
碩士 國立政治大學 俄羅斯研究所 105263010 2014年爆發克里米亞事件,西方各國連聲撻伐俄羅斯,並引發一系列對俄之經濟制裁。此事件重挫俄國原與歐洲傳統的緊密關係,其轉而加深與亞洲之間的外交動向,尤其是與中國的經濟與戰略合作。本論文將先行分析2014年至2018年底的西方經濟制裁,歐美兩方對制裁內容間的分歧、各自對克里米亞事件所持觀點,以及與俄羅斯的親疏程度。再來探究對於俄羅斯經濟所造成的影響。而後進入本論文主題,探究2014年制裁前之俄中關係,與此制裁後至2019年年初,其係如何深化俄中間的交流合作,並將俄中關係的加深以戰略、能源及金融貿易三大層面,並各舉一到二個個案作詳細分析。\n...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: 何祖儀, Ho, Tsu-I
Other Authors: 林永芳, Lin, Yung-Fang
Format: Thesis
Published: 2019
Online Access:https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw//handle/140.119/124986
Summary:碩士 國立政治大學 俄羅斯研究所 105263010 2014年爆發克里米亞事件,西方各國連聲撻伐俄羅斯,並引發一系列對俄之經濟制裁。此事件重挫俄國原與歐洲傳統的緊密關係,其轉而加深與亞洲之間的外交動向,尤其是與中國的經濟與戰略合作。本論文將先行分析2014年至2018年底的西方經濟制裁,歐美兩方對制裁內容間的分歧、各自對克里米亞事件所持觀點,以及與俄羅斯的親疏程度。再來探究對於俄羅斯經濟所造成的影響。而後進入本論文主題,探究2014年制裁前之俄中關係,與此制裁後至2019年年初,其係如何深化俄中間的交流合作,並將俄中關係的加深以戰略、能源及金融貿易三大層面,並各舉一到二個個案作詳細分析。\n\n俄中兩國原就已商談多年各層面的合作協議,卻大多遲遲未有定論,因2014年烏克蘭危機的催化下,加速俄中合作大門,中國成為俄羅斯東向政策外交重心。俄羅斯為一介能源與軍事強國,無論是世界油氣蘊藏量或係武器技術含量皆頗具影響力;而中國為俄第一大鄰國,且是國際上頗具份量的經濟體。此次制裁將使俄羅斯的外交重心漸移向亞太地區,俄中之間的深化合作與互動,將持續牽動國際關係動向。 In 2014, the Political status of Crimea occurred. Western countries teamed up and had an outcry about it, and started a series of economic sanctions against Russian. This incident had a serious impact on the close relation Russia and Europe originally had, and strengthened the diplomatic tendency between Russia and Asia, especially economical and strategical cooperation with China. In this thesis, the Western Economic Sanctions from 2014 to 2018 will be analyzed. Also, the different opinions of Europe and the U.S. about these sanctions, their views about the Political status of Crimea, and how close their relation is with Russia will be discussed. Also, how the above caused impact on Russia’s economic will be discussed as well. Next, moving on to the main topic of this thesis, the Russo-Chinese Relation before the sanctions in 2014, and the Russo-Chinese Relation after the sanctions till the early 2019 will be discussed. Also, how the sanctions strengthened the communication and cooperation between Russia and China will be talked about. Then, the three aspects of the strengthened relationship, which are strategy, power source, finance and trading, will be discussed and exemplified with one or two individual cases, and the cases will be analyzed thoroughly.\n\nRussia and China had been discussing about cooperation agreements of various matters for years, yet nothing has really been confirmed. However, the Ukrainian Crisis in 2014 turned out to be an activator, and speeded up the cooperation between Russia and China. Therefore, ...