ARCTIC Uma Saami Native Harvest Data Derived from Royal Swedish Taxation Records 1557-1614

hunting society in northem Sweden. The Saami made tax payments during the Scandinavian Late Middle Ages to Crown sheriffs in natural harvest products according to standardized equivalents. These natural goods were obtained in three areas of subsistence- hunting/trapping, fishing, and primitive reind...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Robert P. Wheelersburg
Other Authors: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
Format: Text
Published: 1991
Online Access:
Summary:hunting society in northem Sweden. The Saami made tax payments during the Scandinavian Late Middle Ages to Crown sheriffs in natural harvest products according to standardized equivalents. These natural goods were obtained in three areas of subsistence- hunting/trapping, fishing, and primitive reindeer husbandry, allowing for a graphic depiction of the economic performance of extended Saami families during this period prior to the adoption of modem reindeer herding. The native harvest, combined with ethnohistorical information, provides a model for reconstructing tradi-tional circumpolar economies. Key words: Saami (Lapps), hunting economy, reindeer, taxation, Sweden, native harvest &SUM & Les registres des redevances royales de 1557 h 1614 foumissent des donnks de r&olte pour des analyses descriptives et quantitatives de la socibtC de chasseurs de rennes Samits (Lapons) dans la Sui?.de septentrionale. Durant la fin du Moyen Age scandinave, les Samits payaient, aux reprbsentants de la Couronne, des imp6ts en nature sous forme de produits kcolt&, selon des equivalents normalisbs. Ces marchandises naturelles provenaient de trois domaines de subsistance- chasse et pibgeage, p€che et blevage primitif du renne, ce qui permet d’illustrer la performance Cconomique des familles (au sens blargi) samits au cours de la p6riode pr&edant la pratique modeme de I’blevage du renne. L’information concer-nant les pklkvements autochtones, jointe h des renseignements ethnohistoriques, offre. un m d l e permettant de reconstmire les Bconomies circumpo-laires traditionnelles.