ARCTIC Maximum Storm Surge Elevations in the Tuktoyaktuk Region

ABSTRACT. Storm surges are a significant concern in the siting and design of structures along the Beaufort Sea coast in that the coast lreli f is low and the magnitude of surges in this region is large. Coastal storm surge elevations along the southern Canadian Beaufort Sea coast were documented by...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Of The Canadian Beaufort Sea, John R. Harper, R. Falconer Henry, Gordon G Stewart
Other Authors: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
Format: Text
Published: 1987
Online Access:
Summary:ABSTRACT. Storm surges are a significant concern in the siting and design of structures along the Beaufort Sea coast in that the coast lreli f is low and the magnitude of surges in this region is large. Coastal storm surge elevations along the southern Canadian Beaufort Sea coast were documented by surveying log debris lines in the Kugmallit Bayfluktoyaktuk region. Careful attention to site selection and survey technique resulted in es imated errors in surge elevation measurements of less than k0.3 m. The data indicate a local surge maximum has occurred at Tuktoyaktuk at approximately 2.4 above mean sea level (MSL); lower maximum surge elevations (2 m above MSL) were documented to the north and west of Tuktoyaktuk. There is no evidence that higher surges have occurred during the last 100 years. A surge that occurred in August 1986 measured approximately 1.6 m above MSL at Tuktoyaktuk and decreased to approximately 1.4 m above MSL 20 km to the north and west of Tuktoyaktuk. These surge elevation data provide a basis for the calibration of numerical models of surge and can be used directly in siting and design analysis of coastal structures. Key words: Beaufort Sea coast, storm surges, Kugmallit Bay, Tuktoyaktuk RÉSUMÉ. La houle des tempêtes est une pkoccupation importante dans le choix de l’emplacement et dans le plan des constructions le long de la côte de la mer de Beaufort, du fait du relief côtier peu prononct et de l’amplitude e s grande de la houle destempétes dans cette rtgion. On a recueilli des donntes sur le niveau côtier de la houle des tempêtes le long de la côte sud de la mer de Beaufort au Can da, en faisant le lev6 des lignes de debris de bois flottés dans la région de Tuktoyaktuk et de la baie de Kugmallit. En r ison du soin apport6 au choix des sites et A la technique de mesure, on estime que l’erreur