ARCTIC The Thick-billed Murre Population of the Thule District, Greenland

indicated a total of 285 000 murres present at the five colonies in the area, corresponding to about 214 000 breeding pairs. Counts of large murre colonies are likely to underestimate numbers, and the true population size probably falls in the range of 210 000- 250 000 pairs. The need for future mon...

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Other Authors: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
Format: Text
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Summary:indicated a total of 285 000 murres present at the five colonies in the area, corresponding to about 214 000 breeding pairs. Counts of large murre colonies are likely to underestimate numbers, and the true population size probably falls in the range of 210 000- 250 000 pairs. The need for future monitoring is stressed in light of the threat to murre populations posed by human activities such as hunting, petroleum development, and commercial fisheries. Other seabird species recorded during the survey, including the Atlantic puffin (Frutercula arcticu) and the Razorbill (Alcu tordu), are briefly referred to. Key words: thick-billed murre, Uriu lornviu, Greenland, Thule, seabirds RESUME. En 1987, on a effectue un releve de la population de marmettes de Brunnick (Uria lomuid dans le district de Thule au nord du Groenland. Le comptagea partir de photos revelela presencede 285 OOOmarmettes dans les cinqcolonies de la region, ce qui correspond?I environ214 000 couples reproducteurs. Le comptage dimportantes colonies sous-estime probablement le nombre doiseaux, et la taille reelle de la population se situe sans doute dans la gamme de 210 000 a 250 000 couples. On souligne le besoin a l'avenir de surveiller la population de marmettes de Brunnick, en tenant compte de la menace que constituent pour cet oiseau les activites humaines comme la chasse, l'exploitation pktroliere et la p6che commerciale.