Analyzing Software Errors in Safety-Critical

A bstrad ‘J’llis IJa})cr arlalyzcs the mot causes of safety-rdatccl softwa,m faults ill safety-critical, clnbecldcd systems. ‘J’IIc rcsults show that software faults idmitif[ccl as potentially hazardous to tltcsystmm arcdistrjbutcd solnewllat djffcrcnt]y ovm l,llc set c)f}jc)ssilJle c]]orca l]sestl]...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: L-rlbc Ddcd Elystcms
Other Authors: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
Format: Text
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Summary:A bstrad ‘J’llis IJa})cr arlalyzcs the mot causes of safety-rdatccl softwa,m faults ill safety-critical, clnbecldcd systems. ‘J’IIc rcsults show that software faults idmitif[ccl as potentially hazardous to tltcsystmm arcdistrjbutcd solnewllat djffcrcnt]y ovm l,llc set c)f}jc)ssilJle c]]orca l]sestl]all]lc)1]-safcty-rclatccl softwarcfaults. Safety-rdatcd softwarccrrcm arcs how]l to ariscmost, commonly fro]n (1) disc. repa]lcies bctwcc]l tlledocumcntcd rcquirmnmlts spcc.ific.atjo]ls arid tllc rcqui]mnmlts NCCXICC1 for corrcc.t fu~lctio]lin?; of tile systmn Md (?, )]]lis~l]](lersta]lclillgs c)f t,}ic software’s i]itcrfacc With tile rest of tllc syst,c]rl. ~1’hc pal)cr uses tllesc results to?;uidc tllc idc]ltificaticj]-l of strategies tc)]~rcvcvlt sur.11 errors in otllcr similar s.ystcms. ‘J’}Ic goal is to rcducc safety-rdatcd softwarccrfors Fi]ld to CII?l?LIICC ~hC! SafCty Of COI1l])]CX, Cllllldd(!d S~StCII)S. 1 0 ln~roduct)ion ‘1’lIis paper examines 387 software faults uncovcmd during i])tcgration and systc)n lmtiI)g of two spacecraft, Voyager and Cal i lco, ‘J’l)e sta)ldard IIlltlt clcfi]litions of a jculi as ‘(a]nar]ifcstation of an error in software. Syllonylnous wit}) L1/g; ” of a]) cmor as “]]u]narl actio]l tJIat rcsu]ts i]] software co])taining a fault;’) and of a jailurc as ‘(an cwcIIt in whicl) a systcln 01 systcm co]n])oIIc]It clocs not])crfor]n a required functioI] witlli]] s])ccificd]ilnits’> alc used IIcm [7, 8]. Eacl] of tl)c 387 software faults was documented at tl]c ti]nc of discovery by a fc)r]n dcscribil]g the anomaly or failure tl}at indicatd tllc cxistcu]cc of a softwtirc fault. ‘J’IIc form also rccorclcd the subscqucIIt analysis aIId tlIc mrrcctivc actions]. As part of the starldard procdurc for corrccti)]g cad] rcportcxl software fault, tl)c failure cffcc.t of cacll is classified as negligible, sig]lifica]lt, or catastrop]lic. ‘1’hose c.lassifid as significar)t or catastrophic arc i]]vcstigatccl by a systmns safety arlalyst as rcprcsc]]ti]]g])otcntia.1