr al-Rumi, 857 Dayr al-Sab‘at Jibal, 858 Dayr al-Salib, 860 Dayr al-Shuhada’ (Akhmim), 865-866 Dayr al-Shuhada’ (Isna), 869 Dayr Sitt Dimyanah, 872 Dayr al-Suryan, 879-880 earliest Coptic, 269 Ethiopian church, 998, 1425-1426 Ethiopian Orthodox Church, 998 Hathor temple (Dandarah), 690-691, 691 Kellia site, 1401-1405 Kom Namrud, 1418 Monastery of Mark the Evangelist (Qurnat Mar‘i), 2042 Mount Sinai Monastery of Saint Catherine, 1682-1685 Nubian Christian, 1807-1810 octagon-domed church, 1823- 1824 ornamentation, 275 Ramses Wissa Wassef, 2051 Roman, 907 see also Architectural sculpture; Art, historiography of Coptic; Art and architecture, Coptic; Basilica; Church architecture in Egypt; Sculpture in stone Archives, 226-227 of Basilios, 358-359 from Qasr Ibrim, Nubia, 227 see also Libraries; Ostracon; Papyrus collections; Papyrus discoveries Archives of Papas (pagarch), 226, 228-229 Archon, 89, 94, 229 in Concept of Our Great Power, 583 Hypostasis of the Archions, 1261 and John XI, Patriarch, 1344 and selection of patriarch, 1341, 1344, 1998, 1999 Argentina, Coptic collections, 1701 Ari, Saint (martyr), 229, 1552 Ariadne, depicted in Coptic art,1754, 1755 Arianism, 115, 230, 1385, 1669 Alexander I and, 82-84 in Alexandria, 97, 99 Anomoeans, 141-142 Antony of Egypt opposition to, 150 and Apostolic Constitutions authorship, 179 Athanasius I and, 298-302 Basil the Great opposition to, 351-352 Constantine, Bishop of Asyut, and, 591-592 Constantine I and, 589-590 Constantinople, First Council of and, 593-595 and Cyril of Jerusalem, 681 Ethiopian opposition to, 995-997, 999-1000 Exoucontians and, 1081-1082 filioque and, 1112 Gregory of Nyssa opposition to, 1184 Hamai of Kahyor opposition to, 1204 homoiousion and, 1253 hymn collection, 1733 and hypostasis controversy, 1260 and Jacobite rebellion, 93-94 Jerome, Saint, opposition to, 1323 and Melitian schism, 591-592, 1584, 1878 and Nicaea, Council of, 1791-1792 in Pentapolis, 1934 and persecutions in Alexandria, 99 and Peter II, 1947 subordinationism and, 1484 Theodoret on, 2236 and Ulphilas’ conversion of the Goths, 2285 see also Arius; Melitian schism; Semi-Arians Arianus, Saint, 230-231 and Ascla, Saint, 283 and Herpaese and Julianus, Saints, 1225 and Lacaron, Saint, 1424 and Lycopolis martyrdoms, 296 martyrdom of, 1552 and Nabraha, Saint, 1770 and Panine and Paneu legend, 1880, 1881 persecutions by, 296, 1551, 1552, 1553, 1554, 1555, 1557, 1559 and Psote of Scetis, 2031, 2032 and Ter and Erai, Saints, 2209 and Tolemaus, Saint, 2271 Aripsima (martyr), 1552 ‘Arish, Al-, treaty of (1800), 1688 annulment, 1417’ Aristages, Bishop, 1183 Aristarchus, 1618 Aristotelian category of relation, 1114-1115 Arius, 55, 81-85, 230, 231-232 Alexander I and, 8 1-85 anathema declared against, 589-590 Eusebius of Caesarea and, 232, 1070- 1071 hymns of, 1733 influence on Ethiopian theology, 984 on Logos, 1791 on Lucian of Antioch, 1484 on nature of Christ, 173, 232, 547 opposition to homoousion concept, 1253 Peter I and, 1944 seen as Antichrist, 143 and semi-Arians, 2119 and subordinationism,2156-2157 see also Arianism Arius of Shetnusi (martyr), 1552 Ark, as Eucharistic vessel, 1064 Arles, Council of (314), paschal controversy, 1906 Armada (martyr), 1553 Arman (martyr), 1554 Armant (Hermonthis), 233-234, 233 Abraham, Bishop of, 13 ceramics of. See Ceramics, Coptic inscription list of bishops, 1291 John, Saint and Bishop of, 1353- 