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An tarctica, \\'as studied between 1985 and 1989. The ice cap has an a\'C rage thickness of 120 m. it is temperate, ex ists under th e sub-Antarctic maritime climate a nd a lmost completely cO\'ers th e isla nd. O\\'ing to intense p e rcola ti on of mclt\\'ater (and, to some...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Glaciological Studies On Nelson Isl, South Shetl, J. R. P F:tit, J. J Olzel
Other Authors: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
Format: Text
Online Access:
Summary:An tarctica, \\'as studied between 1985 and 1989. The ice cap has an a\'C rage thickness of 120 m. it is temperate, ex ists under th e sub-Antarctic maritime climate a nd a lmost completely cO\'ers th e isla nd. O\\'ing to intense p e rcola ti on of mclt\\'ater (and, to some extent, liquid precipi ta tion), the sno\\' · firn layer is in the soakcd facies, with a firn ice transition at a d epth of 25 26 m at th e summit. \ fo rce-ba la nce m odel suggests tha t th e ice is a lmost li nearly \·iscous but has a hig h \·iscosit y. The m od el further suggests that basal sliding makes a larger contribution to th e ice m ovement th an d oes ice deformat ion. Fl'Om 1970 to 1988, the a\'erage accumulation rate was 120 kg m:2 a I a t th e centre, a nd bet\\een [985 and 1989 the equilibrium-line ele\'ation averaged 110 m a.s.l. Analysis of chemical impurities in the surface sn o \\ ' suggests tha t the prec ipi tation source is ma inly loca [ marine air m asses and tha t human acti\'ity has a I reacl), exerted a d etec ta ble influence on th e local el1\'i ron me n t. 1. INTRODUCTION of ten isla ncl s exceeding lOO km 2 in area and a number of During the past f'ew decad es, Antarctic g laciological research has a ttrac ted widespread a ttention and has