Arctic Marine Phototrophic Systems: Functions of Sea Ice Stabilization

ABSTRACT. A forgotten nineteenth-century report provides evidence that there are two floras, not one, on the bottom of arctic sea ice, distinguishable in time, species composition, and, perhaps, nutrient condition. A halocline flora is also noted from recent studies that is analogous in habitat to t...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: S. Apollonio
Other Authors: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
Format: Text
Online Access:
Summary:ABSTRACT. A forgotten nineteenth-century report provides evidence that there are two floras, not one, on the bottom of arctic sea ice, distinguishable in time, species composition, and, perhaps, nutrient condition. A halocline flora is also noted from recent studies that is analogous in habitat to the ice floras. Thus at least three separate autotrophic systems augment phytoplankton production in arctic seas. These augmenting systems seem to be a function of stability provided by sea ice. Key words: sea ice, ice algae, phytoplankton, halocline flora, ecosystem stability RESUME. Un rapport oublid du 19e sibcle fournit la preuve qu’il existe deux flores, et non pas un seule, au-dessous de la glace marine arctique, et que les deux peuvent Stre distinguds quant it leur Pge, leur composition par esp&ces et parfois, leur condition nutritive. Une flore halocline dont I’habitat est analogue it la flore glaciale est aussi signal6e B partir d’dtudes r6centes. Donc, au moins trois systkmes autotrophes distincts augmentent la production de phytoplancton dans marine. les mers arctiques. Ces systkmes en pleine croissance semblent rdsulter de la stabilitd assurde par la glace Mots cl6s: glace marine, algue marine, phytoplancton, flore halocline, stabilitd de 1’6cosystkme Traduit pour le journal par Maurice Guibord. Microalgae in polar sea ice have attracted attention in the last 20 years with the publication of reports by Canadian, Russian