1354 monasteries in region of, 839-840, 844, 847-848, 849, 863, 1656, 1657, 1658, 2069 papyrus collection, 1895 Pisentius of, 1978 stelae from, 2149, 2150, 2151, 2161-2162, 2168 tombstone material and shape, 1295 Armanus. See Armenius and his mother (martyrs) Armanyus, Mu‘allim, 1737 Armenian language inscriptions in, 1290 manuscripts and documents, 235 Armenians and Copts, 234-235, 764, 782 Gregory the Illuminator evangelization, 1183 monophysitism, 547-548 Arrnenius and his mother (martyrs), 1552, 1555 Army, Roman, 235-238 ammona provisions for, 135-136 and taxation in Egypt, 2203 and Theban Legion, 223 1-2233 see also Castrum; Costume, military Arnobius, on incense use, 1472 Arrowheads, 1605 Arsani al-Misri (Melchite monk), 239 Arsenal of Tunis, 239, 2286 Arsenius (martyr of Diocletian era), 1552 Arsenius and Eulogius (martyrs), 831, 1554 Arsenius of Scetis and Turah, Saint, 32, 65, 240-241, 789, 790, 1976 feast day, 2082 hymns attributed to, 1726 and John Colobos, Saint, 1360 at Monastery of Metanoia, 1608 on mummification, 1697 retirement and death near Dayr al-Qusayr, 853-854 and Theodorus of Pherme, Saint, 2239 and Theophilus, Patriarch, 2249 Arsinoë. See Fayyum, City of Art, Byzantine influences on Coptic, 241-243, 260, 2319 see also Islamic influences on Coptic art Art, church. See Art and architecture; Church art; Monastery paintings; Painting, Coptic mural; Sculpture in stone; specific churches and monasteries Art, Coptic. See Art headings; Icons; Illumination; Monastery paintings; Museums; Painting, Coptic mural; Portraiture; Sculpture in stone Art, Coptic influence on European, 243-250 Ascension and Triumph of Christ, 244-247, 245-247 devil, 247-248, 249 Michael, Saint, 250 Virgo lactans, 243-244, 243 see also Art, Coptic and Irish Art, Coptic and Irish, 251-254, 418-419 Art, Ethiopian. See Ethiopian art Art, historiography of Coptic, 254-261 Art, Irish. See Art, Coptic and Irish Art, Nobatian kingdoms, 1675 Art, Sassanid influences on Coptic. See Sassanid influences on Coptic art Art, Syrian influences on Coptic. See Syrian influences on Coptic art Art and architecture, Coptic, 255, 261-278, 262-278 church art, 355-356 Coptic Museum (Old Cairo) collection, 607-608, 607 historical origins, 261-262 hunting theme, 1258-1259 Islamic influences on, 1310-1312 Louvre (Paris) collection, 1483 at Mareotis, 1527-1528 monastery paintings, 1659-1660 problems of dating, 693-694 State Museum of Berlin collection, 2146-2147 warrior depiction, 2319-2320 see also Architectural elements of churches; Biblical subjects; Bone and ivory carving; Book decoration; Ceramics; Christian subjects; Church architecture in Egypt; Cross, Triumph of; Glass; Metalwork; Monastery paintings; Mythological subjects; Painting, Coptic mural; Portraiture; Sculpture in stone; Statuary; Stela; Symbols in Coptic art; Textiles; Woodwork Artemius (martyr), 1120 Artemon, 1638 Artemus, 1869 Art History Museum, Vienna, 1891 Artifact dating, 693-694 Artisan-service occupations. See Copts in late medieval Egypt Artophorion, as Eucharistic vessel, 1064-1065 Art preservation, 278-280 Art survivals from ancient Egypt,280-282 As‘ad, Al-. See al-Maqrizi As‘ad Abu al-Faraj Hibat Allah ibn al-‘Assal, Al-, 282-283, 1462, 1748, 2075 see also Awlad al-‘Assaal Asbagh, Al- (governor of Egypt),85 Asbah (martyr), 1552 Ascension, Feast of the, 1105, 1125, 1904 Ascension of Christ iconography of, 244-247, 