ABSTRACT. A reconnaissance was mad e of one of two small ice caps near the R obeson C ha nnel coast of northern ElIes mere I sland. It is shown that, after a period of net wastage, this ice cap is now thickening slightly and extending its margins. T he present regime of the ice cap is a direct resul...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Reco Naissance, Of A Small, Ice Cap Near
Other Authors: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
Format: Text
Online Access:http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
Summary:ABSTRACT. A reconnaissance was mad e of one of two small ice caps near the R obeson C ha nnel coast of northern ElIes mere I sland. It is shown that, after a period of net wastage, this ice cap is now thickening slightly and extending its margins. T he present regime of the ice cap is a direct resul t of gen era ll y cooler su mmers in the last decad e. RESUME. Exp loration d'une petite calolle glaciaire pres de St Patrick B ay, detroit de R obeson, nord de I'fle Ellesrnere, Canada. V ne explora tion eA"ectu ee prt':s d es cotes du detroit R obeson d 'u ne des d eux petites calottes glaciaires d e l'ile Ellesmere nord a montre qu'apres une period e de nelte ablation la calotte s'epaissit legerement et etend ses bords. Le regime present d e la calotte glaciaire resulte directement des temperatures es tivales plus froides rcncontrees pendant la derniere d ecennie. Z USAMMENFASSUNG. ErkullduIIg eines kleinen Eisschildes lIahe der SI Patrick-Bay, Robesoll-Channel, Nord-Ellesmere Island, Kanada. Eine Erkundung gait einem der beidcn kleinen Eisschilde nahe de l " R obeson-Cha nnel-Ktiste auf der niirdlichen Ellesmere-Island. Es wird gezeigt, d ass dieser Eisschild nach einer Period e d es N etto M assenverlustes j etzt allma hlich an Dicke zunimmt und seine R a nder a usdehnt. Das gegenwartige V erha lten