Trophic relationships at high Arctic ice edges

ABSTRACT. At ice edges in the Canadian High Arctic, seabirds and marine mammals eat arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) and, to a lesser extent, zooplankton (calanoid copepods and Parathemisto) and ice-associated amphipods. Cod eat ice-associated amphipods, other ice-associated taxa (harpacticoid and cycl...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Michael S W. Bradstreet, William E. Cross
Other Authors: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
Format: Text
Published: 1982
Online Access:
Summary:ABSTRACT. At ice edges in the Canadian High Arctic, seabirds and marine mammals eat arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) and, to a lesser extent, zooplankton (calanoid copepods and Parathemisto) and ice-associated amphipods. Cod eat ice-associated amphipods, other ice-associated taxa (harpacticoid and cyclopoid copepods), and zooplankton. Calanoid copepods, Parathemisto, and the ice-associated amphipods studied (Onisirnus glacialis, Apherusa glacialis, Gammarus wilkitzkii) all eat primarily diatom algae characteristic of the under-ice flora. From this information, a food web at the ice edge is constructed. Key words: trophic relationships, arctic, ice edges, seabirds, marine mammals, cod, epontic community, zooplankton RÉSUMÉ. En bordure des glaces dans l’Arctique polaire canadien, les oiseaux de mer et les mammifkres marins se nourissent de morue arctiques (Eoreogadus saida) et, quoique dans une moindre mesure, de zooplanctons (coptpodes calanoides et Parathemisto) et d’amphipodes associés?t la glace. La morue se noumt d’amphipodes ainsi que d’autres taxons (copepodes harpacticoides et cyclopes) tous associes ii la glace, et de zooplancton. Les copdpodes calanoides Parathemisto, et les amphipodes associes ii la glace qui ont et6 ttudiks (Onisimus glacialis, Apherusa glacialis, Gammarus wilkitzkii) tirent tous leur substance principale d’une algue diatomke commune il. la flore trouvee sous la glace. A partir de cette information, une chaine alimentaire est donc construite pour la bordure des glaces. Traduit par Pierre Bibeau, Arkéos Inc., Montréal.