245-247, 555, 556, 558 and orientation toward the East, 1846 Origen on, 1850 pilgrimages and, 1968 Triumph of Christ, 525-526 Ascension of Isaiah, 166 Ascension of Mary. See Assumption Asceticism Abraam I, Saint, 10 and abstinence, 17 Achillas, Saint (monk), 56 Ammonius of Kellia, 113 Aphu, 154 Arsenius of Scetis and Turah, 240-242 Basil the Great, 351 celibacy, 1543 and Coptic doctrine of the Holy Spirit, 1249 Ebionites, 929 Egyptian monasticism compared with Syrian, 1662 and Egyptian monasticism origins, 1661 Elias of Bishwaw, 952-953 Encratites, 958-959 Ethiopian monastic, 993-994 Evagrius Ponticus on, 1076 Gangra, Council of, on, 1138 Hieracas of Leontopolis, 1229 Isaiah of Scetis on, 1306 Isidorus of Pelusium on, 1310 James, Saint, 1320-1321 John Calybites, 1357 John Sabas, 1369 Palamon, Saint, and, 1876 Pambo, Saint, 1877-1878 Paul of Tamma, Saint, 1924, 1925 Pidjimi, Saint, 1966-1967 pilgrimages linked with, 1968 Poemen, 1984 Pshoi of Scetis, 2029 Pshoi of Tud, 2030 Sara, Saint, 2094 seven ascetics of Tunah, 2122 see also Anachoresis; Anchorites; Manichaeism; Monasticism, Pachomian Ascetic Sermon (Stephen the Theban), 2155 Ascla, Saint (martyr), 283, 1552 Asclepiades, 283 as brother of Heraiscus, 1221-1222 as father of Horapollon, 1255-1256 Asclepius 21-29, 284 Asfal al-Ard. See Dayr Asfal al-Ard Asfun al-Mata‘nah, 802 Ashmun, 285, 635 Ashmunayn, Al- (Hermopolis Magna), 37, 114, 285-288 atrium of great church of, 196 basilica, 264 church architecture, 552-553 and Coptic scupture in stone, 2117 Dayr Abu Anub at, 696 Dayr Abu Fanah at, 698 Dayr Apa Anub at, 770 as early bishopric, 1866 and excavations of Sami Gabra, 2090 and flight into Egypt, 233, 841, 1976 history and architecture, 285-287, 286, 287 monasteries at, 1654; see also specific monasteries monastic murals at, 1874 papyms collections, 1891, 1893 Sawirus ibn al-Muqaffa‘ and, 2100 sculpture, 287-288 shrines and pilgrimages to, 1976, 1977 transept, 1212 Ashmun Tanah, 288 Ashraf Khalil, Al-, 1517 Askinah, 288 Aspasmos. See Kiss of Peace Asqalun (martyr), 1552 Asqit. See Scetis Asra. See Pihour, Pisouri, and Asra (martyrs) Assemani, Joseph Aloysius, 289 Assemani, Joseph Simeonis, 289 and ‘Abd al-Masih manuscript attributions, 6 Chronicon Orientale translation by, 548 Assemani, Simon, 289 Assemani, Stephen Evodius, 289 Assemani family, 289 Association of Schools of Upper Egypt, 1330 Assumption, 289-293, 1096 Arabic tradition, 293 Coptic tradition, 290-292 Assumption, Feast of the, 2256 Assumption of the Theotokos, Fast of the, 1094 Astarte (pagan deity), 1150, 1866 Astasi al-Rumi (Eustathius the Greek), 293-294, 1279 Asterisk, as Eucharistic vessel, 1065 Asterius and Lucian of Antioch, 1484 Marcellus and, 1526 Astrolate (magician and martyr), 1552 Aswan, 294-296, 294, 295 gravestone prayer inscriptions, 1294 inscriptions, 764 monasteries near, 850, 870, 1657 Philae and, 1855, 1954 tombstone material, 1295 Aswan, Saint, 2083 Aswan Dam, 1484, 1955 Aswan ware. See Ceramics, Coptic, types Asyut (Lycopolis), 114, 296-297, 1976, 2029 and Bani Kalb, 335 as birthplace of John of Lycopolis, Saint, 1363 Dayr Abu Bifam at, 696, 697 Dayr Abui Maqrufah and Dayr al-Janadlah in, 704 Dayr al-‘Adhra, 714 Dayr al-‘Awanah near, 784 Dayr Anba Sawirus, 760-761 Dayr al-Bisrah, 796-797 Dayr Harmina, 808 Dayr al-‘Izam, 809-810 Dayr al-Jabrawi, 810-812 Dayr al-Muttin, 842-843 Dayr al-Nasara, 848 Dayr Rifah, 855-856 Dayr