The Bacterial Quality of Lake Waters at Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

ABSTRACT. A study was conducted to measure the degree of contamination of lake waters at Yellowknife produced by the disposal of domestic wastes, and to assess the suitability of these waters for domestic use. None of the samples analysed met Canadian standards for drinking water. Though the bacteri...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: J. B. Bell, J. F. J. Zaal, J. M. Vanderposy
Other Authors: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
Format: Text
Online Access:
Summary:ABSTRACT. A study was conducted to measure the degree of contamination of lake waters at Yellowknife produced by the disposal of domestic wastes, and to assess the suitability of these waters for domestic use. None of the samples analysed met Canadian standards for drinking water. Though the bacterial quality of the main body of water was found to be good, there was contamination at points of discharge of sewage and near storm drains, marsh muds and sediments. It is recom-mended that the City of Yellowknife seek an alternative site for sewage disposal and give adequate publicity to the dangers of using inadequately treated water. Rl%UMl!i. La qualitk bactkrienne des eaw lacustres d Yellowknife, Territoires du Nord-Ouest. Une dtude a dtd men & a h de mesurer le degr6 de contamination des eaux lacustres de Yellowknife produite par l'koulement des ddchets domestiques et d'dvaluer la salubrité de ces eaux destinées B l'usage domestique. Aucun des prdlhvements analyst % ne se conformait aux standards canadiens régissant l'eau potable. Bien que la qualitd bactdrienne de l'ensemble des e a u ait 6td bonne, on trouva de la contamination aux points de ddversement des dgouts dans les lacs, prhs des bouches d'égouts, dans la boue et sddiments mardcageux. On a recommand6 B la ville de Yellowknife de trouver un autre endroit pour le ddchargement des 6gouts et de faire une publicit6 sufiante pour mettre le public en garde contre les dangers d'utiliser des eaux inaddquatement traitdes.