Postglacial Uplift at Tanquary Fiord, Northern Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories I

ABSTRACT. From the radiocarbon ages of samples of marine shells and peat, al postglacial upiift curve has been constructed for the upper part of Tanquary Fiord; in northern Ellesmere Island. The data show that the head of the fiord was clear of glacial ice by at least 6,500 years ago. From 6,500 to...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: G. Hattersley-smithl, Austin Long
Other Authors: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
Format: Text
Online Access:
Summary:ABSTRACT. From the radiocarbon ages of samples of marine shells and peat, al postglacial upiift curve has been constructed for the upper part of Tanquary Fiord; in northern Ellesmere Island. The data show that the head of the fiord was clear of glacial ice by at least 6,500 years ago. From 6,500 to 5,000 years ago isostatic uplift was at the rate of about 3.5 mJ100 yr. and subsequently at the rate of about' 25 cm./100 yr. RIbUMfi. On a construit, à partir d'kchantillons de coquillages marins et de tourbe datCs au radiocarbone, une courbe du relisvement postglaciaire pour la partie su$-rieure du fiord de Tanquary, dans le nord de l%le d'Ellesmere. Les donnBes mon-, treat que la partie amont du fiord &ait libre de glace il y a moins de 6,500 ans. Entre 6,500 et 5,000 av.p., le reli?vement isostatique s'est produit au rythme d'envi-ron 3,5-m par sikle: par la suite, le rythme a 6th d'environ 25 cm/siiscle.