al-Shalid near, 861 Holy Family visit to, 927 icons of Astasi al-Rumii at, 293-294 as Manichaean center, 1521 Melitian bishopric, 1585 monasteries in region of, 1654-1655, 1658; see also specific monasteries soldier-martyrs at, 1964 see also Coptic Congress of Asyut Asyuti Nasr Luzah, al-, 1466, 1467 ‘Atallah, Philip, 1466 ‘Atallah,Wahib, 1911 Atargatis (pagan deity), 1866 Atfih (bishopric), 849 Athanasia of Minuf, Saint, 31, 1554, 2082 Athanasian Creed, 297-298, 1112 Athanasi al-Misri (monk), 297 Athanasius I, Apostolic Saint and Patriarch, 82, 84, 99, 298-302, 686, 926, 1456, 1478, 1559, 1610, 1666, 1669, 1863, 2032 Abraham of Farshut support of, 12 and Aetius, 141-142 and Alexander I, 84 on anathema, 127-128 and Ansina (Antinoopolis), 142-143 anti-Manichaeism, 1522 and Antony of Egypt, 149-150 Apollinarianism refutation by, 173 on Apostolic Canons, 453 as archdeacon, 191 and Arianism, 232, 590, 609, 1792 and Arianist Exoucontians, 1081-1082 on baptism, 337 and Basil the Great, 351-352 and Besa, Abbot, 378-379 bilingualism in Greek and Coptic, 1178 and bishop’s translation, 398 on canon of the Scripture, 2109 on celibacy, 476, 478 Christology. See subhead nature of Christ on communicatio idiomatum, 578 on communion of the sick, 580 on congregational participation in responsory, 2058 consecration as bishop at age 23, 393-395 on consubstantiation, 597-598 Coptic hymn texts attributed to, 1726, 1733 Coptic text on life of, 1455 on costume of religious, 652 cycle of, 666-667 dates of patriarchy, 1914 and Didascalia, 900 and Didymus the Blind, 900 and doxology, 923 and Epistle to Marcellinus, 567 and Ethiopian Christian conversion, 312-313 and Ethiopian church ties, 980, 995-997, 999-1000 and Ethiopian monasticism, 990-991 on Eucharist, 597-598 and Eusebius of Caesarea, 1070-1071 exile, and aid from unnamed virgin, 2324 exile in Ethiopia, 984 feast day, 2082 and filioque justification, 1115 five exiles of, 299-301 on Gabriel, Archangel, 1136 and Gloria in Excelsis, 1147 on the Holy Spirit, 1249-1250 and homoousion concept, 1253-1254 and hypostatic union, 1262 on Incarnation, 1287, 1288-1290 on Itfih bishopric, 1313 Jerusalem visit, 1324 and John the Baptist relics, 1355 Jovian, Emperor, support for, 1376-1377 and Julian the Apostate, 1381, 1382 and Kallinikos, Bishop, 1089 letters of, 2008 and Life of Antony, 116, 149, 150-151, 728, 1663 on Mareotis, 1527 on martyrology, 1549 and Melitian schism, 1584 on Michael, Archangel, 1619 on miracle of the cross, 660 on musical instruments symbolism, 1738 on nature of Christ, 523, 1638, 1669 on New Testament, 2109-2110 on Nikiou bishops, 1793 and Origen, 471, 1855 and Pambo, Saint, 1878 patristic writings, 1920, 1921 Philostorgius on, 1959 poetry on, 1985, 1986 and power of Alexandrian See, 913, 914 on Psoï, 2030 and Sabellianism, 2072 and Sakha, 2087 on Samannud, 2090 and Sarapion of Tmuis, Saint, 2087, 2095-2096 successor, 1947 and Theodorus of Alexandria, Saint, 2055, 2238 and Theophilus, Patriarch, 2248 and Timothy I, 2263 and Western monasticism, 417 on wooden altar, 580 writings, 301-302, 1920, 1921 Athanasius II, Saint and Patriarch, 302, 2082 and Acacian schism, 44 dates of patriarchy, 1915 Athanasius III, Saint and Patriarch, 33, 302-303 burial site, 848 contemporaries, 686 dates of patriarchy, 1917 and Yusab, Bishop, 2359 Athanasius 1(1725-1766), Archbishop of Jerusalem, 1325 Athanasius, Bishop of Jerusalem, and Coptic relations with Rome, 610 Athanasius of Anazarbus (Collucianist), 1484 Athanasius of Antioch (Jacobite patriarch), 304 Athanasius of Clysma (martyr), 304-306, 1140, 1552 Athanasius of Qus, Bishop, 303-304, 829, 1106, 1132, 2045 Athenaeus (2nd-century author), on Church of Saint Michael, 1617 Athenagoras, 1472, 1867 Atheniensis, 1445 Athom (martyr), 1558 Athribis. See Atrib Atiya, Aziz S., 1230 Atnatewos, Ethiopian prelate, 1036-1037 Atonement, 306-307, 1287 Atrasis (martyr), 1552 Atrib, 307 Greek inscriptions found at, 1292 toponymy, 2272 Atripe. See Suhaj Atris, 307-308 Atrium, 195, 1414 Atticus, Patriarch of Constantinople, 2033 Audians, 143 Audientia episcopalis, 308 ancient correspondence on, 401 curtailments, 945 on penalization, 1931 see also Interdict Augury. See Lecanoscopy Augustine, Saint, 921, 1921 on archdeacon rank, 191 on baptism and immersion, 1286 on canon of Scripture, 2110 and conversion, 151 description of heaven, 1214 on Egyptian worship, 1867 on incense use, 1472 and Joseph the Carpenter, Saint, 1371 on Kiss of Peace, 1416 on Last Judgment, 1379 and Lord’s Prayer, 1481 on marriage, 1543 on mummification, 1697 Neoplatonist influence on, 1982 patristic writings, 1920, 1921 and Pelagius, 1929, 1930 onTrinity, 1114-1115 Augustus. See Octavian Augustus Aur (Coptic legend), 845 Aurelianus, Emperor, 1556 patriarch under, 1914 Aurelius Achilleus, 906 Aurelius of Carthage, Bishop, 921 Aurelius Victor, 907 Australia Coptic churches, 1622-1623 Coptic collections, 1701 Austria Coptic churches, 1624 Coptic collections, 1702, 2049 papyrus collections, 1891 Authentikos Logos, 309 and Interpretation of Knowledge, 1301 ‘Awad, Ahmad Hafiz, 1990 ‘Awad, Jirjis Philuthawus, 1911 ‘Awad, Louis, 1995 Awlad al-‘Assal, family of, 309-311 and al-Safi ibn al-‘Assal, 2075 works of, 1462-1463 see also Fakhr al-Dawlah Abu al-Mufaddal ibn al-‘Assal Awshim. See Karanis Awshiyah, 311 Awshiyah, melodies of. See Music, Coptic Awsim, 311-312 Axum (Aksum), 312-313, 1802 Aybak, Sultan, 1517 ‘Ayin. See Appendix ‘Ayn ‘Amur (ruins), 313, 1658 ‘Ayn Bardah, 728 see also Monasteries of the Eastern Desert ‘Ayn al-Ghazal, 1517 ‘Ayn Murrah, 314 inscription list of monks, 1291 ‘Ayn Nisimah. See Qasr Nisimah Ayrout, Habib, Father, 1330 ‘Ayyad Bishay, 1465 Ayyubid dynasty and the Copts, 314-315, 1534, 1535, 2037 and Islamization, 940 Azari, 315-316, 1649, 1652 Azhar ‘Abdallah al-Shabruhi, Al-, Shaykh, 1538 Azhar University, Al-, 1465 ‘Aziz, Al-, Caliph, 1097, 1098, 1461, 1524 ‘Azmi, Mahmud, 1995 B_______________________ Baalsemes (pagan deity), 1500-1501 Ba‘arat, 800 Babah (second month of Coptic calendar), 438, 440, 2175-2176 Babij, 317 Babluhiyyah. See Tanis Babnuda. See Paphnutius the Hermit, Saint Babylas, Bishop of Antioch, 889, 1552 Babylon, 92, 317-323 Arab seizure of, 100, 185-187, 655 castrum of, 465 metropolitan see of, 1613 Qasr al-Sham‘ fortress, 2038 on route of flight into Egypt, 1118 as shipbuilding center, 89 see also Church of al-Mu‘allaqah; Misr Bacchus (martyr), 1558 Bacchylides, 1889 Bachatly, Charles, 323, 779 Bacheus, 324 Badari, Al-monasteries at, 1655 pilgrimages to, 1971 Badasius (martyr), 1552 Badet, Louis, 1743 Badr al-Jamali, 324-325, 782, 1099, 1128, 1535, 1574 Bagawat, Al-, 326-329, 327, 328 inscriptions found at, 1290, 1291 necropolis at, 1873 Bagham ibn Baqurah al-Sawwaf, 329-330, 329-330 Bahariyyah, al-, 1658 Bahij, 330 Bahjurah, 330 Bahna (martyr), 1552 Bahnam and Sarah (martyrs), 1552 Bahnasa, Al-, 330, 808 and Bani Suef, 335 and Butrus, Bishop, recasting of Holy Week Scripture readings, 1251 Coptic sculpture in stone at, 2112, 2116 remains and representations of Coptic clothing. See Costume, civil Bahnasawi, Al-. See Latson, Saint Bahram I, 1519 Bahram, Vizier, 702, 764, 782, 1128 Bahrein, Coptic churches in, 1621 Babri Mamluks, 750 Bahr Yusuf, Dayr Balujah and, 788 Bahtit (village), 1655 Ba’issah. See Athanasia of Minuf, Saint Bajuj (martyr), 1552 Bajuri, Shaykh Ibrahim, al-, 330-331, 1636 Bajush (martyr), 1552 Bakhanis-Tmoushons, 331, 731-732, 1656 Bakharas. See Faras Bakhumius of Beheira, Bishop, 1624 Bakhum, Saint. See Pachomius, Saint Bakr al-Shadhli, Abu, 884 Bakwa. See Menarti Balagh, Al- (publication), 1990 Balana (martyr), 1552 Balances. See Weights and balances Baldachin, 332 Baldwin (Bardawil) (crusader), 1090, 1488 Balestri, Giuseppe, 332 Ballana kingdom and culture, 332-333 Nubian evangelization, 1802 and royal tombs of Nobatae kings, 1797 and Talmis, 2200 Ballas, Al-, 333 Balujah. See Dayr Balujah Balyana, Al-, Dayr Anba Bakhum near, 729 Bamha, 1653 Bana, 333-334, 925 Banawan, al-, 334 Bane, Abba, 698 Bani Ezra (synagogue), 320 Bani Hasan and Speos Artemidos, 334-335 Bani Kalb, 335 Bani Khasib. See Minya Bani Murr, pilgrimages to, 1971 Bani Musa. See Dayr Abu Musa Banina (martyr), 1552 Bani Ridah, Dayr al-‘Adhra, 714 Bani Suef, 335 Dayr al-Sanquriyyah, 861 women’s religious community, 2325 Banu al-Kanz, 335-336, 344, 1955 and Nubian Islamization, 1803 Banu al-Muti (Christian clan), 1959 Bapheús (Coptic textile term), 2221 Baptism, 336-338, 1699 and absolution of women, 339 administration of, 336-338 Apostles’ Creed during, 178-179 awshiyahi recited during, 311 candle use during, 446 circumcision relationship with, 1106 and confirmation, 585-586 deaconesses’ assistance at, 888 Dialogue of the Savior on, 898 Didache on, 898 Dionysius the Great on rebaptism of repentant apostates, 910 and Epiphany, 1103 and Eucharist, 1056 features of, 336-338 Hippolytus on, 182 and immersion, 1285-1286 importance in Coptic family life, 1087 of infants, 338 instruction for. See Catechumen Monophysites on, 1673 and Nicene Creed, 1792-1793 origin of, 336-338 Paraphrase of Shem on, 1902 and Paul’s laying-on of hands, 1433 Pelagianism on, 1930 and pilgrimages, 1968 poem in Ordo on, 1132 rite of, 137-138 ritual books for, 1729 statements of faith, 178-179 turning toward the East during, 1846 Baptismal font. See Baptistery Baptism of Jesus depicted in Coptic art, 529-530, 537 see also Epiphany Baptistery, 197-200, 198, 199 Baptistery, consecration of, 342-343 Baqirah (deacon), 1573 Baqt Treaty, 343-344, 547, 1099, 1514, 2037 Ibn Salim al-Aswani and, 1271 and Nubian independence, 921, 1800, 1802 Baramhat (seventh month of Coptic calendar), 439, 442, 2181-2183 Baramudah (eighth month of Coptic calendar), 439, 442, 2183-2184 Baramun, al-, 344-345, 1556 Baramusi, Father Antonios, al-, 1622 Barari, al-. See Pilgrimages Barbara (martyr), 1552-1553 Barbarikários (Coptic weaving term), 2221 Barbish, 349 Barbiyyah, 1649 Bardenhewer, Otto, 345, 1921 Bardesanes (Syrian writer), 1635 Bar Hebraeus, 345-346, 1923 Bari, Council of (1098), 1113 Barjanus, Dayr Anba Bakhum, 729 Barjawan (tutor to al-Hakim), 18 Barkalas (martyr), 1553 Barlam and Yuwasaf, 346 Barmius. See Primus Barnabas (Judaic-Christian missionary in A